Why does DBG allows NC's terrible low win rate?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Humoreske, Oct 14, 2017.

  1. Killer Medic

    As one who mains a NC, Hibby, I find your argument specious at best. Things are fubared right now worse than ever...so don't try to say it's a 'whine thread' and 'play better' when it's gotten so bad in game that NC players are LEAVING either the FACTION or THE GAME ITSELF because they have ZERO chance in winning an alert. I suggest putting down the doughnut and your Starbuck's Latte and watch for yourself-you might find yourself incorrect.

    However, I doubt that because the alert system, et all, has become like a bad fart: Smells like crap, gets everyone's attention and then clears out the room, leaving the one who farted alone.
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  2. TooFewSecrets

    Went from NC to VS, my KDR doubled. Didn't make any actual changes to my gameplay, I just started killing people much more easily with the non-useless weaponry.
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  3. LaLaBear

    Wrong. Did you forget the prowler fires 2 shots at 600 damage? Do the math. The vanguard outputs 75% of the damage per second that a NON locked down prowler does.

    A little more knowledge to drop on any non NC players.
    1) The magrider FPC has higher dps than the vanguard AP
    2) The vanguard is the only MBT in which the HEAT and AP weapons have the EXACT same dps. Real sweet "upgrade"... :rolleyes:

    I think you mean the opposite unless you consider it buffing when DB does a partial reversal after nerfing certain NC items past the point of being useless.
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  4. TooFewSecrets

    Less total damage, less maneuverability, and more risk. Wait, isn't that the NC's faction trait?
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  5. pnkdth

    Almost everyone seem to have a similar story when switching factions. I went from VS to NC and TR and my KDR went from around 2(overall KDR) to 4-5KDR(even higher on more fresh alts). The most common reason being faction fatigue sets in, i.e. getting bored with the tools you have leading to worse overall performance. Then when changing factions it is all new, all exciting and, more importantly, you start a fresh character with all the knowledge you gained with your previous ones... And while you do you have the novelty value at the max. It is game face on because it is new and exciting.

    You may not think you play any differently but you definitely do. Everyone who switch factions, creates an alt character, do.
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  6. Lamat

    Random person posting on this thread every other day: "I didn't read anything in this thread, but I think NC just has bad leadership and/or players. One time I got killed by NC MAX shotguns really fast at point blank range when I was out of C4, so that proves NC is powerful."

    This thread responds: "NC wins significantly less across all servers, since the beginning of the game. NC is made up of many players who play all 3 factions, NO, it's not the leadership. NS weapon stats for all 3 factions are similar with NC actually pulling ahead on many of them, NO it's not the players."

    Devs: "La la la la!"

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  7. Purp

    This weekend's alert results (10/27- 10/29/17 Double XP Weekend):

    Peak pop 1308

    VS 14, TR 6, NC 5
    VS 56%, TR 24%, NC 20%

    Peak pop 1344

    VS 8, TR 11, NC 7
    VS 31%, TR 42%, NC 27%

    Peak pop 1053

    VS 8, TR 8, NC 6
    VS 36%, TR 36%, NC 28%
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  8. Lamat

    Emerald TR seemed to have the most aggressive pumpkin hunting ESFs, I saw several knowingly get shot and die while desperately trying to get one measly pumpkin they spotted before getting gunned down. When I was playing TR, every territory had at least 3 ESFs, Valkyries, Harrassers fighting over pumpkins, harrassers even shooting rangers at the friendly air to get their pumpkin.
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  9. Purp

    I did notice NC did a lot better than they usually do this weekend, and Esamir was the wild west!!! This was definitely one of the most frantic weekends I have played with Mossies and Harassers EVERYWHERE on Esamir! VS still has Emerald on lockdown though compared to other servers... But if you look at the numbers NC does fairly well on Miller and Connery.
  10. Lamat

    NC strangely had overpop on Sunday for a few hours, I couldn't get in so I played TR which was underpopped.

    Saturday afternoon I think it was Esamir, for several hours, every alert (not just NCs) was stopped, followed by the next biggest faction starting the next one and getting stopped again. It was nice to see a more even exchange between factions on Emerald, it's been a long time since the games been like that.

