Is the NC weak?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by jamaicanchampion, Dec 17, 2016.

  1. zaspacer

    In general, YES. The NC gets their *** kicked. TR and VS both are dominant, with different servers being either VS or NC powerhouses.

    Faction Alert Total Wins (By Server; 10/20-12/21)...........Most...........2nd..........Least

    Regardless of what sound or crazy theories people might apply, the numbers indicate NC wins the fewest Alerts, across all Servers.

    In fact, even looking at Total Wins on each Server by each Continent, the NC hasn't been the most winning Faction on any single Continent on any Server. However, it DID manage not to be LEAST WINNER in the following cases:
    Cobalt Indar: 2nd
    Cobalt Esamir: 2nd

    Take a bow Cobalt NC.

    For the record, I almost never play NC. Tried em, have some cool stuff, but the lack of extreme range Non-Max Infantry AV was a deal breaker for me.
  2. adamts01

    What I've noticed, is that teamwork beats everything, and NC has the worst. I actually prefer many of their weapons, but I just can't handle the lack of coordination, from what I've seen on NC Connery anyway.
  3. Humoreske

    That excuse can be said only if NC is losing only on a specific server...Unfortunately, NC is definitely weak.
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  4. Titanshells

    NC weapons have the most stopping power. If anything, they have the best guns.
  5. laeaka

    I think the data can explain the problem,nc not Powerful,however some pop complain about it.They should experience this factions.
  6. entity009

    You also have to consider that a good portion of those NC Alert wins are taking place at offpeak times when there is little resistance. That 21-25% ish win rate is more like 12-15% when the other factions are actually fighting back.

    One thing that i have noticed is that is there is an Alert and NC and any other are close to tied you can bet the third faction is going to be trying to screw the NC out of the win. They may only have 15% of the cont but when it comes down to the last 5-10 mins of the alert they will almost always be sitting on several NC bases and none of the other factions. This often causes NC to lose at the last minute by 1-5% and frustrates me far more than any perceived faction imbalance because it's intentional ****ery.
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  7. entity009

    This goes back to my comment about NC preferring infantry gameplay. NC will often sit and get farmed by vehicles trying to enjoy an infantry battle when the other factions are content to sit in vehicles all night.
  8. Liewec123

    "best" is subjective, if you're landing headshot after headshot after headshot then yes, a slow firing hard hitting weapon is best.
    but for average players it is a disadvantage.
    (the pentalty for missing a shot with a low rof weapon is far more punishing than missing a shot with a high rof weapon.)
    NC weapons are the best in the hands of a pro and the worst in the hands of a normal player.
  9. Towie

    I agree with the statement that teamwork beats everything but NC on Cobalt have had their act together for a while now, with some real quality smaller outfits and the likes of the larger RE4 who behave much like TFDN (VS) or TTRO (TR) ie. well organised.

    In fact - looking at the past few alerts - NC has the edge overall and in prime time (3 wins prime, 1 VS, 1 TR).

    It used to be very different though...
  10. Titanshells

    I agree with the penalty. But that is usually only true in close engagements. The slow rate of fire is advantageous mid to long. So an experienced player can get away with missing a few shots at those ranges.
  11. Jubikus

    NC is weird to this day i cannot understand how they manage to lose so much. If i had to say it would be do to their coordination and leaders but i would also figure that on average all factions should have a similar amount of good and bad players. Their arsenal is amazing dont really lack anything another faction doesn't. When i play my NC i do really well much better on infantry than i do on my Tr main guess their infantry weapons suit me better (hail Jackhammer). Now the only thing i can say and this is strictly from my experience when ive played NC and thats they have a much different play style than the TR and VS. The big thing ive noticed is it seems NC just want a good fight when i play NC i find myself the only person trying to take out spawns or defend my own far more than on my other characters ive even been yelled at for taking out a spawn on defense because i ruined the fight. This leads the NC fights to be a long grind my way in or hold them off style which causes them to lose many battles because its only a matter of time before other bases were taken and the reinforcements push them out.
  12. Masyaka

    Depends on community that plays factions. Usually it is:

