
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AirPilot, Jul 16, 2016.

  1. AirPilot

    The air game was struggling enough with anti air and tomcats but now you make the coyotees go through stealth and with a higher volocity?

    Air game is dead. I'm quitting.

    There is so much potential in the air game for it to be a competative highly skilled game mode, maybe at some point you should make something like that daybreak, only flying, no locks but right now people that I have nothing to do with and am not shooting at (ground targets) are shooting me and ruining my game completely.
  2. Rikkit

    Let me rephrase that from the perspective of a general ground target:
    "But right now, people that i have nothing to do with and am not shooting at (ESF/Libs/Gals) are shooting me and ruining my game completly."

    Let me rephrase that from the perspective of a sniper:
    "But right now, people that i have nothing to do with and am not shooting at (Vehicles) are shooting me and ruining my game completly."

    Let me rephrase that from the perspective of a general target:
    "But right now, something is shooting me and ruining my game completly."

    Planetside is the game, where everyone shoots everything.
    If you can't deal with someone opening fire at you, from an unexpectet direction, this is not the game for you.
    And if you want to do a2a work, without the influence of a2g, fly between the ennemy warpgate and the frontline... there is next to no g2a around....

    If you still seek for a competative and skillfull airgame, without the influence of lockon launchers, i can recommend war thunder to you.
    • Up x 4
  3. Sh4n4yn4y

    I actually fairly alright with the changes. I hate coyotes with a passion, but it's brought new faces into the skies. It does kind of get boring shooting down and getting shot down by the same people for years, because we usually just bent new pilots over and violently violated them.
  4. FateJH

    Maybe, the developers don't want it to be such a thing, that they'd rather just have it be a normal game facet that anyone can play without requiring long hours of combat mastery?
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  5. vitanidb

    Are you passively telling us the air game is dead simply because you can be shot at while in an ESF?
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  6. Insignus

    *Shrug* Ok. I'm sorry that you're no longer able to wail on people without checking your 6 or that your expectation that they be pointed at you from certain angles to get nosegun shots is being up-ended. I'm also sorry that you feel like having multiple ways to die that don't involve noseguns in the A2A game impinges upon your adaptability as a pilot.

    Personally, I've always thought countermeasures such as flares or perhaps thermal masking should have their own utility slot. Maybe thats an avenue for exploration.

    But if you feel you can't hack it and don't have anything you want changed other than a complete revert, well then, Good-Bye!
  7. FieldMarshall

    I dont think anyone will mind if you want to be a dramaqueen and quit if you dont get your way.
  8. Scr1nRusher

  9. AirPilot

    Except I'm not shooting ground targets, as I said only other air to air targets for dogfights. Also even if you did get shot from the air that wouldn't cripple you has much as a pilot being shot by AA as the pilot also has to deal with other highly skilled skynights that can destroy him, were as in a ground vehicle you don't need much skill to get kills in it, basic no muscle memory is enough to start doing damage, with ESFs, no you need lots of skill.
  10. Scr1nRusher

  11. zaspacer

    ESF Aces have been a key player in turning the Air Game personal experience into a win-lose scenario: someone is gonna win (enjoy it), and someone is gonna lose (not enjoy it). Rather than having been more attentive to the needs of the different players, and helping shape a shared Air Game (via discussion and posts) that worked for more players on more levels, ESF Aces typically adopted a Marie Antoinette "everyone else is peasants" attitude. And a l2p or get out attitude, and a "let me farm Warpgates and ignore my Faction" attitude.

    Demigan pointed out that Coyote would likely fill the noob tube role being stripped away from A2AM. I was skeptical (largely because I didn't know how the Coyote changes would work out, and because it seemed odd to kill A2AM as noob tube anti-ESF only to buff Coyote as noob tube anti-ESF) but I awaited finding out. And it sounds (from your report) like Coyote is looking like the noob tube anti-ESF. On the plus side, at least Coyote can be used as weak A2G which the A2AM could not. On the minus side, well... I guess we'll have to see how that shapes up and how each player views each different thing as a good or bad thing.
  12. LaughingDead

    Coyotes are for interceptors that can't travel fast but take enemy aircraft easier while dodging, afterburns are for faster flankers and speedsters that rotary opponents down or take the opportunity of a weakened pilot. What exactly is the problem? A bad coyote user still loses at range to base nosegun, in fact I would say perfect nosegun aim beats it entirely.
  13. Rikkit

    Let me Rephrase that again, to show, you, that everyone else in this game has the same problem, but isn't complaining:

    Except I'm not shooting Airplanes as(LightAssault), as I said only other Infantery targets for fights. Also even if you did get shot from these Infantery units, that wouldn't cripple you has much as a Lightassault being shot by A2G as the Lightassault also has to deal with other highly skilled Infanterymans that can destroy him, were as in a A2G Vehicle you don't need much skill to get kills in it, basic no muscle memory is enough to start doing damage, with Light Assaults, no you need lots of skill.

    You don't like Flak or Lockons? as i said before, don't fight/fly above the Frontline. Shure you can Farm easy kills there, as a2g esf usually are not able to deal with skyknights.
    But if you don't like g2a options, keep the ******* hell away from ground units.
    Camp the ennemy Warpgate with your plane and you'll find this a2a only fights, you seem to love.

