Devs fix the frecking A2A rockets for HA!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LegioX, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. LegioX

    I'm about sick and tired of ESF's camping bases 2 feet off the ground with impunity. Just now i put rockets right into the ESF at point blank range from the ground and all he/she does is fly off and repair. This should be 1 shot kills. There needs to be a severe plenty for ESF's pilots who get cocky and hover 2-10 feet off ground farming kills with rocketpods. This is pathetic.
  2. Kran De Loy

    Stop trying to take out aircraft 1v1 while on foot. Problem solved.
  3. RageMasterUK

    Nothing wrong with A2A rockets. You just need mates...
  4. LegioX

    so ur saying its ok for air to take more than 1 hit from a A2A rocket at pointblank range? Please...
  5. Kommissar Klose

    If they're hovering over the ground, use the dumbfire. It deals more damage. Also encourage your allies to shoot at it as well, as ESFs are vulnerable to small arms fire (even if they have composite armor).

    Work alongside a burster MAX. Work alongside someone else with the G2A missiles.

    Also, not to be picky, but the HA weapon should be referred to as a G2A weapon, an AA weapon, or a SAM. A2A would imply the HA is flying. Which, while hilarious, tends to not happen.

    Simply put, while it does cost certs to get the missile launcher, it costs certs, a cooldown, and aerial resources to get an ESF with rocketpods. Unless you too are dropping a cooldown and resources, you shouldn't expect to be able to hard counter something solo.

    That said, this argument does then imply the skyguard is underpowered. Many would claim the same.
  6. St0mpy

    yeah that launcher is best as a deterrent - i had the most fun in a base with a few of us and a bunch of air from the neighbouring base arrived....Just point the thing at them till it locks and see their engines boost, off they go, bye, lol ... maybe one or two think they are invincible and ignore you, so pop one of your birds his way, encourage him to clear out ... otherwise just point and troll :D

    unless ofc you have an engi or a terminal nearby, in which case pop and pop again, but generally yeah, always save a bird so you can ward them off with the lock since once you fire it, the whole things useless.
  7. Wellknown

    Ok the topic needs An edit its G2A not A2A
    Also not one shot kills ,
    What should happen is you should get a 50% chance to criticly hit . i.e Enginfire ect.
  8. Eyeklops

    If they haven't changed it since beta, "Does more damage" is an under statement. The default HA AV 1 shot ESF's and takes a Liberator to half health. I regularly brush off lock-on missiles as it takes 5 of them to down my Liberator, but getting hit by just one dumbfire causes me to poop a little and run away screaming like a little girl. They may have changed it so that one dumbfire takes an ESF to critical, but I hope not.
  9. Eyeklops

    I totally disagree. Having dealt with years of hover spamming Reavers in Planetside 1, I am all for mechanics that discourage it. Knowing that one dumbfire rocket will cause an a$$plosion certainly helps pilots keep speed around enemy infantry.
  10. RageMasterUK

    Nah, nah, nah...

    ESF pilot just spent 200 aerospace for his tool, you pulled yours out of a term for free. There should not be OHK for this reason. Get your mate to get lock on rockets and launch em in volleys 2 a time, but I guess you haven't tried this. Get a friendly ESF to hep u out. Pair up with a Burster max. Plenty of options for the non-resource spender.
  11. IshanDeston

    There is no hardcounter at this point for ESF and as sad as it is. The HA G2A rockets are the only defense you have. ESF laugh at Burster Maxes and Skyguards.

    Honestly, i saw a Scythe hover over a skyguard today and bomb it into bits. The pilot just ate the damage the Skyguard dished out. And 2 weeks after release G2A rockets aren't that widespread, unless people paid money for it.

    Then again, i suspect SOE is trusting that people will be forced to spend money on G2A launchers if they want to play this game.
  12. VoidMagic

    If you want to 1 v 1 an aircraft. Go get an aircraft.
    The HA AA rockets are fraking awesome in every situation where...
    If you ever flew which I realize you can't... you'd realize that
    the HA AA weapon is easy to use... scares off tons of air...
    and can get kills while remaining totally and utterly safe
    as the aircraft can't really see you. It's fantastic honestly.

    If you are being spawn camped, you have lost.
    Move on, it is not the Air, Tank, other player or weapon that is OP
    it is your brain which UP. Spawn somewhere else.
  13. Wellknown

    The G2A is not free.
  14. Kommissar Klose

    As I said, that argument does make it such that Skyguards are woefully underpowered.

    As far as laughing at burster MAXs though, not sure I agree. While kills are not very common solo, you can most certainly deter an ESF with a burster MAX (at least I think it can, their health goes down pretty quick).

    G2A missiles are not your only option either. Try sunderer turrets kitted out for AA. Try MBT top turrets kitted out for AA. Another ESF is also a good option.

    Games only been out a week. I'm reasonably certain non-paying members are arriving at a point where they can get their own weapons if they've been playing really well. Then again, they're getting rocket pods first.
  15. Kommissar Klose

    Outside of its cert cost, its free.

    And don't play the cynical "it costs too many certs" card. 20-25 certs per hour is reasonable for a non-paying member. 40 hours to get a 1k cert item. Given that the game is otherwise free for people, 40 hours for any fairly useful upgrade is attainable with effort.

    The game is built to encourage you to pay, but not make you.
  16. TimeyWimey

    switch to the default launcher if they really are 2 feet from the ground. It'll take them out in 1 hit.
  17. Canaris

    ground to air missles are working fine as I can see, to answer your question - yes I do belive a ESF should survive a point blank missle strike from the infantry, I've so far had no trouble running off pesky air units with my AA launcher.
  18. Cingal

    Issue I have with G2A missiles right now is that, if you buff them, you make them more effective against Liberators.

    Liberators are already pretty weak to them, lacking the speed of the ESFs, they have to run if they get locked on to, and if they're leaving the area to get away from missiles, they're not attacking.

    So, against Liberators, G2A is fine.

    For Fighters, it's simple a case of using the afterburner and making a second pass.
  19. IshanDeston

    Each and everyone one of them is most likely flown by an engineer. We had today 4 Maxes with bursters working together with a skyguard, against 4 (more like 8) scythes with rocketpods. Yes, you can deterr one, but he is just landing behind the ridge and repairing. He is back in less than a minute to continue.

    Even when working together, it was impossible for us (especially as the liberator then showed up) to clean the sky. 5 people, all with Anti Air solutions.

    As i said in another thread. I don't want ESF to be nerfed, but most certainly AA is to weak and the amount of flyers we have right now renders the game, for me, very frustrating to the point that the last 4 days brought me to quitting the game. A few more games like that and i am quite sure i won't return.

    I don't need a game in which teflon planes dominate everything.
  20. Kommissar Klose

    The other part of it is patience. You can't just fire at the enemy on the horizon, gotta let them come in a bit closer. But 5 dual burster MAXs should be able to down an ESF before they can react properly.