    NC - average/newbies
    VS - average/pro
    TR - pro/tryhards

    Sometimes they may change. NC always has a chance to beat TR or loose to vanus.

    the vicious circle of weapons is

    When i try to play againist NC as my TR or Vanu characters i get stomped by br 120 Anchor heavies.
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  13. Jubikus

    Now that i think about it that is very accurate. When i play TR i have a huge issue trying to deal with Vanu but when i play NC i have a huge issue trying to deal with TR and when i occasionally play VS i fight NC that destroy me and im like where are theese guys when im playing NC.
  14. Masyaka

    Vanu weapons are like "pro only". Just like NS - headshot or die
  15. Mojo_man

    Normally I'd agree with that statement, but in this game it just doesn't usually hold true. As a rule, weapons in this game have more aggressive bloom the more damage per shot they have, meaning the NCs bloom gets really wild really fast. That coupled with the harder recoil means fighting at range takes considerably more effort for the NC than it does for the other factions. I've played all 3 for a while now, and the TR weapons feel super easy to use after playing NC for a while, and the VS ones feel like easy mode compared to TR thanks to their very small recoil and bloom.
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  16. Rhello

    Most people think NC's guns have terrible recoil, but I'd like those people to think again by getting a TRAC 5 and trying to shoot beyond 40 meters. You'll understand why people love the mercenary, that I can guarantee. NC has higher vertical recoil and more bloom per shot in general, yet the TR also has bloom coming with all the dakka, and TERRIBLE horizontal recoil, I can't stress this enough, going TR and not attaching a forward grip onto every gun is suicide.

    This being said, to the OP, I'd like to say that NC is terrible because of the population of new players who are behaving like headless chickens, often leading to rage-inducing situations like having 3 medics walking onto your body without even thinking about reviving it, or engineers who aren't going to drop ammo, even if you stand in front of them with an ammo sign right onto your head. I just quit trying to play NC because of the amount of stupid new players, who're unable to pull the mouse down when firing on top of that.
  17. LaughingDead

    That's not even true.
    You can just look at orion (highest DPS LMGs VS get) verses the carv (highest (among many) dps the TR has) and tell they have similar damages at close and similar RPMs, therefore similar DPS at their highest damage ranges.

    In fact NC lmgs always do less DPS than VS or TR defaults.

    In fact the entire "NC does well with headshots" thing is bull against the most common heavy shield: resist.
    Let's do some quick math.
    The orion (and possibly the most common weapon model) is 750 RPM and a 143 damage model. The best CQ LMG for NC is 600 rpm with 167, which is 1.25, meaning every 4 bullets you get out, the orion will get out a 5th.
    Maybe you've already figured it out once you realize I'm talking about only heavies.
    Resist shield gives you an effective 1400 hp, 286 x 5 is (SHOCKING) 1430, just enough to kill a resist heavy, while on the flip, 4 headshots with a anchor is only 1336 which is just under killing a resist heavy. Also put in even if they were all body shots, the math would be the same.

    Is true.

    Considering I just proved that wrong with math, you're just getting stomped because they are 120 heavies. They didn't get to 120 by being bad heavies, let's be fair.

    Unfortunately that's also true, or at least a fair theory if anything.
  18. The Shady Engineer

    If anything I'd say off peak alerts pad VS win stats. I don't know how it is on other servers but on memerald around midnight-1 am, VS pop skyrockets. Reaching up to 40 percent at times. So there would be maybe 3-4 actual fights on the continent and the rest is Vanu ghost caps. Pretty common to log in in the morning to see 3/4 of the continent menu painted purple.
  19. entity009

    I am speaking from years of personal experience here. . . yes VS pad alert stats but easily 8/10 NC alerts I've won have been against minimal resistance. This is mostly in the 4am-11am range or uncontested Hossin caps.
  20. Mojo_man

    I don't know what it is about the Meta on Emerald, but during the very late hours and very early hours, the NC does actually tend to get pretty focused by the TR and VS, even when it's got the least population. The result is usually TR and VS playing KingMaker with one another for a few hours, and I'll be honest: it gets really dumb. It's actually gotten so bad I don't play VS or TR on Emerald any more, instead having gone to Connery to experience those factions.