Is the medic an AV class & is the Infiltrator a Defensive class?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Oct 18, 2015.

  1. MarkAntony

    you have got to be kidding. hello kettle, please meet pot.

    contrary to your made up class roles medics are not just for healing and reviving (hint: they have guns) and infils are not just for sabotage (hint: they have guns too)
    Pls stop confusing what you make up in your head with what the classes are actually designed to do (hint: they can fulfill multiple roles in multiple ways. DIVERSITY)

    1. C4 is useful for more than just AV. just saying. And since you are seeking the change pls do tell me all the reasons why there is a balance or design problem. And stay out of your made up rules while doing it pls.
    2. MINING IS PLANTING EXPLOSIVES ON TARGETS YOU MORON. how can you be so wrong and so arrogant at the same time?
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  2. Vurvu

    The Medic class is a medical class and the Infiltrator is an infiltrating class.

    Both play with toys.
  3. Movoza

    Ok my brain really hurts from the bad arguments. I really hope it is just a craving for attention that motivates you.

    Proximity mines can be used to help you destroy a generator, close off access routes or area's and the like. I mean, have you looked at the definition of sabotage? In reality, even tanks destroying terminals or even camping the spawnroom can be seen as sabotage, as the definition is quite broad. Although we use it more for infiltration and then destruction purposes, mostly behind enemy lines. Still, placing mines here is still well within our definition of sabotage, as you deny access, even if it is only temporarily, to an area.

    Ambushing targets with help of mines is something I've done often enough. Best example, one of those generators in a small lonely room in the AMP stations. You hack them, place some mines and go wait outside. While they are distracted by the mines or get damaged by them (I'm most often not TR :( ), I'll ambush them. I often don't even hide the mines, so all their attention is on the doorway where it is blinking it's distraction.

    "Until the mines are gone. Thats not sabotage." is a good one. In this game, practically everything is only a temporary state. The facilities aren't destroyed, terminals can be repaired, etc. You kill a guy, they get revived or respawned. By your definition, sabotage doesn't exist in this game. Hacking a terminal? Destroy-->repair or rehack it. It wasn't sabotaged! Killing engineers who where repairing the tank column? No sabotage! they respawned!

    A class has a role, but also needs to be able to fend off certain targets. Rationally, there is no reason why they shouldn't have it. It is a combat medic, not a medic. It means they are bred for attack, in a not very well defined manner. You say they shouldn't have C4? I say they should. If tanks make a mistake and get too greedy, they deserve to be killed. If you let a medic come that close to your tank, then you've made some really grievous mistakes that will cost you dearly. I mean for ***** sake, the medic has a really hard time to come from a place you can't predict. From anything that can provide cover or just a walking route towards your tank. If you haven't checked it, it is your own fault.

    A medic being equal to the MAX, LA or HA in AV abilities? What did you smoke? A C4 is an incredibly short ranged explosive that requires several seconds to place, leaving you in the open. MAX and HA have better ranged weapons and the LA can use it's flight to come from a notorious side, up, which is something people are famously incapable of seeing. The medic on the other hand needs to outrun much faster vehicles that often can OHK him if they spot him. How is that effective in AV? It simply isn't. I know it is hard to keep an eye on anything other than the farm, but please don't come here on the forum and make it so that the farm is all you have to worry about.

    All in all bad arguments and not even an entertaining "bluh spitfires don't do what I want, they need to be buffed to kill whole platoons after I place them" comment.
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  4. Eternaloptimist

    I think C4 is an all-class default option except that it was eventually taken away from infiltrators apparently. I have also queried why the combat medic still has it (in a class discussion thread). Having something like AI mines that you can drop and forget, to cover your back while you go about healing people seems more in keeping with the role (a bit anyway). But as I think Iridar has pointed out, medics are more used as sort of commandos with a bit of healing ability, which suggests that, by common usage, the medic role is secondary to a lot of people who play medic.In that case having C4 or other explosive seems to make little difference.

    Or you could go more towards their carebear role. I'd reduce the effectiveness of medkits and give medics a field dressing pack they can toss out in the same way engineers toss out ammo packs myself. Maybe an EMP mine instead of other explosives - a non lethal but useful defensive addition to their armoury? But that's just me. I think fewer people play medics because they don't have the same range of interesting abilities other specialist classes have or quite the same ability to absorb damage as HA or Max.

    As to infiltrators having AI mines..........well why not? they are meant to be sneaky b*st*rds, creeping around being hurtful and irritating (when they are not being incredibly irritating by sniping). Lets face it, they are the only class that has no AV capability at all, so giving them plenty of AI ability seems balanced (in a way that medics aren't imo).
  5. FateJH

    I believe that's the purpose the Nano-Regen Device, Triage, and the (Shield) Regeneration Field are intended to serve.
  6. Eternaloptimist

    Oh yes, those are all healing methods right enough- I was just thinking of engineers who also have things similar but appropriate to their role - deployables and repair tool but also have the ammo packs. Maybe not a brilliant suggestion but gotta be better than healing grenades and revive grenades. I don't hear many people who think triage is much use either but on the other hand the AoE heal seems to be valued and is maybe preferable to the regen field.

