Get rid of friendly fire, people are griefing like crazy.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AzK, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. AzK

    Especially as far as vehicles are concerned.

    It's really easy to tk a friendly vehicle on purpose, the tker hardly gets punished at all, while the person in the vehicle gets screwed MAJORLY with timer and resources waste.

    It happened several times to me already, whenever i land my aircraft or park my vehicle to repair, some random person will just shoot a rocket at it or a tank shell or whatever, just to take the piss.

    Remove friendly fire, it simply doesn't work with this game's model, it was already crap at times in ps1, but here it's just ridiculous. Even more so with the insanely fast tkks this game has compared to its predecessor, getting hit by 1-2 bullets means you're screwed, or well, directly killed.
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  2. Raquel

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  3. overk1ll

  4. xBunny

    NO. You think the TTK is bad now wait until people just shoot non stop without any fear of TKing their teammates. My suggestion to you is to learn to shoot, and learn to land.
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  5. JohnDoe

    Nope, FF is part of the game and it should not be removed or reduced.
  6. Jenks

    Leave it in but up the penalty by a lot. People really are griefing all over the place.
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  7. phreec

    Report the griefers and tell your friends to do so too. FF has to stay.
  8. iGamer1990

    ya 2 of my fellow barnies ran in front of my fire and it was messy killed 2 fellow barnies after that i put down my laser gun down for good..just cant handle killing another fellow Vanu! but i will be back!
  9. Kaeldian

    The penalties will likely just need to be adjusted. This game would become an extremely unbearable spamfest if FF was off, so no, toggling it off would be bad. But if you want to talk about upping the penalties? Have at it, I"m all for it.
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  10. RichBits

    The problem is when 5 enemies enter into a room of 20 of your guys and run around the place... there's no way not to hit your own teammates. Is the damage equal to what you do to the enemies? If not they should lessen it.
  11. Yil

    Nope. When some idiot parks his mag on top of my lightning over and over again he deserves a tk.
  12. Daish

    when reversing TK's should not be counted then everyone is happy

    if you cant avoid a slow reversing tank high chance your trying to grief

    another option when your TK'ed if a option poped up Greifer/Accident and if the player who was just tk'ed selects accident no punishment is made
  13. PanzerGoddess

    no...keep FF on. Have this for you

  14. Raiq

    The griefing is ridiculous, people are blowing up and running over people for no reason whatseover now, even laughing on mic. And with the fact it's free to play now, that just means they can create another recyclable account. Teamkilling would be fine if this game cost money, but it doesn't.. That allows people to just constantly grief if they really want too.
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  15. Nasher

    No. The grief system just needs to be harsher, like PS1's

    Also player collisions need to be put back in, it's silly that they removed them before launch (again). Part of the problem is people running through each other.
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  16. notyourbuddy

    8+ hrs played since launch and I haven't been tk'ed once. Haven't heard one single griefer. Haven't seen anyone intentionally fire on a friendly.

    Only thing that needs to be done about FF is reduce the damage of friendly vehicles to friendly troops. So much as tap on the gas pedal and *squish*
  17. Sowahka

    I don't mind FF, but what I'd like to see is a reduction in FF damage to friendly aircraft and infantry damage from explosives. Had my Scythe shot down twice by allies yesterday without taking anything but small arms fire from enemy infantry, most frustrating thing in the game when I go back to the aircraft spawner and see a 10min timer. Also been killed countless times by careless allies spamming rockets or chucking grenades in hopes of free kills. Also accidentally killed two full health allies when my grenade bounced off a wall at a physics-defying angle. Don't see why allies should die from poorly aimed explosives. I don't think upping the punishments would be a good solution, as FF is rampant in zerg rushes and already results in a lot of people with locked weapons simply because allies are running in front of enemies or hogging doorways.
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  18. PanzerGoddess

    ....theres one in every group isnt there. The FF is fine, learn to ignore griefing, 90% of the time if you get ttk, your either in the wrong spot at the wrong time or you "were where you should not be"...its like running in the middle of the road...if Im in the tank Im "not" going to stop for you, I will run your *** over....the road is my playground to drive on, not for you to run in, that is why we have sidewalks in real life.... x_X
  19. Sowahka

    And ive never seen a burglary but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen and that steps shouldn't be taken to prevent them. It's great that it hasn't happened to you, but as just like real life, it might only happen in areas you don't visit, or maybe you're just lucky. ; )
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  20. GTGD

    The game needs FF on in order to avoid becoming a rocket spamfest (more than it already is, but that's another topic). Yes it's a little crazy right now, yeah I rage when I'm just standing somewhere devoid of enemies and a random greenie runs up and mows me down.

    Problem is people aren't completely used to the player models quite yet. PS1 had this problem too, but as people had more time with the game, the TK incidents fell. Added to that, there is no collision detection between players of the same team. It's easy to inch into the body of someone who is already spraying away, and you take ALL of that from point blank because maybe you just wanted to go past/around them and didn't quite go wide enough.

    The only change I'd have them make is some kind of point system with visuals like in PS1. If not displaying points, at least show your grief level and a better indicator to make it very obvious how problematic your aim has been.