Can someone please analyse my stats or something?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DarkStarII, Nov 24, 2015.

  1. DarkStarII

    I want to know what I am bad at and how to improve and I don't know what a lot of them mean. I feel like I am horrible at this game. :(
    I also don't know where to find any stats, apart from the ingame ones.
    This may end badly.....
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  2. Ballto21

    whats your in game name?
  3. DarkStarII


    The end "II" is two capital "i's".
    Same as the name here.
  4. Bindlestiff

  5. Iridar51

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  6. DarkStarII

    I'll see if I can post a video of some of my gameplay. Doubt it'll work well.
  7. Demigan

    FIrst of all, your stats don't tell the whole story. If you generally play against Zergs you will have worse stats than playing with a Zerg, even though you can be far more skilled than the players in said Zerg. The same goes for almost any situation. Do you take more risks? Try to retake heavily guarded points? Are you the one who tries to inspire people to assault by running in first, of do you wait till it seems you guys will win and only move in then?

    Second, a quick look at your vehicles and weapons used I can give you a few tips:
    The Saron and Aphelion are wonderful weapons on both the Magrider and Harasser. The Saron seems a better choice for the Magrider over the Aphelion. The Halberd is a nice NS weapon but a Magrider is underwhelming in either DPS or armor when going up against the other two factions, so getting the most out of surprise attacks and cashing out as much DPS as possible should be your goal. The Magrider simply isn't very well suited for extended long-range combat.
    For the Lightning, get the AP canon. You are using your HEAT a lot against vehicles compared to the amount of infantry kills you make, so you might as well go all the way and get the better AP canon. Further I suggest Fire Suppression and stealth frame but that's because it enhances my battlestyle. Not sure what you can benefit from.

    You are heavily invested in an infiltrator CQC loadout, but don't seem to be performing too well with it. All your SMG's which you auraxed are below 1 KD. So I would suggest trying to change your approach to combat as SMG infiltrator or swapping classes to something that suits your style more. I guess you are either highly aggressive as SMG infil or very very shy. If you are highly aggressive, take a bit more time before opening fire and see if you can get in a better position before attacking. Infils need to attack from the flank or behind to be at their best, so try to get a position that will guarantee you a shot in someone's side/back rather than their front.
    If you are very very shy, try attacking earlier. If someone enters and you are about to be discovered you instantly need to close the distance to something ideal for you (or let them close that distance for you) and then just attack. Your accuracy seems OK for SMG's.

    Other than that, there's not much to say atm.
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  8. DarkStarII

    Yes I play aggressively, far too aggressively... And yes, I do run in first, always first. How did you know :eek:
    With the Lightning I got he HEAT because it was cheap (250 certs at the time) and is better against vehicles than the Viper. Magriders, I only really gun for them (no certs invested in it). I'm not really a ground vehicle person, I prefer aircraft.
  9. Flag

  10. DarkStarII

    I still haven't recovered from my early days. I'm regularly getting atleast 1 nowdays.
  11. Liberty

    One of the biggest thing you can start to do is use the right tool for the job.

    If your play style is an aggressive pusher / front line person then you should really be playing a lot more heavy. Trying to force other classes into this role when you are just starting out turns your experience into an uphill battle.

    Next would be to learn how and when to effectively enter a transition state (going cover to cover). Rushing a room blindly where people aren't transitioning (read are camped in) is going to get you killed no matter what class you are. You need to learn to actually clear a room or minimize your risk before blindly charging in. This takes quite a bit of time and map knowledge, but the basics like pieing a corner and crosshair placement are a good start.

    Learning how to pick fights and read the map before you ever step out of the spawn room can have a huge impact on your performance (as a solo player). Accept that some fights (many) are well out of your control because of things like skewed populations or super saturated capture points. Learn which ones to avoid (go to the next base and set up) or learn to read the battle lines that the other members of your faction create and push that where possible.

    *edit* Also, your accuracy is a bit low which is usually caused by either poor FPS or mouse sensitivity issues.
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  12. AxiomInsanity87

    Git gud.

    Someone had to say it ;)
  13. zu2

    Well, in my personal opinion, you don't have enough hours in game over the last 12 months to get really good right now. So spend more time in game to develop better situational awareness. Start experimenting with emp grenades if you are going to stick with infil 50 percent of the time. Get grenade bandoleer and spam a few emp grenades before jumping into a room. Not only will this eliminate mines, it degrades a heavy's shields. Put an emp implant in your implant slot if you are going to do this, however.

    Given your infantry weapon accuracy, I think you might be trying to kill from too great a range with infil in cqc. Get closer. Arm yourself with a decent handgun as a secondary. Think about orbiting the periphery of a big battle looking for other infils who are sniping. A cqc infil can easily take down a sniper infil focused towards the battle.

    Make use of motion sensors and sensor darts. They can help develop your situational awareness via the mini-map.
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  14. RedArmy

    k/d means nothing - what matters is, are you having fun? are you enjoying your time within the game?
    ive seen BR 100s with k/d's of 0.3 - but they enjoy playing. its all about finding your Niche
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  15. DarkStarII

    That's what I'm trying to do here ;)
  16. DarkStarII

    That's probably the only reason I've stuck with the game :)
  17. AxiomInsanity87

    Either you need to be more methodical or you're playing what you like but it doesn't actually compliment your playstyle.

    That's what i get from looking at your stats.
  18. DarkStarII

    I'm working on getting a video, the you and others can see my play style. :)
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  19. AxiomInsanity87


    The main thing is that if you have fun, then that's all that matters.

    I am interested to see though. Just make sure you do it when you're in try-hard mode so we get a more accurate representation.
  20. DarkStarII

    What is this "try-hard" mode you speak of? ;)

    Oh yes, I will appologize in advance for potato quality.
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