Tonight 3 invincible harrasers with gatekeepers must have killed 30 tanks w/o 1 death

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kimble, Oct 25, 2015.

  1. Jake the Dog

    The problem here is the inability to retaliate. You grabbed probably 3-5 harassers with render range weapons and you think people wouldn't get pissed? Not to mention one that weapon is bugged and doesn't make a sound on impact past a certain range. Which compounds the fact that people will sit 300m+ out killing vehicles with impunity.
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  2. CloakAndDagger

    Um he was addressing the issue with alleged invincibility and aimbotting... and you are attacking him for using a bugged weapon?
    That's completely unrelated m9
  3. MuggieWara

    So you've never been targeted by Vanu Lancer squad?Or a NC Raven squad before?Are you bad,new or trolling?
    And those 30 tanks?Did they have the situational awareness of a rock?Or are they just another part of your whining exagerrating imagination?

    Difficult questions...
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  4. OldCuban

    If you're in a lightning and go up against a harasser equipped with a Gatekeeper at close range and lose, then YOU are the problem.

    If you're in a Vanguard with a top gunner and you lose to a Prowler equipped with a Gatekeeper at close range, then YOU are the problem.

    All these arguments about the Gatekeeper being OP are laughable. Welcome to the world of what TR has had to deal with for years now when both opposing factions have had a long range AV primary weapon for their harassers and as a secondary for their tanks.
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  5. Jake the Dog

    Because, if I came back to the game and started getting hit from somewhere outside a 300m radius, and not getting proper hit detection, I'd assume the same thing. Especially if you watched a bunch of MBTs die to the same cause.
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  6. Jake the Dog

    You are overlooking the single most glaring point of the GK. ITS A RENDER RANGE WEAPON.
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  7. Scr1nRusher

    Forumside WTF at this point.

    I know we get stupid, but not this stupid.
  8. Jake the Dog

    Trying to bring light unto darkness, amidst chaos I will prevail!
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  9. Movoza

    That you had to deal with long range secondary weapons is no reason to now "compensate" with over powered weaponary. Regardless whether this weapon is OP or not, your argument is in refence of OP weaponary and should already indicate something is wrong.
    Also, Anchored Prowlers. Grade A long range weaponary that make any other weapon pale in comparison. What does the NC have? Vanguard? Incredibly overrated at long range. Ravens? Maximum of 300m and on a much weaker platform. The VS? Lancers on infantry and Max units. Longer range and quicker bullets, but need to content with less damage. Their MBT has great flanking abillities and can dodge more on long range, but still lacks sustained accurate damage. Enforcers have drop, Saron has cof, all factions have the archer. Is your salvating answer the striker? Oh how the poor TR got screwed on this one. One launcher in their arsenal can't effectively deal with tanks at long range. So can't any other launcher except the lancer and it is still only one freaking launcher.
    GK and Prowler are now the most effective long range weapons in the game and require less skill in general to operate due to forgiving mechanics. If you ask me, higher skill weapons need to be rewarded with higher effectiveness when used right and lower skill weapons need to be less effective when used right. Not the other way around.
    DPS-wise maybe, but a lot of other factors count. The GK has low drop, high velocity and sustainable damage together with no bloom. This means more hits and misses will be regarded as less bad. A Enforcer has higher drop, less sustained damage, less velocity and less DPS, while having a bloom much like the GK. This means more leading and aimimg higher and higher with range. Missing tanks the dps, meaning mistakes are less forgivable. So not only does it have a higher skill floor, at maximum usage it is still less effective. Higher needed skill and still less effective for weapons in the same nice? Pretty bad.
    Also as mentionedby someone else, the Saron has to drop it's DPS to prevent a COF that nearly strikes the back of the Magrider. So a DPS 10 above the GK on long range is only magical thinking.

    I'm still puzzled about the stats though. They don't seem to be overperforming at the moment. Still something feels off about the stats, besides a lower skill weapon being on par with higher skilled weapons.
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  10. Scr1nRusher


    Please don't fall for this stupidity.
  11. Cynicismic

    The issue with the Gatekeeper, especially if it's mounted on a Harasser, is that if the Harasser crew are clever and know what they're doing, you will never know where it is long enough to retaliate. As Jake the Dog says, (with my applause for trying to make sense of the whole situation - good on you, mate), the biggest problem with the Gatekeeper is that it's a render-range weapon that can afford to all-out spam unlike the Saron, (where you must wait for a split second for the accuracy coefficient to return; suffice to say that Saron has a loud, distinct noise while the Gatekeeper is essentially silent), and the Enforcer is just... ...meh. It's not that good a weapon.

    Moving back on-topic, the thing with the Gatekeeper is that it is a distinct impossibility to find where it's coming from provided that the situation is good for the driver of the Gatekeeper mount. A skilled Harasser drive will play it like a ranged assassin, and before you can nail its location, (if you're the intended target), the Harasser will be gone and will have relocated. The obvious downside with the Gatekeeper is that the tracers are very obvious and you can see where the projectiles are coming from, so working out where the attacker is situated is of no trouble. However, the Harasser can get away quickly and relocate, which is often a pain for even the most skilled tank drivers. Even if you spot it and open fire, the likelihood is you will not destroy it, and the Harasser will escape, repair, and find a new spot from which to shoot at you.