    This weekend is a bit of an anomaly though, many players would not be playing normally:
    1) Was double XP for members, some people just grind XP in the most effective way and don't focus on objectives
    2) Halloween pumpkins and directives, people hunting pumpkins and trying to achieve the directives are not necessarily playing as they normally would
  11. RockPlanetSide2

    On Emerald, NC players are just unorganized.

    NCZerg and PHX only really control what like 80 players durning an alert? That is worthless... even if everybody in those groups listens, everybody else is just doing the exact wrong thing all the time. Command on Emerald for the NC is just the most worthless pile of ignorant children the game has ever seen.

    The leadership is so bad not that the "grunts" just don't even care anymore. Its just to the point that it really is just a "broken" faction, mentally. Nobody even gives a **** anymore.

    It is a macro problem, not a micro problem.

    We have elite groups like Tactical Gamer, but they are just 1 or 2 squads that do the right thing, but their numbers just don't matter versus having the VANU full popped on all alert continents all the time.


    And regardless of what anybody wants to believe, giving ISO away for winning Alerts was the single laziest and biggest mistake DBG has made to-date. They are just making it so people gravitate to the winning faction to farm it. It is that simple, hence VS's dumb win rate on Emerald (the other servers don't really matter since their population is just failing).

    It should be awarded to players on an INDIVIDUAL basis, for capturing points/defending a point/capturing a point/doing damage to player made bases during an alert (or any other actual useful things). That is the only way it will ever make sense. Just giving ISO to the biggest Zerg pile is where we are at now, and it is TERRIBLE.
  12. TooFewSecrets

    And why did all of the commanders go to another faction? Hell, Recursion even used to be an NC outfit, instead of a TR one. Why'd they leave. Hm, can't be because NC has (as mentioned above) weaker, less mobile weapons, with more risk than the other two factions to boot, right? That can't possibly be causing this huge exodus of all of the players who understand the statistical differences between each faction.

    Also, Vanu being 34% vs 33%/33% is overpop now? That's some news to me, I have to say.
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  13. RockPlanetSide2

    Vanu has even pop during primetime, all other times outside of that tiny window they dominate.

    If Recursion wanted to win, they would have gone to the VS on Emerald, because they are surely not helping TR win... so I use that to refute your opinion that they moved to be winning... they did not. As per vanu's win % clearly shows.

    You make it sound like the NC have blunderbuss's and Flintlock pistols. That is just dumb. With guns like the Tanto and the NS1A being some of the best guns people actually use, it is pretty irrelevant. And the NC weapons are not that bad.

    the Anchor is the best LMG in the game, the GD7F is on par with the other LA super fast guns, and so are the GR22 medics guns are also on par. All other weapons are basically the same.

    You have no valid points. Thanks.

    The NC are just unorganized and leaderless, as I stated.
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  14. LordKrelas

    I assume you mean Vanu.
    Whom have the highest number of wins constantly.

    Recursion's tactics is swarm a base with overpop, farm the hell out of it, and leave.
    With NC, they actually got blasted down, as NC's weaponry doesn't scale that well even in Number, unless every shot hits.
    With TR's weapons, their numbers mean TR's rapid-fire daka daka scales up severely well.
    And unlike VS, they still have fights as TR, in addition they have TR's prowler, perfect for their tactics.

    NC weapons... where not even in directive-weapons do NC have equal or close to TR let alone VS.
    NC Max weapons for AI, are basically near identical with only 1 weapon being identified out of the cluster: Mattlock with Slugs.
    Do you see any TR or VS AI, that is mentioned by their Opponent exclusively over all other AI or that always has an attachment?
    NC starter weapons for Heavies, is the Gauss Saw.
    NC's ES Launcher is a guided-missile, one that preforms horrid if not used inside an spawn room, the heavy weapon is just another shotgun.

    The Anchor demands accuracy, but isn't the Starter - As well, it isn't on the top is it.
    Anymore than TR's best weapon makes their entire arsenal of LMGs better by existing.
    GDF7 is on par.
    Gauss Rifle, is on par.

    All other weapons are the same?
    TR & VS wield shotguns on max units?
    Their ES pistol is a RNG mini-shotgun too?
    They wield the Gauss Saw as a Starter weapon?

    Are the same? Are you sane?
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  15. Lamat

    Prove it, lead NC to consistent victory in line with the other factions.

    Don't worry NC, RockPlanetSide2's got this one!

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  16. RockPlanetSide2

    1) I did say Vanu wins (right?)

