Guns bought with STATION cash should be available across all character on STATION account.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BrandoTIP, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. HvcTerr

    Oh, I'm certainly expecting them to demand SC for it, but IMO that'll still be a short-sighted decision on their part when/if they do. Offering it free with a cooldown is much better in the long run.

    By allowing people (and outfits) to move more freely, it drastically reduces their server/balancing headaches:
    1. They can freely open new server locations, move datacenters, or close old ones without massive community backlash. (Imagine if they open US-Central servers at some point, or if they have to move datacenters and hundreds of people suffer ping-wise.)
    2. Long-time players don't get screwed over when their server gets too full for some reason or another, and can move to less-crowded places. (Imagine if one server ends up with a disproportionate number of the school-aged kids and outfits, with seasonal overload during summer vacation.)
    3. Outfits from one faction, can move to counter other outfits that are dominating a particular server, or move away from a server for similar reasons.
  2. saltin

    There is no way in this earth or in the heavens that this is an oversight :)
  3. Yutty

    ya this is lame. they took down my server that I was on and i have very little motivation playing on the other servers now cuz i'll be starting with nothing that i unlocked, this killed my motivation for playing the rest of the night.
  4. Kane Hart

    I don't think so. I enjoy watching Pay 2 Win people lose their money :p But I would like to see stuff you unlock legitimacy like that.
  5. Arandmoor

    Sorry. Your idea is dumb.

    Why? Because I'd like PS2 to stick around for a while, and SOE isn't going to keep it aound unless it makes money. They're a business. Not a charity.
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  6. Arandmoor

    I don't think of it as "pay 2 win" considering you can't buy anything with station cash that grants any kind of actual advantage.

    I think of it as "pay 2 keep the game in business", or "I pay money because I have a job, don't live with my parents, and can do pretty much what I want with my money, and ooo...shiny guns. Come to me my children."
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  7. Kane Hart

    That was more me being a troll :p Sorry for not making that more clear haha.
  8. blueadept

    OK, so the majority of the posters here feel that it would be fair to allow some form of character transfer or allow purchased items to carry over to a new character, due to various legitimate reasons. You say "they make the rules, don't bother to ever try to appeal to them, in this regard. If you do, it's a complaint, by default." (I'm paraphrasing here, obviously). You don't see a gap in logic here? People ARE trying to haggle the price, as they are considering not spending ANY cash due to it potentially being wasted if: their faction rage quits, their friends are on another server etc.

    You do realize that if Sony doesn't bend on issues here and there it will break, right? It's all a negotiation to find a balance that suits both parties. If this doesn't happen, both parties lose.
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  9. Kenda

    If the stuff we purchase is per server use only, SOE should have point that out in the beginning.
    Wonder if we can sui for this, I think we have a good claim.
  10. Phasics

    you don't ;)
  11. wolfva

    Nope, I say they make the rules. I didn't say don't bother to appeal.
    That was in response to a blind attack by you based on an assumption that didn't exist; ie, that I was defending SOE. I was not. I was stating a fact. Further, I don't recall anywhere you actually making a stand for anything, other then attacking me for various misconstruing of what I've pointed out; what the facts are. NOT my opinions, just the facts. I clearly stated that if you wanted to debate them changing the rules to go for it. You weren't debating that at all; you weren't debating anything.

    Now you're (FINALLY!) coming out with an argument for them to change their policy. That is good. It is MUCH better then just lambasting someone for what you WANT to think he said rather then what he actually did say.

    As I've pointed out, no where have I stated my opinion on the matter. The OP Said they SHOULD do something; I pointed out that THEY decide what they should do, not other people. If it's a bad idea, people can try changing their minds, or simply not give them money. That's the best argument for a failure of a policy.

    Here is my opinion on the matter. I really could not care less one way or the other. I'll only have 1 main character. Sure, I may make a second if I don't feel like waiting in a line, but that's doubtful. I'm not gear centric so I don't care about items. My ONLY point of contention in this entire argument was over the term 'SHOULD'. They clearly put down in the EULA what they WILL do, and what WE agree to do. I strongly urge everyone to actually read it.
  12. Doublefrost

    Giving account based unlocks would damage revenue. Considering how minimal the upgrades really are, it's not really an issue to have to gain some certs up when cash is short. For the most part, even vehicle weapons are more a playstyle item than one with stat benefits. Can strafe just as effectively with a default ESF cannon as with rocket pods. Just takes a bit more skill.
  13. RottenGroinArea

    Given the current single server setup:

    If the server is full where I have spent money then I am denied access to
    the items I have purchased and forced to either play without said items
    on a different server or purchase more.

    Withholding items that have been bought and paid for is unethical, if not
    outright illegal.
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  14. blueadept

    Are you only posting in this thread to state the obvious? "Sony makes the rules" OK. I'm pretty sure that we both knew what the other was implying. I sense some back peddling here and I'm done.
  15. Phasics

    Yes great idea , lets arrest all the game companies, sue them and drive them all out of business and then there'll be nothing to play

    Great Plan :rolleyes:
  16. Phasics

    You know what's wrong with the world
    The people who think they should sue over every little thing whenever things don't go their way.
  17. Zzulu

  18. NoDachi

    Whether they should or shouldn't is a different point, but I don't see why people are surprised by this.

    There has been no inclination that it would be anything other than like this.
  19. Artophwar

    Persoanlly I think they would make more money with account unlocks, as people would be more willing to impulse buy. With character Unlocks people have to really think if its worth it. I know I never buy anything on a per character basis for any game, I only buy account unlocks. I know Im not the only one that thinks like this either. 50000 people spending $10 is better than 5000 people spending $30.
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  20. Meiu

    This probably won't happen but I personally would prefer this. If that were to happen I would actually spend more money rather than avoid spending it since I am not sure if I like the servers I play on.