    The Prowler is different because although it's a fast machine, it is still an MBT and cannot perform the stunts nor match the speeds that the Harasser can. The Prowler is the better platform for the Gatekeeper in many respects, alongside the fact that the Harasser is the better platform for the Vulcan. However, the Gatekeeper on the Prowler can full-out slug it out with enemies at even point blank ranges because of the extra firepower and vehicle health that is the actual Prowler, whereas the Harasser Gatekeeper requires more situational awareness and an understanding of where your enemies cannot see you. While the Prowler Gatekeeper can also do this, it is perhaps a tactic better for the Gatekeeper Harasser, and henceforth that is why you will often have very little time to retaliate.

    Fundamentally, the Harasser Gatekeeper is more of an assassin weapon because the platform is small and fast, and the Harasser can elude enemies much easier than the MBT can. Yesterday, for example, I was in my Lightning, and was taking incoming fire from a Gatekeeper. I found the source of the fire, took cover, identified the target as a Harasser and landed one HEAT shell before he sped off to repair. Of course, I could also repair, though when there are a multitude of coordinated Harassers working together, often one will distract you while more come after you - this is likely the situation the OP found himself in.

    I like to think that I'm a fairly decent Lightning driver. I emerge victorious whenever I engage enemy Lightnings, and often kill MBTs too. I have a good aim with the HEAT gun at range, and was able to destroy said Harasser whilst he was retreating at 500m range. Likewise, that very same day I hit a Mosquito mid-air at 600m, and destroyed him. The sole reason I survived against that Harasser is because I did not push forward. Though the Gatekeeper punishes those who push too far and can't retreat fast enough, because it is a render-range weapon, and mounted on the Harasser, most of the time it's invisible. Whenever you find it, it vanishes and relocates, while the Harasser knows exactly where you are, and even if you retreat, it will find you very quickly.

    @OP, the likelihood is that you were caught in a skirmish by some coordinated Harasser/Gatekeeper drivers who really knew what they were doing, and knew how to exploit the strengths that the Harasser has the speed, the mobility, and the small size, whereas the Gatekeeper has the range. You probably couldn't kill them because once they started to take hits, they disappeared moments after. There is an element of truth in saying that it's down to the Gatekeeper being overpowered, and I must admit that I have never see Saron Harassers pull the same tricks to such levels of success. Though it is also largely down to skill and cooperation. These Harasser drivers evidently had both, and the knowledge of how to exploit such strengths in both platform and weapon.
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  12. Jake the Dog

    You, I like you.

    We will enlighten these simple folk on ways that don't nerf the weapon into oblivion, but bring balance to the universe.
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  13. Revel

    I stopped playing my BR 100 TR guy out of boredom and wanting something new and moved on to VS awhile back. I'm now BR 40. I have not died to the Gatekeeper ONCE.

    Being out in the open is just as bad for vehicles as it is for infantry. Indar Excavation and all of Northern Indar is a garbage zone with minimal cover. If you had cover they would've had to come close and the tanks would have had an easier time putting tank shells in them.

    3 engineers coordinating with Mana AV turrets could've done the same thing.
  14. Scr1nRusher

    The thread title & OP is something I would see off of Buzzfeed or something.
  15. Jake the Dog

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  16. ALN_Isolator

    Teamwork OP. The whole "strength in unity" thing got into TR's heads, you can't nerf teamwork fourmside.

    Also: The Gatekeeper is not OP, the NC and VS just aren't used to not seeing TR Prowlers and Harassers as cert piñatas past 25m.
  17. Revel

    Whoa dude, nice reaction image! Perhaps you better head over to Reddit or 4chanand share your sick posting ability.
  18. Scr1nRusher

  19. Jake the Dog

    Lol ive posted enough stats about the gk. Ive argued, on valid points mind you, for as long as the things been out. Ive posted pertinent data and logical suggestions to fix said problem constantly. Ive had to explain my point of view to at least a dozen people which most people agree with. Soo, pardon me for being sarcastic when i see another guy who primarily solos TR tell me that theres nothing wrong with the gk.

    If you need an explanation i will happily break it down for you barney style.
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  20. Revel

    Let me break it down for you. They had 6 people. They were coordinated. If 6 people were all good shots, they could have set up far away (completely possible with AV turret and no cover on northern indar) called targets on voice, and smoked that armor zerg just as fast, without even rendering. In fact, tanks probably wouldn't have more than a second of warning, they'd just explode from 6 AV turret shots.

    Every single one of your stat images has a tank. Judging by your killboard, every single one of your characters is a tanker. You expect me to have a single shred of sympathy for a guy sitting in his metal box killing infantry with 1 hit? Tanks might have to utilize cover and terrain, instead of rolling around at range with impunity? Oh no, THE HORROR.