[Suggestion] Please make TR AI mines more visible

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Anantidaephobia, Oct 14, 2015.

  1. Anantidaephobia

    As of today, it is pretty easy to spot an VS or NC AI mine because of their lights. Anyone who pays attention will easily see one even when not actively looking for it.
    On the other hand, TR AI mines, once deployed along any vertical surface, are very difficult to spot. I know they have some small laser beam that's supposed to have the same effect as the lights on VS/NC ones. But the truth is that the so called laser beam is, at best, almost invisible (tried several low and medium graphics qualities).
    So is there any chance that those nearly unavoidable traps are made a bit easier to see in the near future ??
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  2. Goldmonk

    Check your corners? Don't bum-rush a building?
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  3. Scr1nRusher

    Thinking is to OP.
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  4. Goldmonk

    I see the VS logo. The spandex must be cutting off blood flow to his brain.
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  5. Lemposs

    Would be nice to make them just a tad more visible, right now those who are good at placing them can pretty much put them so you can barely spot them from any angle and you will also die barely touching the corner.

    They are frustrating, and just outdoes the other mines by leagues.
  6. RedArmy

    they are 3x taller than NC/VS ones. how are these not easy to spot. its like stacking an ammo pack on to three bricks of C4
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  7. gartho33

    I find this trend funny... when PS2 started... the prox mine was the worst of the 3... now (without any change whatsoever) it's somehow better?

    these forums get better by the day.
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  8. FateJH

    At this point, we could probably make Claymores beep and the result won't change.
  9. RedArmy

    stumbled over one with my NC a few days ago, they do have an activation noise
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  10. Benton582

    Anti Inf mines doesn't make passive noise, and for gods sake, this has already been discussed. It's been already balanced. It's hard to not miss in plain view, but blends just as well as other prox mines. And only triggers in ONE direction.
  11. Imperial Sect

    "Blends in like the others"

    Are you on crack? Dying to a NC/VS AI mine is pathetic. You can literally sprint passed them, try that with the TR mine and tell us how well that goes.

    As for the visibility issue, the TR mine used to have yellow lines (still does) but they were pretty bright like the VS/NC ones. Somehow the TR cried on the forums so much about it that they actually successfully got them dimmed.

    Also the instant explosion needs to go as well, just like the NC/VS one they need to add a split second delay on them.
  12. Meeka

    Dude, how can you not see the huge freakin' lasers sticking out from them? They are the MOST visible mines in the game. :p
  13. Cuze

    I'm pretty sure the lasers only display for the TR.
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  14. Jubikus

    The dimming was do to the base profile of the mine already making it only viable to be put around corners you cant put them at the top of stairs like NC/VS ones but to on top of that have protruding lazers that easily show you they are around the corner made them useless. The reason they dont have a delay like they NC and VS ones is because it doesnt have the 360 degree blast radius and trigger radius it doesnt matter which side you approach a NC or VS mine they will go off. The NC and VS mines also have a shorter kill range and this wasnt always the case they used to be the same size and the TR one but the NC and VS players abused this fact and used them as frisbees into groups of enemys which made them an issue and they were nerfed because of this while since the TR one couldnt do this it was left alone.

    In the end the TR mines current state and effectiveness is largly do to its drawbacks of only 1 direction of blast and detection being compensated with less trigger time and larger reach in that direction the result of this is if it triggers it almost always kills where the others wont necessarily do so.
  15. RedArmy

    {=} TR mine
    _ VS mine
    _ NC mine
  16. ColonelChingles

    Claymores do have a significantly higher KPH than Prox Mines or BBs.

    ESAI Mines by KPH
    Claymore- 177.16
    Bouncing Betty- 124.42
    Proximity Mine- 120.28

    In other words there's just a 3.4% difference between the NC and VS mine, but a 42.4% difference between the TR and NC mine (and a 47.3% difference between the TR and VS mine).

    A 42.4% difference is really high. It's almost as if for every 2 people being killed by BBs or Proximity Mines, 3 are being killed by Claymores.

    What I would change would be to reduce Claymore damage to match the NC/VS options, but to have it retain the slightly longer maximum damage range. In that way it would still be able to OHK unarmoured infantry out to 3m (instead of the standard 2m that NC/VS have), which would be a reduction from the 4m that it currently deals OHK damage to.

    Starting from that, we can see if Claymore KPH drops to match NC/VS options.
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  17. RedArmy

    perhaps were just better at placing them around corners like i dunno, YOUR SUPPOSED TOO
    i find NC and VS mines easyer to spot cuz they are always in the open, never tucked anywhere
  18. orangejedi829

    Statistics save the day!
    But yes, whatever the reason(s), Claymores are far superior to the other AI mines. I think it's due to the combination of it being instant and being a OHK. With the other AI mines, you can hear them ahead of time and run past/activate your shield. Plus, they don't do as much damage. Neither of these is the case with claymores, making them FAR more effective. I also believe personally that they are less visible, due to the lack of any self-illumination like the other mines have. They clearly need rebalancing; it's just the TR players here who love their mines who say otherwise.
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  19. RedArmy

    Hey, im perfectly fine with making them balance, provided they lay FLAT like the NC/VS mines rather than jutting out like a keep off the grass sign
  20. _itg

    They're never "tucked" anywhere because they won't kill you if they are. Place a bouncing Betty at the edge of a doorway instead of in the center, and someone will run right by it, set it off, and take almost no damage. A claymore in the same spot would OHK.
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