    It is also like having a built-in resto kit for the medics combat role. A lot of people would, I think, support boosting it but that would not particularly shift the balance towards playing medic as opposed to playing combat (in fact it could be a bit of a move to closing the gap between HA overshield and medic self heal).

    I was thinking in terms of making the class more varied (and rewarding) to play as much as trying to redefine their role. But even the class discussion page is pretty devoid of ideas for enouraging more people to play medic. And I don't think I've got anything stellar to suggest.
  7. Problem Officer

    Infiltrator's a support class, awesome at providing backup. killstealing
  8. FateJH

    The way to think about the class-specific Medic grenades, I suppose, is that they're designed to allow the Medic to operate in two places at once for a brief period. That's probably why Healing Grenades are one of the cheapest grenades in the game. In my opinion, I could see Healing Grenades become promoted into a free class thing with certain considerations and constraints.

    (Actually, I'd rather my Ammunition Package get a resource cost and a fixed number of placements before having to be restocked; but, we all can't get the mechanic what we personally want.)
    The issue with Triage is it has a very limited window of use that has been diminished the more that people do not rely on group transportation to navigate to and from fights while out in the field. When is the last time you fell back from the frontlines (within a base) and huddled near a 1/12 Sunderer, hoping that the 1/12 was a Combat Medic? More likely, you switched to Combat Medic yourself, activated the AoE briefly, then switched back to whatever class you originally were playing as.
    If you want my honest opinion, making this game far too fast-paced has distorted the role of the Combat Medic and limited its potential. He spends very little time actually having to deal in his wares: healing is quick, revival is quick, and the shield regen is something that can be set up and left alone.

    The only way I could think to make him desired is to give the ability to inflict respawn-proof ailments that can not be personally healed but, unless one is willing to wait one or two minutes, require a second person to use an outfitted Combat Medic to alleviate. That idea might be ridiculous and I don't recognize it as such; but, as aforementioned, I feel the problem with the Combat Medic is that his trade comes and goes far too quickly and the availability of spawnpoints tends to make it too negligible. Making respawning and personal class switching not the global solution to all problems may just be a kneejerk solution, but it's the one I am envisioning.
  9. PlanetBound

    Infil is in my opinion an "annoying" class. Like in annoying pilots who use a base out of the immediate area to repair reload but you force them to fix things or go further away. Or turning a point when most of the enemy just left.
  10. Atis

    Medics should have C4 so they wont be helpless with enemy MAX in vicinity.

    If you let class without any defensive/mobility tools wal to you, place 2 C4 on your tank, wait for them to arm and press button, you probably didn't want that tank anyway.
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  11. FateJH

    Yeah, I'm quite sure they don't want to let the enemy plant that C4 in the first place.
    It always boils down to how much control the driver had over the specifics of the situation. Everyone dies but conditions surrounding individual deaths are always worth debating.

    Actually, since you brought up MAXes as a primary concern for C4, would it be wrong to restrict Combat Medics to a single brick?
  12. Tommyp2006

    flak armor
  13. FateJH

    What of it?
  14. Taemien

    I don't even know why the discussion is happening. If you see a medic running at your tank with his little white hat and white pack. Put a tank round into his face. They can't rez themselves when they're dead.

    Its literally not that hard.
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  15. CMDante

    Give medics AI mines as well. Comedy gold would ensue.

    Seriously though, the only class that can't defend itself against vehicles(infiltrator) is the one least vulnerable to spontaneous death from infantry. That sounds pretty fair.

    The medic should absolutely keep C4, vehicles and MAXs are simply too prevalent to deny a frontline class any way to kill them. If you were to say that HA shouldn't have it because they have rockets I'd be listening.
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  16. FateJH

    Bullets. Lots of bullets. Not just from you but from the person standing next to you, the person standing next to him who is not you, and that other person standing next to him.
  17. CMDante

    You can't shoot a tank to death with an assault rifle.
  18. MarkAntony


    just kidding. Fate is being a moron. There should be as many explosives to combat maxes as possible.
  19. FateJH

    Being a moron means I try stupid things. It also means I have the luxury of discovering that stupid things often work better than smart people expect.

    A fireteam's worth of people training fire on a MAX unit is horrifically effective against the MAX. Not even Kinetic Armor 5 can stand up against any sort of concentrated fire power. The best part is that, since this argument is about Medics, there will be someone to pick up the pieces if things don't go absolutely bloodless. Additionally, if it's Kinetic Armor 5, the MAX dies to 1 C4. Flak Armor? multiple Medics, some of which can shoot, other which go to detonate, MAX falls anyway. In any case, someone could carry C4 but it wouldn't have to be the Medic.

    You people are so freaked out about engagements that you refuse to think anything you deem as lesser methods would ever be effective.
  20. AxiomInsanity87

    Woooooah steady now.

    This is a beacon of light for daemons in the warp as we navigate the forums

    You're enticing chaos ;)
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