    I really don't understand this attitude of skyknights. Do you feel like you deserve to be be untouchable by groundunits, or new players? Do you feel like you're the most skilled player group in the game, and because of this you're allowed to kill everyone else?
    In my Opinion the Answer should be "Hell no".
    You still deserve to die as fast as everyone else.
    When you claim you don't need skills in other parts of the game, to be succesfull, show me a video, where you play the stalker as good as cute beaver, or wrek everyone else like elusive1...

    See, I am a ground Unit. I don't Care if that plane above me is an A2G farmer or a skyknight an A2A farmer..
    Shure, as AA Unit i'll focus on the A2G Farmer first, but this Game is a Team game, There are no things like 1 on 1.
    When you're fighting a friendly ESF in my proximity, i will help my Teammates up in the air with a Lockon or Flak.
    Don't like it? Don't fly in my proximity.
    • Up x 1
  14. Jamuro

    @skyknights wanting to be "untouchable"

    Let me turn this on it's head to maybe show another perspective.

    Currently a single manned aa turret or skyguard or burster max (that actually positions himself right ... as in somewhere else than the spawn room) is enough to make it impossible for the majority of a2a pilots to hunt a2g pilots in an area.

    This might have changed with the recent update (i have to play around some more with it), but the main contributer to this issue was the fact that any even half competent a2g esf still had the "same" nosegun as the attacker.

    Sure he was a bit less manouverable, but overall it always was a close fight and usually decided by the fact that you either jumped the a2g pilot or that you had a lot more experience with the nosegun than he had ... or well you lost.

    In such a situation, losing 1/3rd of your hp to a lockon or getting hit by flak basically decided the result of the combat beforehand.

    This meant, that if one side had an aa presence, their a2g esfs could farm with impunity (or until the other side reaches critical aa mass).
    Weather this is a good or bad thing is for others to decide.
  15. Rikkit

    I'm aware, that aa units basicly deploy a ~500m no fly zone around them.
    That's why i suggested to intercept ennemy planes between the warpgate and the frontline, as there usually is no aa around in this area.

    I know the current aa situation is problematic, as AA is to weak to defeat a2g farmers in small fights, but scales to well in numbers.
    I have no clue how to fix this problem, but i do hope, that the future balance pass on g2a will adress this isuue.
    (I think this balance pass will happen early 2017).
    But with the current issue i'd rather see dedicated a2a pilots forced to infiltrate deep in ennemy teritory(to escape the influence of AA), than to render ground units defenseless vs a2g farmers.

    EDIT: I don't know how the increased rate of activity behind the frontline thanks to Construction bases affect this option)
  16. vitanidb

    Even if you claim that you only focused on other ESFs, no one other than your friends could have possibly known you had no interest in ground targets. To them it's a kill the ESF or risk getting farmed themselves thing which is why ESFs were (and probably still are) being preempted with flaks upon sight.

    If you're legitimately saying "only other ESFs should be able to kill me" then all I can say is sorry bro, you're going up against what people have been screaming for since the "only another MBT should be able to kill me" issue was pushed to the side (maybe even before that o.0).
  17. Taemien

    That's how it works. But that's not how 'THEY' want it to.

    People like the OP want to be able to do the physics and buggy maneuvers (that shouldn't be possible to begin with) that they have mindlessly practiced for hours if not days or weeks, in order to literally fly circles around those who haven't. Now these maneuvers aren't as useful. You still get hit if you're too close.

    That p-sses them off. Their advantage is nullified. I think Daybreak is genius. They've wanted to fix these buggy game breaking maneuvers for a while. But while Higby and the old crowd thought it was clever and left it in for years. Removing it outright would have been rage inducing. So they left it in.. pandora's box being opened and all that. But instead of removing it. They curbed its usefulness.

    The A2A farm is lessned. Not outright gutted as experience and skill is still a factor. But the fact that its not a helpless forgone conclusion now (like every other fight in the game), means more pilots. More pilots means the air game isn't as inaccessible. Now we can see the air game be buffed as its no longer a taboo-ish frustrating thing to get involved with.

    My hope is these crazy and buggy maneuvers are slowly forgotten as new pilots forgo trying to learn them and eventually it is abandoned entirely. Sitting in the VR for a few hours relearning those damn things everytime I took a couple months break from flying got tedious real quick. Now maybe flying a ESF will be as pick up and go like every other vehicle.
  18. Silkensmooth

    Why not just go fly in a game that has a flight model you like?

    How selfish can you be that you just want to take flying, which is something completely unique and awesome, and turn it into driving a lightning in the sky?

    Only a really bad player would support this point of view.

    Its really not hard to learn to fly, all you have to do is join an air outfit and ask for help.

    Every empire has dedicated air outfits and they are full of nice people who are happy to help.

    Thats the great thing about having things in the game that a 4 year old cant master. It encourages you to talk to other people instead of trying to play every game like a solo title.

    Oh and coyotes are bad. They fixed them before for a reason. I'm guessing they will leave them as-is until sales die down and then do something to make them less stupid again.
  19. Scr1nRusher


    - OP & some people in this thread.
  20. Taemien

    Take your own advice. If PS2 currently doesn't have the model you like. Go somewhere else.

    Or adapt and use the long range nose guns when peeps are using Coyotes. Actually better yet, just go. I don't want terrible players who can't adapt in my game. Actually stop breathing my air. However you do it, I don't care.