Favorite NC Weapon?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gambles, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. GamerOS

    GD-7F is the best CQC carbine, just don't use it outside of CQC and never ever miss.
    LA-80 is the best sniper rifle, hands down, it has so little drop I overcompensated for ages on that thing.
    EM-6 is a very nice and versatile LMG and much better in most situations then the standard LMG while only loosing some accuracy compared to the GD-22S
  2. Gambles

    Do you find it pretty much superior to the GD-22S? I've been hoping the GD isn't top of the pile for LMG's on NC cause I don't find it that great compared to the TR and VS defaults / alpha squad weapons.
  3. Timeraider

  4. Monnor

    Shotgun, no matter how fast other guns are, it kils you in a wink.
  5. Nommingu

    Bolt driver or the Razor =D

    Oh and C4... gold medal with C4 as light assault lol...
  6. anaverageguy

    I personally like the stock weapons. (I have tried the others through trial)

    SAW is my favorite by far despite the fact that it can kick pretty hard for longer ranges. Very easy to headline with this given slow rate of fire and the natural, slight side-to-side sway. That, and it has high velocity ammo in addition to all the other attachments available.. Couldn't ask for more. Highly customizable.

    I think next would be the Bolt Driver. I'm quite aware that people generally praise the LA80 more, but I'm just very accustomed to this gun. Had I started with the LA80, it probably would have been different.

    The mercenary carbine for LA and Engi are next, but that's really just because I didn't like the other carbines that I tried and I've had great success with the mercenary. Low rate of fire makes recoil easily manageable. (Just to clarify, my idea of great success is having killstreaks of 5+ people being fairly common. So, might be lower than what some people imagined)
  7. TheBand1t

    The default Mercenary is my favorite carbine in the game.

    Gauss Rifle is also pretty good, Gauss SAW not a big fan of.
  8. GamerOS

    The EM-6 has a bigger clip then the GD22, but has slightly worse accuracy and a slightly longer reload, for the accuracy you can put a nice compensator on it.
    It's a bit of a personal prefrence thing, but in the end both a very competent mid-range weapons.

    I suggest you try the EM1 if you get the chance tough, it's very good for CQC but suffers at long range.
  9. Thagyr

    Knife. Only of the few things in the NC arsenal with little spread and no recoil!

    That or the other factions great need to pound on us, they tend to start fighting each other more over the same NC bases.

    Other than that, I like my Mercenary Carbine.
  10. Kon

    Gauss SAW - Compensator / advanced Fore-grip / 2x reflex - watch people melt
  11. DJPenguin

    Warden Battle Rifle w/ Ironsights for that extra challenge.
  12. junovc

    Vortex Rotary Canon on the Reaver, why waste time with our terribad NC infantry weapons (minus the Rebel Pistol)
  13. Lord Byte

    The basic NC pistol! I've outsniped Snipers with it on multiple occasions, pin-point accuracy, it has almost no bullet drop and it packs quite a punch. And you get it on every class! Any time I go long range, I swap to the pistol, it outperforms all but Sniper-rifles at that range!
  14. Gambles

    Interesting lol never tried it at any range really.
  15. Detectivemac

    I usually go with the AF-19 Mercenary, though mostly because I don't have any other options.

    It isn't pretty, and it's failed me a lot, but it works. I guess.
  16. Naberius13

    My Gauss SAW, 230 Certs later. Someone want to tell me why the Gauss weapons have recoil by the way? We've been trying to sort that out for a few days now.
  17. Monnor

    Would your guns like yours , you would stop playing instanly, cause our guns need practicing, yours just point n spray like a moron.

    Thats what TR and VS look like.
  18. Torachan

    I love the GD-7F with the advanced lasersight and a silencer as a Light Assault. If you time your recharge times well you can literally destroy entire squads of infantry by picking them one by one, while flying over their head.
  19. FluffyM

  20. JojoTheSlayer

    Heavy Assault:
    The most TR like weapon is the NM-1, but it suffers more on range and has a slower fire rate than the TR Carv. It is however the fastest NC firing weapon if you want to suppress people.

    NM-6 is a good go between. More stopping power than the NM-1, less recoil than the SAW.
    GD-22 is good if you aim is decent and it, on paper, has a lower ttk than the other weapons. Recoil isnt that bad ether. 50shot clip.

    SAW. Still use it as front line single fire weapon with 6xScoops. Its harder hitting so people on the other sides, which are not used to fighting accurate NC on range, seems to not move all the time even when they get hit. Its more a finishing weapon though since you need a good few hits to take someone down. First shot usually goes strait, but the second and third usually goes to the left and right of the sight so its important to only fire singles when its used like this.