Galaxy OP in small engagements

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ArcticRunner, Feb 26, 2016.

  1. Reclaimer77

    I mean this is crazy. If anything it's the Galaxy that should require support to operate. It should be a sitting duck and should require ESF's to establish air superiority before even thinking about flying over enemy bases.

    But NOPE, this is Planetside. Everyone ELSE has to coordinate and use teamwork against air, never air requiring it. So we'll just give the Galaxy a million health and armor so it can operate anywhere with impunity on **** on every good fight it can find.

    Where are all you realism junkies now? Do you think a C-130 Spectre Gunship would last 2 minutes without friendly air support in a real fight?
  2. Foxirus

    Currently as it stands a single burster max is not going to do much in the way of a galaxy. As the OP says, The galaxy is just too tanky as it stands now in smaller engagements. You won't find many people who will be willing to drop 450 nanites just to scare a galaxy off for about 15 seconds while it goes and repairs itself completely.
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  3. Azawarau

    Ive tried lockdown and Zealot burster

    Ive tried double and triple max

    Ive even sat and blasted two healing gals for minutes while they floated above me and conversation with them about the easy exp they were getting from my ineffective falcon damage

    Its just too much
  4. Scr1nRusher

    So what EXACTLY is the galaxy weak against?
  5. Carl1879

    Another galaxy covered in C4?
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  6. FateJH

    The same things that are powerful against everything else in the game, which people on the ground also complain about.
  7. Scr1nRusher

  8. FateJH

    Surprisingly, arguably so.

    Four slabs, so requires some teamwork (something unheard of to C-4 enthusiasts as far as I am aware). Complications against a flight ceiling Galaxy may exist but demolitionists have always found a way before.
    Note: Galaxies have the worst multiplier for C-4 - they take only 30% bonus damage.
  9. Scr1nRusher


    What substance was SOE on at the time?
  10. Azawarau


    Double AA sundie if it can be chased down. If it cant then itll just escape almost unharmed

    Ive tried before

    It takes 5 C 4 (Not sure if this was with or without armor or if armor affected C 4 anyways)

    Yes ive flown onto Galaxies to C 4 their backs

  11. Scr1nRusher

    The A2G aircraft is the counter to the Heavy Transport Aircraft.

    SOE was on many many drugs.
  12. ColonelChingles

    All transports in this game are far too healthy and armoured for their own good. This is because PS2 players are by and large incapable of organized tactics beyond zerging, so asking for escorts or assault forces to screen the transports is out of the question. As a result, the Sunderer and the Galaxy have a ridiculous amount of HP.

    "Light" weapons that would normally not be effective against heavily armoured ground targets are also too strong in PS2. Keeping in mind that in the 29th century most weapons have gotten "heavier" (for example, 12.7mm machineguns are considered to be light-medium in PS2 while they are HMGs in the 21st century), the weapons that Galaxies and Sunderers carry are too effective. A HMG like the Basilisk/Drake should do no damage at all to an MBT. 40mm Furies should do next to nothing. And a 60mm Bulldog should mostly deflect and cause very light damage if any at all. Again, this is a result of PS2 transport vehicle operators being incapable of coordination and thus requiring transport units to be self-sufficient.

    Finally, aircraft in PS2 are in general far too heavily armoured and healthy. Galaxies having as much HP as an MBT and being able to tank 100mm+ AP hits. This is because PS2 pilots need to be able to farm, and as a result must be allowed to take crazy amounts of damage before they need to peel off and repair.

    These three factors combined make Galaxies able to take a lot of hits while dishing a lot of damage out.

    The Galaxy should be changed such that it requires an aircraft escort to protect against other aircraft and ground forces to clear out ground-based AA. A Galaxy is essentially a C-130 transport aircraft (or some smaller variation thereof), and should have the weapons/armour to reflect that. This means removing all weapons except the Drake and reducing the HP/armour to about Harasser levels (if not lower).
  13. Jake the Dog

    Keep in mind that that platform is on the top of the food chain against all targets...
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  14. Jake the Dog

    It would never reach a base in that case. I get tank rounds onto galaxies all the time on their approaches to bases. So having it be that low is a no go. But I'd love to see better balancing Air vs. Ground. Problem being its extremely complicated to balance, lowering gal health is a start, and increasing A2A weapons damage vs. aircraft (maybe not ESFs) would help the balance. This way people with anti ground based loadouts get crushed by people bringing A2A loadouts.

    For all those people who hate tomcats and coyotes (I'm not super fond of them myself, but I know their place). If you like farming ground targets with hornet missiles and rocket spam, i'm all about pulling tomcats to kill you. I don't bring HE to kill tanks (hell I don't bring HE for anything), I bring AP to kill tanks. Get with the program skyknights.
  15. Azawarau

    The Anti tank nose gun absolutely destroys them

    If not that then the dalton and a chase game
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  16. LodeTria

    The galaxy does need it's resistance to all things lowered.
    It should be lowered to be above an liberator but no by much when fully loaded with guns.

    At the same time however, the sides and top gun slots should have armour that brings it back up to snuff. With 1 being still below a current galaxy, 2 being a current galaxy and 3 being even stronger than it is now. This allows the "dropship" type of galaxy to exist and get into fights and drop troops/stay there, whilst also making battle galaxys able to be killed by things other than a liberator.
  17. oberchingus

    Teamwork OP! Let's all go back to Counter-Strike!!!!
  18. FateJH

    You know, after looking at the resistance table a bit more, it's come to my attention that not only do Galaxies have the lowest C-4 damage multipliers, still doing bonus damage, mind you, C-4 is also one of only two damage types that do bonus damage to a Galaxy.

    The other is the Phoenix, which also lists the Galaxy as the lowest damage multiplier for all things that it can damage (-14%, or 1.14x) and does almost half the base damage of C-4.

    Edit: wait, there's more.
    Of the things that do damage to Galaxies, i.e., damage to which the Galaxy is not 100% immune, the highest degree of resistance is against Aircraft Machine Guns at 91.5%. You can empty a whole magazine of M18 Needler into it, an effort taking 6s with an output of 15000 raw damage, and only deal 1350 damage to it.

    On re-reading what I typed, I'm not certain which sounds more impressive - the Galaxy for resisting so much damage or the Needler for needing that much of its damage to be resisted.
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  19. Scr1nRusher

    There is a difference between Teamwork and abusing something.
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  20. Taemien

    You can't pull ESFs, Gals, Libs, Valks, or MBT's at every base. That Galaxy normally has to be pulled from the Warpgate.

    So by your logic Gals need serious buffs since they have to be pulled 2-9 bases back.