Why don't people want to work together?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by natowpnzor, Oct 5, 2016.

  1. natowpnzor

    It is literally so easy, why don't people do it?
    -If you ask someone to get into your vehicle gunner seat, and they instead run towards the gate and die, and you watch them do this, what are you supposed to do?
    -If you ask everyone to form squads of different classes in a bio lab to divide and conquer, and they instead camp spawn, what do you do?
    I don't want to play a game that is based off of teamwork, and not have any teamwork with my allies!

    There has to be more initiative to working together! Is winning not good enough for people? Over and over, people just ignore what they're allies need and they do instead what they want to do and fail. And sometimes I hear and see them ask why their strategy didn't work! Seriously!??! Where do I go where I can get a moving, working, co-operative team, specifically for NC?

    What server are you on? I'm on Connery, not really active in an outfit nor do I want to be but I would like to work together on just about anything other than infantry play. I'm more concerned with competitive play just fyi particularly killing as many enemies as possible. I plan on flying Reaver a lot in the future until I excel at it. I definitely don't want to Zerg but I do enjoy fighting zergs outnumbered.

    I'm particularly interested in being gunner for a good Lib Pilot, or perhaps an aggressive Vanguard driver. Whatever it is I want to be driven/flown into hell and back, with confidence.
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  3. natowpnzor

    Sadly, I'm on Emerald, same with all my certs. And I do literally everything you speak of too. I wish there was another way play together without having to sacrifice our characters and restart.

    Yah I'm a newbie (On PC) and need a way to level up fast without sacrificing skill. Gunning would be perfect. A shame.

    If I made an Emerald character what vehicles would you have to help me level up and how often do you play? I would consider playing on Emerald with a proper path to good certs and no helpless boredom getting wrecked without any certs solo or with people that aren't very good at the game.
  5. Halkesh

    Around half the planetman are capable/willing to do teamwork. But if you are giving order, none will follow.
    Join a teamwork base outfit or ask people if they want to team up with you to do things.

    If you complain because when you give order none follow, well... it's pretty normal : people are here to play and have fun, not to follow the order of a guy they don't know / trust his tactician efficiency.
    Also, if you use the /order, don't expect they'll all move to attack/defend your objectives, even more the guys that are farming in bio lab.

    Tactician people generaly use their time/nanite to pull galaxies/valkyries/sunderer and place them at the right place so the cannonflesh troopers can join the fight (planetman are lazzy and won't join a fight if they can't deploy on it in one or 2 redeploy.)

    Welcome to the reality of planetside 2, a MMOFPS where most people don't play together.
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  6. PlanetBound

    It may not seem like it but the other friendlies on the base know the score as well as you. It's their choice to kick in some effort.
    But generally you don't get the type of teamwork you describe unless you are playing with (internet or real life ) friends and using external voice chat.

    There are some large outfits that roll over bases like a machine but they tend to get stuck in 96+ battle mode and leave the majority of base capture to the few. Maybe one of the big outfits is a good fit for you. My preference is being a loner but once in a while hanging with the farming crowd.
  7. Jawarisin

    You're gonna have to learn to fly a lib before you can gun one just fyi.

    Just want to wish you the best of luck though.
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  8. Ximaster

    Because this is not real military school who cadets follow orders from generals...this is a game...free....
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    On console I was a top 3 lib pilot. Obviously on PC I'd be significantly worse. I haven't touched lib because it takes too many certs to be effective and I don't even have tank buster. I know the lib mechanics though and angles. I would just have to learn the muscle memory. So basically it'll have to wait a month or so until I can upgrade one or someone would have to pull me one otherwise I'd need to be the gunner.

    In the end I'm sure I'd be fine/above average at least.
  10. Jawarisin

    If you haven't libbed much on PC, you'll be surprised. Libs dont take that long to get "okayish" though. You can make-do with about 2000 certs in it.

    Liberator solo'ing is way more powerful on PC, because you can actually give the right inputs really fast to do some nifty maneuvers, you'll have to learn a lot more on that side. It can also be used even if you got a gunner by switching to tail, some maneuvers are faster that way.

    The problem is that the good pilots usually don't want crappy gunners. And good gunners don't want crappy pilots. So you'll have to either ask very politely and know that you might be sent to the tailgun quite a few times depending on who you're asking; or you'll have to fly randoms or solo until you can get to an acceptable level.

