Tonight 3 invincible harrasers with gatekeepers must have killed 30 tanks w/o 1 death

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kimble, Oct 25, 2015.

  1. Kimble

    I was away for 2 years and I considered myself good in a lightning.

    I had no answer for these TR guys not did about 20-30 other tankers.

    Was it aimbotting?

    Or is the gatekeeper OP?

    I never even heard of this godly super weapon (gatekeeper) and I never died so quick on this game like i did to these harasser guys i usually hold my own on armor fights but these guys were invincible.

    PINPOINT accuracy from very far away even when I was moving......they were unbeatable not even close to being beatable. I never saw anything like it before.

    this was at indar excavation btw

    So wtf is going on with this incredible super weapon? this crazy gatekeeper weapon is it the god mode thing now? i never have seen domination like this? in any game?
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  2. Campagne

    Is the GateKeeper OP? It certainly is extremely accurate and easy to use.

    Most TR will tell you it's not, and will likely give you some spiel about TR never having a long-range AV weapon and/or the NC and VS are "just not used to the TR being able to fight back."

    Most NC and VS will tell you it's OP, usually based on stats and/or opinions and personal experiences, and often compare it to the pre-nerf PPA, which was also very, very accurate and easy to use.

    Being NC, I will tell you it's very OP. I'm sure someone will provide all the stats and info at some point, if you haven't seen anything in another thread.
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  3. Taemien

    Raven's and Phoenixes trump it. In the accuracy department anyway.

    The Gatekeeper is pretty damn accurate. But you expect it to be as a long ranger weapon. Its DPS is actually rather low, what you may have seen is the three harassers working in Concert. Your talking SIX players working together with 3 vehicles. Those 20-30 tanks were they talking to each other in squad chat, or was it just a tank zerg?

    Gatekeeper by itself is lackluster. Three of them against a single target is devastating. In this case it doesn't sound like the weapon got you. But teamwork. And great teamwork at that if you had 3 drivers and 3 gunners coordinating. Did you talk to any fellow Lightning or Vanguard or Harasser crews while this happened? Coordinated which target to fire on?

    Try that next time. Watch what happens to a harasser when 3 Vanguards put a Titan AP shell in it at the same time.
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  4. Kimble

    I am think I am going to switch to my TR guy as my main.

    Not joking. It's insane.

    Nothing to do with teamwork when I face a tank or harasser that has this weapon heads up I lose. It is godly.
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  5. ColonelChingles

    The DPS really isn't that bad, particularly for sustained combat.

    Saron- 250 damage, 5 RPS, 6 round magazine, and 3 second reload = 357 DPS (1,500 damage/4.2 seconds)
    Gatekeeper- 160 damage, 2.7 RPS, 20 round magazine, and 1.75 second reload = 348 DPS (3,200 damage/9.2 seconds)
    Enforcer- 450 damage, 1 RPS, 8 round magazine, and (an estimated) 5.6 second reload = 265 DPS (3,600 damage/13.6 seconds)

    It's less than 10 DPS worse than the Saron, and that's with the Saron spamming shots as quickly as they can mechanically happen.

    I mean I personally don't think that Gatekeepers are worse or too much better than Sarons or Enforcers, but to say that the DPS is rather low is a bit misleading I think. It's fairly balanced DPS-wise.
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  6. Ronin Oni

    Yeaaaah... gonna stop you there, RPS for accuracy is at best 2, closer to 1-1.5 in practice. It's effective DPS @ 150m+ is a lil less than Enforcer (it gets mag dump at point blank though as trade off)

    Anyways, yeah... DPS wise GK is reasonable... it's ease of use is what puts it over the top in effectiveness.

    Increasing velocity of Saron and Enforcer, even just to 400 (still slower) would close the skill floor gap on these weapons some.

    L:ets bump up Halberd velocity too... I think it';s 250? Make it 350.

    They could just drop velocity on GK down to 400 too, or even 350 as it'd still be faster than the others then.

    It'd still be easier to use but the discrepancy would be much lower.
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  7. Thardus

    Yeah, the Gatekeeper could use some tweaking, but among everything else...

    You said you were fighting at Indar Excavation? That open field is death to vehicles. Long Range AV is the king there. All else being equal, you were certainly playing to the Gatekeepers strengths.
  8. Taemien

    Its no Vulcan, that's sort of what I meant.
  9. Pikachu

    Didn't the devs want to reduce the range of these weapons when they added more drop time ago? I doubt they will raise velocities.
  10. LodeTria

    Ravens sure but not phoenixes. They have a lot of trouble hitting harassers & ESF, the gatekeeper doesn't.
    The gatekeeper is the 2nd easiest AV weapon to use, second only to the lancer.
  11. SwornJupiter

    It's common knowledge that Indar Ex is a death trap for armor. No cover, flat terrain and vantage points make it a long range AV heaven.

    That hill... on Indar Comm Array is notorious for being camped by long range AV, whether it be gatekeepers, ravens or lancers/vortexes. Two or three of these will make it a no-go zone for ground vehicles...
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  12. MikeyGeeMan

    Try using it in vr and then tell me how op it is.

    Bunch of whiners.
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  13. Moridin6

    better yet park 2 Hs one with gk one with.. whatever, both no armor, fire, see who doesnt explode, move back further repeat.
    bet you wont post the results
  14. FateJH

    So, were they actually suffering from an invincibility bugged state or not?
    Even before any issues with the Gatekeeper, I'd think that part would be even more dire.
  15. MikeyGeeMan

    I don't know where this is coming from. To even get your gatekeeper to a usable level you need to spend 500 certs for the zoom and then a butt load of certs for reload speed

    Even then it's like 3-5 clips to kill anything solo. I've seen them used with concentrated fire.

    People have to coordinate. This weapon causes people to talk in game.

    Now the rest of the factions can feel what's it's like to get your tank sniped from a mile away.

    Your going to have to adapt. Every tank has a gatekeeper or Vulcan. Both require excellent tracking while moving. And massive expenditure of certs to make them vicious.

    Cmon. Nc guys. You don't take frak from no one

    And vs should adapt. .. Mutate whatever.
  16. Moridin6

    the difference is when doing said vehicle sniping, with the sauron if your target moves youre screwed..
    gk just keep that button held down and the crosshair on-target
  17. AxiomInsanity87

    So a bunch of terrible tankers got wrecked lol.
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  18. Megaman3300

    I figured something like this was going to happen! Given that you're saying last night, I figure you're talking about my outfit's (DOG) harrasser ops night. I'm the guy who was leading those "invincible" harrassers, and I want to clear a few things up for you: Nobody was aimbotting, and nobody was invincible (iirc we were taking an attrition rate of 1 harrasser every 2-3 runs out). Also, there was a vulcan harrasser with us too, not that you would've noticed ;). The reason we were so effective wasn't even our choice of weapon, it was the coordination involved. It doesn't matter the weapon you're using if you know how to stack fire effectively and pick and choose your battles; we could've been using vulcans at range and we would've still been getting kills due to sheer volume of fire (though a halberd is far preferable in that situation). Also, we have a bunch of pretty good drivers and gunners (though we are by no means ECUS tier), so maintaining focused fire while dodging wasn't a massive problem.

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  19. Jake the Dog

    Umm... I have... And I'm willing to bet I've spent more time in a prowler than you have. And guess what, the GK is OP. Not for its dps but because of its range and accuracy at said range.
  20. LodeTria

    Reload speed????
    Use magsize you plebian. It already reloads superfast.

    Also the prowler one can 1 clip a sunderer.