Cloaking is garbage!

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Stride, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Stride

    Infiltrator cloaking is useless. There is literally not one damn person that doesn't notice it. It's just a terrible game mechanic and gives infiltrators zero stealth. Even while sniping it is useless because a counter sniper can see cloaking clear as day.

    Anyway bottom line is it needs a change if soe devs have any intention of it being useful because its not.
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  2. Forblaze

    I've found it's pretty useful for sneaking around people who don't know you're there. Once they start looking for you though you're pretty much SoL
  3. Ixal

    The higher your graphics setting the more easy to see clocking.
  4. Stride

    Even if people aren't looking for infiltrators its still pretty hard to ignore the humanoid figure that looks like glass. Heh, ironic that cloaking would make infiltrators look like glass because that's exactly what has become of them.

    Really you are far better off flanking people as heavy assault. At least then you have a weapon strong enough to get a few good kills while your enemy is caught off guard.
  5. Urnefar

    Cloaking is perfect as it is. If cloaking was as bad as you say, the movie "Predator", in which cloaking works similarly, would last only 20 minutes. The ability to scout or traverse open streches undetected at range, as well as being very hard to spot if you're staying still in an enemy's peripheral vision, is a wonderful tool. Also if you're spotted, cloaking cancels that.

    I'm not saying L2P, but keep in mind the weaknesses of the cloaking
  6. Xandax

    Actually - I have used it to slip past both infantry and tanks alike.

    It's not invisibility - and I like that. If somebody knows exactly where I am and have visual - cloaking won't do much good, but combined with terrain movement - it's quite effective in my book.
    I can only imagine the complains if cloaking was made even better.
  7. MooK

    Honestly, cloaking wouldn't be so bad if we were able to actually fire from a cloaked position. Certainly, we would uncloak immediately. The point is if we were caught, while cloaked, we would at least have a sliver of a chance for defense, as opposed to just giving up.
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  8. KlyptoK

    Infiltrators have never surprised me. I actually feel bad for them and sometimes don't kill them since they aren't a threat to me.

    They are trying their best to sneak past, but it wouldn't matter if they looked like glass or were wearing florescent pink. I can still see them plain as day.
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  9. Lancener

    I agree honestly, not once has someone cloaked around me and been able to really get away at least not without almost dying. it shouldn't be invisible but it also shouldn't be as noticeable as it is. Also any one on low graphics can't even see a cloak, that should be changed, it makes the game unfair to anyone with a low-end PC or someone that wants higher FPS. If you cloak around a glowing shield (like biolabs) you're more easy to see than if uncloaked.
  10. Stride

    Peripheral vision? Seriously? People are always looking in different directions double checking everything. Turning around every corner in this game yields a possibility of being spotted and there is nothing you can do about it. With so many people running around it is near impossible to actually hide from all of them. The only way to avoid this is to stay away from large amounts of people altogether.

    At the end of the day attempting close quarters combat for infiltrators is pointless.
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  11. SpruceMoose

    I live longer when I don't cloak

    -hide in the bushes guy walks past, im free to go
    -cloak behind a rock, hide in the bushes, die
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  12. Xandax

    Not everybody is as skilled as you in the game. Cloak hides from plenty of people already, buffing it up to hide from you would mean it becomes overpowered for many.
  13. Zimrathon

    It wouldn't be as bad if it lasted a bit longer. As it is you can't shoot with it on anyway so that's balanced, but as for sneaking in anywhere it's poor effect combined with it's limited time make it next to useless for stealthy infiltration. The only real use I've found for it is to keep switching it on as soon as it's up whilst scoping out potential snipe targets so I've less chance of being picked off by an enemy sniper in the process.
  14. Executioner Smough

    Perhaps if the cloak were to be changed to... an actual cloak, with full invisibility, the infiltrator could be nerfed by losing the ability to cap while cloaked.
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  15. DJPenguin

    Working as intended.
  16. pochacco

    it's literally easier to 'infiltrate' a base as LA than infiltrator

    the only thing that infiltrator has over LA in actual infiltrating is hacking
  17. Stride

    I have flanked group of players as both heavy assault with my lasher and as a infiltrator with a artemis. Almost every time I will get 4-5 kills with a lasher and 2-3 with an artemis. The difference is damage and survivability.

    My point here is that once they reveal themselves an infiltrator has fairly minimal lethality from their surprise attacks compared to other infantry types. The very least that can be done here is to increase the likelyhood that a infiltrator can engage in flanking/surprising.
  18. Deadzonehunter

    To make up for the 'bad stealth' the infiltrator cloak should muffle the footsteps a bit.
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  19. Yeo-Yin

    infiltrators should be like they are now when moving but absolutly invisible when standing.

    I mean : the cloak need some time to adapt to the environnement, so when you move you are visible. But when you stop the cloak should be really effective and make you invisible.

    Also, as long as the cloak is not perfect, there is a way for people for cheating. Just edit some file of the game and you'll see invisible people without any problem. And this is not detectable by the server as it's only a client modification.
    If the cloak is perfect, the information of your position hasn't to be send to the client, so it can't show you (even with this simple cheat).
  20. Gary

    I laugh in the face of infiltrators cloaking. No where to hide when im suing my HS/NV scope!
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