    All in all, if you're nice and you show some determination, you'll get there without problems. But you have waaay more than simply muscle memory to learn. Especially if you want to be a gunner. The good gunners on PC.... Brutal isn't strong enough of a word. Feel free to look up "Zelp" or "WhatIsOurLimits" on youtube. Those montages you have to realise are just short clips they liked, and they cut the boring parts out. But their accuracy is consistently like that, and those shots - they land them all the darn time.

    So, all in all, I think you'll have plenty of room to improve and you'll have competition for a long time - Which in my opinion is a good thing at least :p Welcome to PC
  11. Demigan

    There's two answers.

    1. You are asking players to play something they don't want to play at the time, while you picked something that you did want to play and hoped/asked people to join in teamwork that supports your play. If you really want to have teamwork you would try and find what playstyle most of your team wants to play right now and then support them, instead of you asking them to drop what they are doing and support you.
    2. There is very little impromptu teamplay in PS2, most teamplay is also sub-par to "just ask more people to run and shoot at the target". If you want the game to be more about teamwork all classes need better synergys with one another so playing together is easier and rewards you more. Instead of what we currently have where you can do exhaustive teamplay but are better off having one extra loose canon running around nearby.
      What kind of synergies or impromptu teamplay? The Engineer with MAX is just about the only good example in PS2. When the Engineer grabs his repair gun and sticks close to the MAX both players instantly know what to do. The Engineer will keep the MAX repaired and supplied, the MAX will count on the repairs and supplies but will also attempt to keep the Engineer safe from harm. At the same time the Engineer is allowed to pick off some kills from behind the MAX so the Engineer isn't just supporting all the time.
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    I definitely believe in my abilities to be average fairly quickly/almost instantly, and I only want to work with good players both pilots and gunners. My hugest pet peeve on Planetside PS4 was having Lib gunners that couldn't aim extremely well. I was kind of infamous for it. A lot of people wouldn't gun for me because they knew I'd yell at them if they slacked off xD lol

    So believe me, I'm totally on the same page as them. Just waiting till I either get certs to practice myself or someone with like 1 days patience to break in my training wheels.
  13. Jawarisin

    Average isn't hard to hit. But average is low. If you want a good gunner, you're looking at the top 1% or not even. And those folks like to be with the top 1% pilots. It's not just a skill thing though; like people have their "usual gunners/pilots" and they prefer to stick with them. Did you look at the two players I mentionned on youtube?

    Honestly, it's hard to say because I've never seen you fly. Do you got any video of your flying or videos of your gunning. Or did you ever/do you ever stream?
  14. ColonelChingles

    I let my brother jump on my account recently. He's not a PS2 player, but is a pretty avid Battlefield-aholic. Watching him was an interesting experience.

    For starters, I was part of a platoon, but my brother's first question is "why aren't there bad guys here". Fair enough. I explain to him that this is an offensive capture and that maybe bad guys will show up in the future but for now the base is deserted. He then proceeds to the map to try to "find a fight". Despite the squad orders to hold the hex, he decides to jump off across the map to where all the explosions are happening (and is upset he can't redeploy directly there).

    He also plays without listening to sound, so all the verbal orders over platoon and squad were completely ignored. Not once though did he ask why names were popping up on the bottom of the screen.

    The squad and platoon waypoints were completely new to him. At first he was interested in what they were, but once he found out it had to do with orders he promptly ignored them.

    In general he had a good time, and to his credit his K/D was fairly good (better than mine I think). But he was definitely not playing as a team and showed no interest in doing so. To him, PS2 was simply a game of shooting guys, and he was not happy when he wasn't shooting guys.

    I want to try to get him to play with me when I'm running with a tightly-knit and well-led squad, so maybe when he sees that magic he'll change his mind. Maybe. :p
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  15. TrolKabu

    1- Many possibilities :
    • They don't like vehicles/your vehicle
    • They don't like gunning/your gun
    • They have other vehicles to manage (sundies and tanks column mostly)
    • They are part of a squad/outfit and follow orders/play with their friends
    • Their class is not suited for gunning (better be an engy)
    • They have another goal (the biggest part of refusal)/don't see the point of hoping into your vehicle
    • They don't give a **** about anything else than themselves (CC's brother for example, no offense)
    • Other... Please explain below your reasons :

    2- I'm afraid you're asking something that is extremely demanding and time consuming to everyone in the Biolab. Do you imagine how much time and coordination it requires to form balanced squads (if even possible, as Biolab are mostly filled with heavies), to set a leader for each squad, to set goals for each squad, and possibly follow the overall orders from the platoon leader if there is one ? You'd better pick the closest guys from you and manage them alone than asking the whole community to assemble. I don't even talk about the ones who don't give a **** at all. And I bet there is a lot of them in Biolabs.

