Wrel has officially joined the Daybreak team

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Shaengar, Jan 27, 2016.

  1. SpartanPsycho

    He got cheated, m8
  2. SpartanPsycho

    So, essentially you're telling me we're going to hire a youtube personality? One that thought free shotguns was a good idea?
    One that doesn't even vehicle?

    BUt nooooo, no wisdomcube, screamingrusher or the several other better devs....
  3. Ronin Oni

    Official forum is NOT, nor was it ever designed to be, the medium for communicaiton with devs.

    It is merely the official forum for PLAYERS to discuss the game AMONGST THEMSELVES.
  4. Ronin Oni

    hahaha this made me lol
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  5. AxiomInsanity87

    I could cry

    Wrel is the messiah lol ;)
  6. SpartanPsycho

    i like making people happy
    by making better game
  7. Ronin Oni

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  8. BakaRaymoo

    Screw Wrel!!! He didnt reply to my youtube PMs :confused: :(
  9. ConradHorse

    Good to know that there is some interest of DBG in PS2! I was about to give up! Now changed my mind:)
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  10. SpartanPsycho

  11. AxiomInsanity87

    I'd have been happy either way mate

    The thing with this is that you have skills to design and make games. You should probably look elsewhere, maybe somewhere that is bigger than daybreak games?.

    How about EA seen as they have **** all over battlecod?

    Mate you can probably do whatever you want if you put your mind to it.
  12. Liewec123

    depending on how much power he's being given this could be very very good!
  13. Hegeteus

    They probably hired him to be some kind of face for DBG since he does have a good standing with the community. His ideas may not be rock solid or anything, but at least he has never made an *** of himself(which is probably why he doesn't post in this dark pit of madness :))
  14. SwornJupiter

    Don't get all excited and/or up in arms just yet. Keep in mind that Wrel's position is only a member of the design development team. This means that his work will still be confined by directives from corporate interests and powers above him, and the limited existing assets of Daybreak/Columbus Nova.

    He's not running the show, and as much as it is great news that he is on the team to represent the majority perspective of actual day-to-day players, we should be patient, wait and see if anything comes out of this.

    However, on the part of the dev team, this is a brilliant PR move - inviting a popular Planetside 2 youtube personality to take an active part in development.
  15. JudgeNu

    Good for Wrel.
    He has been making videos and doing what he can to help new and old players all for the benefit of Planetside2 as well as gaming in general.

    Certainly is nice to see someone on the team who actually has many hours of gaming experience and knows this game well.
    Does this mean Planetside3 with a different engine or better Planetside2?

    There is absolutely nothing that can be said bad about Wrel and anyone who does is just jealous.
    Congratulations Wrel.
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  16. AlterEgo

  17. JudgeNu

    Why would DBG even consider these two for a position?
    Especially Wisdomcube, he hates bad players as much as I do, but I disabled voice and stopped ranting in chat.
    He didn't.
    You don't hire people that have that kind of reputation.

    As far as Crusher, I don't really have anything negative to say about him really, but he sure has his opinions about the game!
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  18. Reclaimer77

    I like him already. Great pick Daybreak!

    And you call others "child"? The classy thing to do, the mature thing, would be to congratulate Wrel and at least pretend to be happy for him. But you and others just can't do that can you? It's all hate hate hate hate.
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  19. AxiomInsanity87

    I think wrel is a good sign that dbg wants to get a relaunch right.
  20. Razzyman

    I for one am glad to see them first hiring people, that's a good sign that they want to see the game grow, and that they appear to be willing to make an investment into the game, which is at least an indication that the game is still producing decent revenue for them. I am also glad that Wrel is on, I enjoy his videos and I think he has good and level headed ideas for the game.