    2) Max weapons across factions are pretty much identical for anti infantry ... the only real break out are Pounders. The Vanu's are all pretty much the same and the other TR ones?

    3) So you think that until the NC get a 143/750 LMG for their heavy assault NC will always be under-powered?

    4) Empire specific weapons are ruining it for people playing the NC and they leave because they are bad?
  17. adamts01

    The starter gun should be easy to use, so a 143/750 would be appropriate. But I'd also accept if the Gauss Saw was at least balanced. I'm fine with keeping it hard mode, but it needs the corresponding dps that should go along with hard mode. No damage falloff would put it in a unique position. Or even give it the anti-armor mode that the God Saw has. Either way, HA is by far the most prevalent class in infantry battles, and new NC players are at a disadvantage. It's not a good situation.
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  18. RockPlanetSide2

    Uh, prove that I'm wrong? You can't just say something that stupid and not see the other side of it, even a monkey can do that.

    "NC weapons are bad that is why they lose!!!!!! I'm RIGHT!"... that is just dumb, and you have no evidence that backs it up. The only evidence that is available is that the NC lose, but have the same population... which does not prove your point more than anybody else with a different point.

    I can say with EASE that the Gauss SAW is not attributing to the NC's terrible record, if you think that is the only factor you are just dumb. There is a lot more going on in a fight than the only factor being people having to use the Gauss SAW.

    So if its not the weapons, or time of day, or everybody on the NC just happens to have bad computers and bad connections.. for reasons that would leave, oh I don't know... lack of organization and bad leadership... unless you can prove that alien influence from outer space is causing the low win rate...

    So before you just say something stupid... again... and again... and again... try thinking? Or not?
  19. LordKrelas

    Ensuring that was the thought.

    When VS and TR have 6-12 rounds, with RNG firing patterns at a range of 10 meters, then we can say the AI is identical.
    Pounders are AV grenade-type TR weapons.
    NC's AV is wire-guided missiles.
    For AI, TR & VS are near identical.
    NC's AI is shotgun based with the longest reload, and shortest ammunition supply.
    Vastly different. Get in an NC max for once.

    Try the Gauss Saw, which is the starter weapon.
    It's not functional in the same fields as TR & VS's starters, which are designed for the ranges around cap points, and not for highly-skilled shooters.
    NC's entire basis for infantry weapons, is High-damage at slow-firing-speeds, but they added inability to control the weapon.
    Changing the stater weapon would help.

    You go ahead and try the RNG Shotgun pistol, and compare it to TR & VS's ES pistol.
    Then try out the Chaingun for TR, and Lasher for VS, and see how that compares to a Shotgun that barely is different.
    They have weapons that have different mechanics, NC has identical mechanics for theirs to every single shotgun.
    The ES weapons of NC, are RNG weapons, with shorter ranges to boost for most.
    With the Phoenix, the ES NC Launcher, being a guided-missile that can be shot down, with a short-range.
    This weapon renders the user perfectly still & uncontrolled during the flight, and the damage output at best can kill an Infil.
    The lowest health class.

    To then follow with NC's directive weapons;
    Godsaw, the directive LMG has the lowest number of users of the directive LMGs.
    Its new AV mode, reduces infantry-damage by 50%, something given recently to a VS Pistol for no cost.
    It has a magazine of 70, to the Gauss-Saw's 100.
    The reload is around 5-7 seconds.

    NC's Directive-Shotgun has a shotgun-underbarrel attachment rather than anything else.

    NC Reaver, the largest ESF, has a Shotgun nose-cannon.

    NC is the hardest to not bloody spot at a distance, and has the most Close-Range-Dependent RNG weapons in the game.
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  20. TooFewSecrets

    NC ES weapons have the lowest usage stats in their category by a notable margin (people do very badly with them) while the NC stats for NS weapons are on par with or even better than the other two factions (NC does very well with NS weapons). This means that the NC troops are about as skilled as the other two, but they consistently have lower KDR, accuracy statistics, SPM, etc. when using their faction specific weaponry - but NOT when using NS weaponry. Wonder why that could be.

    Also, if 70% of ground troops are HA, and 50% of those are using the default gun, and the default gun is horrible, then that's about 35% of the ground troops of the entire faction who are contributing much less than the TR or VS equivalents.
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