The gatekeeper

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cyiko, Oct 21, 2015.

  1. FrozenCustard

    The gatekeeper is pretty much the MBT version of the lancer. Both have low DPS compared to other options, both have great long range plinking capability, both are deadly when used in mass, and both are ok at taking out aircraft. I really don't see why people have a problem with the gatekeeper.
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  2. AxiomInsanity87

    We'll just go back to the Vulcan .
  3. AxiomInsanity87

    Shame the gk can't mag dump in cqc though.
  4. Jake the Dog


    P.S. ... DOUBLE, doooouubbbllllleee MOAR THAN DOUBLE in fact the Aircraft KPH of the other two ES AV.
  5. Jake the Dog

    I still use the vulcan...
  6. Mongychops

    If by "pulls ahead after an engagement draws on" you mean they are equal at 3.375 seconds, before the GK moves ahead after 3.75 seconds, then yes you are right... However, in my humble opinion, that is not exactly a long period of time to "pull ahead".

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  7. RainbowDash9

    oh here we go again.... *puts on tinfoil hat*
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  8. Mongychops

    ...the P2-120 AP has 45% higher DPS and 34% more alpha than the FPC, the Prowler "mag dumps in CQC" with its main gun. The whole reason the Saron HRB has the mag dump is as a balancing mechanic because at close range you can't really evade 250 m/s projectiles aimed at centre of mass by reversing/strafing at 20-25 kph.
  9. Dualice

    Tell ya what, I played some Saron HRB with a VS buddy the other night, after playing the Gatekeeper gawd did that thing feel lacklustre... even just a quicker reload time would be a massive help.

    Here's a question: what do Vanu players find more annoying, the Gatekeeper, or Raven MAXes?
  10. AxiomInsanity87

  11. Jake the Dog

    That would depend if I'm fighting NC or TR XD

    But generally there are tactics to deal with ravens despite how much I still despise them. Gks are generally based on highly mobile platforms and will literally follow you to the ends of the continent.
  12. AxiomInsanity87


    My point is that if the gk is nerfed, we'll just go back to the Vulcan exclusively. I can't imagine that people would prefer dying to the Vulcan exclusively over some long range plinking taking its place here and there.
  13. Jake the Dog

    Not necessarily. Personally I've never asked for the GK to have its DPS nerfed. What I want is bloom and drop for it. Adding some drop to a weapon isn't bad. I arc rounds over obstacles to hit enemies behind them.

    I like the vulcan because it almost assures my victory in CQC tank combat, which is a thing despite what people on the forums seem to think.
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  14. AxiomInsanity87

    That doesn't sound to bad actually.

    So long as its not over the top but just enough to shut people the F up, i'm game for that.
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  15. Scr1nRusher

    But they won't shut up.

    Have you learned nothing of the Chaos Warp & what it does on the Forums & Reddit?
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  16. AxiomInsanity87

    Yeah true.

    The warp got to me there, it was a momentary madness ;)
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  17. MuggieWara

  18. MuggieWara

  19. Dethonlegs

    Nice graph. For interests sake, could you include another line showing Saron DPS with minimal delay between shots? (full spam)
  20. Mongychops

    It means bringing up the Saron HRBs magdump in a comparison of MBT Secondaries at long range is a pointless distraction.

    You're contributing nothing but cretinous outbursts as vacuous and uninformed as the OP.
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