Deleted my TR Char on Miller. Reason? TR is seriously broken.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sikab, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. Sikab

    Hello dear community.

    So in the past few days. We all witnessed the flood of "OMFG TR OP NEEERF". I was one of those who defended TR with sentences like

    "You are just bad" "L2P NC" "Just learn to Burst Fire" and similar stuff like that.

    I honestly said those things and i did mean them. BUT... My friends who do play NC/VS finally made me to do some testing with the 3 Factions Default/Sidegrades (only with those which we owned all 3 variants of).

    We just finished it. What were the results you might wonder...

    I deleted my TR HA out of shame!

    How the hell was I so blind. On paper TR might have a faster TTK with only a few milisec... but that's on paper, in "reality" that extra RoF, lack of Bloom, lack of Recoil... and if that wasn't enough, the already superior Faction gets + Ammo on every class just so it will be even more "noob friendly and forgiving".

    I do apologize here: Sorry NC and VS for arguing with you. You were right, i was Wrong. Out of the 2 faction NC needs the more love... much much more love. I did argue about balance issues cause when Beta ended i remembered NC being OK weapon wise. I have no idea what changed when PS2 Launched, but it's wrong...

    So that's it. I restarted on the same server, and joined forces with VS :)

    PS.: This is not a sarcastic post.
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  2. RobotNinja

  3. Good_Kitty

    I feel vanu is superior, but the minds that play on vanu are not.
  4. Protios

    Clearly didn't test the MBT's.

    Let me know how badly a Vanguard with their shield melts you when you're deployed.
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  5. Tharrak

    Dear OP, remember to change your avatar. ;)

  6. Sikab

    thanks for reminding me :)
  7. Firepower01

    I've been considering joining up with the Vanu also. Partly because I agree with their philosophy more, and partly because the NC just really sucks.

    Too bad they all wear spandex.
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  8. Xasapis

    Well, for me it's not spandex. It's that ultra cool uniform from the Crysis games.
    NC look like autobots, especially their max unit.
    TR ... not sure. A bit of a steampunk, Flash Gordon feeling into their design.

    On topic, it's a bit weird that TR are the most populated faction by a fair margin. I wonder what triggered that, was it just the weapons or is the overall look appealing in a way I don't understand?
  9. Zapon


    ...So we're running nanosuits 2.0? Nice to know the Sovereignty's been packing tech under our suits along with all the nano stuff.
  10. RobotNinja

    And the VS take their orders from a guy who sounds like Galvatron. :p
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  11. Frigidus

    I know that the HA's are out of whack, but please don't use a blanket statement like "TR is OP". If they nerfed TR across the board I'd probably delete my character too; I have enough trouble with my LA as it is.

    Well, the NC's music is cringe inducing and the Vanu have **** suits (I know some people like the Vanu uniforms, but that's my reason).
  12. Xonal

    Don't underestimate the few hundred millisecond differences, they are the what is between winning and losing. If you're only 200ms behind in TTK on your Vanu weapon now compared to a TR equivalent and you come up against a TR player who you have a better reaction speed than so start shooting first, you've only accomplished a leveled playing field between you by being the better player. Not ideal.

    So even though Vanu weapons in some instances are only a few hundred 'ms behind, that's still pretty bad (there is the case of the Orion though so *glare* :D). When you get the NCs case of it actually being 1-2 seconds difference in some instances, well that's just when it's utterly ridiculous to the point of absurdity.
  13. Bape

    Finally someone from Tr/vanu finally decided to play NC for a day and realize NC need to get buffed. I just tried out Vanu and im seriously liking it i feel OP. HOWEVER NC FOR LYFE!!!!!!!!!.
  14. Venture

    I just switched to TR because everything else was too easy
  15. Xasapis

    Tbh, if I knew NC were the underdogs, I'd roll those. Too invested in Vanu atm to reroll though.
    Funny post. TR atm, partially due to superior numbers, are by far the easy mode faction of the game. Too bad I'm not NC, but at least my friends didn't pick TR when they introduced me into the game.
  16. Sturmhardt

    I think TR and VS need to get nerfed and NC should stay the way it is. The TTK is low enough as it is.
  17. nalyd

    i have a better feeling with NC guns than TR guns so i'll not complaining with an exchange :). And IMO, TR are beast at close range but when it get to midrange/longrange, TR weapons are outmached by NC and VS ( especially Vanu, but it's their strengh so i'll not arguing about it )
  18. Protios

    James Earl Jones Auto-Tuned and constipated.
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  19. Fallout10mm

    All depends on which server you play, this one sounds like the inverse to the one I like to play on (where the game has been whack-a-vanu up till the last few days, now its play on indar or get outnumbered 8 to 1 by NC or Vanu).
  20. Sifer2

    Meh the Vanu guns are just as good. For every video you post of some guy killing stuff with the Carv you can find a video of someone pwning full auto at long range with the Orion. The difference is Vanu also have a MBT that isn't garbage. NC have it harder gun wise but thankfully they have not yet figured out there is no reason they shouldn't all be just using ScatMAX's. Charge is pretty broken on them lol.