    3- Don't want/bored to play without teamwork ?
    • Make friends, play with them
    • Join open squads/platoon
    • Join an outfit
    • Follow zerglings ? o_O
    About the last part, Demigan described it well in his second point. Also, people do what they want to do, whatever the situation is. If they want to follow you, they will. If not, they won't. That's all.

    I do understand your frustration, as I come in some similar situations quite often. It's mostly about destroying the only enemy's sunderer on a base, and I'm the only one going for this. Which results a lot in failures, as I'm alone. But anybody can follow me if they see what I'm trying to achieve. That is exactly where squad/platoons leader intervene. They give goals. People may follow them or not, pick the classes you ordered them to pick, there is a high chance they will still do whatever they want, BUT they're probably converging in the same destination. Which is the point.

    To summarize : Don't give orders to people. Just give them a (reasonable) goal. And if needed, explain why. Means don't import a lot.

    If you're into it, create a squad, gather people, set them goals, and listen to their wishes/advices. I assure you that, if you're not totally incompetent as a leader, you'll have pretty soon a dedicated group willing to join your squad each time you log in.
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  16. AtckAtck

    Short answer: A lot of people are dumb as hell and bad players.

    I cannot count how often I died because some random guy was blocking my own sunderer gun and was shooting somewhere into the air while a tank was slowly killing us.

    Or nobody getting onto the guns as all, they let themselves be farmed instead of using a fully certed kobalt to gun down the coming infantry... This is just plain stupid.

    Same goes for base building:
    So we have a base, 3 skyshields, a 100% core, 15 ai turrets, reinforcement tower multiple repair sunderers and so on....
    And while there are like 100+ players only some hundred meters away, they just don't come to help.
    They seem to think a base with 5-6 builders can defend against a rush of 30 enemies... So "boom", base gone. No more victory points, no continent lock, no resource bonus. Dumb.

    I'm not trying to be top 1% as even if I could hit that goal it'd take way too much time and stress. Our definitions of good are different. By good I mean above average say better than 60% of total pilots/gunners to 85% rouglhly. For me anything from 85-95 would be great and 96-99 would be elite anything past that would be best in the game. Just so you understand what I mean when I throw out those terms.
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  18. Jawarisin

    Yeah I get what you mean. Problem is, there's no good gunner in that bracket; literally none. The best you can hope for is a gunner that's a nice bloke to talk with. But reality is, any gunner you get in that bracket will probably be worst than if you learned to solo lib correctly.

    The population is very clearly defined in pilots and non pilots. There's no bad pilot at this time, everybody's had enough time to learn, and the new ones that are currently learning can't really be called pilots because they haven't spent enough time in an aircraft. Those are the guys you'll have in the bracket you're talking about.

    But, you'll see the difference soon enough when you'll face good lib crews ;)
  19. Inzababa

    I like to help and work together, I'm playing mostly the medic now and I heal and rez everyone I can, if I'm on an engineer I hardly ever pass anything that needs repairing, and if I notice we lack sunderers, I leave the fight and go get one.

    That said, I don't join squads or outfits because I like to solo and I lock most of my tanks and sunderers because random people usually annoy me.

    But to answer your question generally, sometimes I am not objective driven, and it's likely most players aren't, and that's because even if you and your friends work very hard to gain land or even lock continents, it's not long before you lose that land or continent. Though it's true everyone can make a difference, at the end of the day, it's always same old same old, win or lose, the fighting is kinda pointless.

    So I guess people focus less on the objectives and more on whatever is fun for them. Whether it's the most efficient or helpful thing to do doesn't matter since none of it matters anyway.
  20. breeje

    Bad leadership, the right leader can accomplish these things
    Find a good outfit, stay away from random squads