[Vehicle] inb4 Gatekeeper gets nerfed into the ground

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SW0V, Sep 5, 2015.

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  1. Takara

    You can't really ADAD in a tank either. It has velocity...I have to stop moving to the right before I can change back to moving to the left. Fast tapping ADAD just sees you sit still.
  2. WetPatch

    I'm talking about the Magrider, it's already the biggest, slowest tank, it's supposed to be able to dodge shots, you can't dodge 500 m/s, sure you can't even see the projectiles. You have to listen for it.
  3. Tommyp2006

    I would say it's more like we have grease on our tracks with retractable spikes.

    I would say it makes sense for the Saron to get a bit of a rework at this point. The Saron had the close range spam and COF bloom to make it better in close range while being decent at long range. Now that the new VS weapon is out, the Saron could get a rework to make it worse at close range but better at long range.
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  4. WetPatch

    There is no reason to use the VEX, the Saron is better in every situation. Only thing better the VEX has over the Saron is Pitch.
  5. Villanuk

    The Enforcer has no COF, thats never been an issue and its was the best faction secondary?
  6. WetPatch

    It has drop, and medium velocity, so you have to put some thought into aiming it. Unlike the Gatekeeper.

    Basically Saron/Enforcer have been pantsed in the school yard and the Gatekeeper has taken all our lunch money.
  7. Demigan

    So... Why would a bullet drop similar to the Enforcer be a problem?
    The Enforcer can magdump better than the Gatekeeper, but what is it's DPS? I haven't calculated it, but after a magdump the Enforcers DPS becomes it's reload speed, while the Gatekeeper has a fairly consistent DPS due to it's large magazine and ROF, it makes the reload downtime almost zero. Seeing that the Enforcer cannot outdamage a Vulcan at CQC and the Gatekeeper has a similar damage output as the Vulcan against Sunderers (but not against MBT's if I understand it correctly) we know that the Gatekeeper very well has the chance to outDPS the Enforcer in CQC as well as long range. Which would make the Enforcer inferior to the Gatekeeper in every single way except it's magdump ability.
  8. Villanuk

    The enforcer is so easy to use, the drop is very predictable and with power it packs its a formidable secondary.
  9. Villanuk

    the GK close range is lame, their are far better options, its only a long range secondary. So far its interesting and even good, but OP no chance. Tanks hardley run away when they see it. The problem people are having is that we actually have something on the prowler that can hit you more than 200 meters away, players just are used to having it easy.

    I have no issues with a bullet drop if the damage was increased, but i think everyone is over reacting to the GK. Ben out a few days and the stats say its not performing any better than the NC or VS secondary, so on that basis their not one good reason to change it.
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  10. Mongychops

    What? my whole point is that the GK is a secondary that isn't affected by ADAD at long range while having better DPS and velocity than the Saron HRB, and at close range the Prowler AP's advantage over the FPC is still big enough for the GK Prowler to beat a short range loadout Magrider.

    Rather than rock paper scissors, this is more like scissors also cuts rock unless scissors is incompetent..
  11. Villanuk

    3 days in and the stats are showing its not outperforming, in fact the VS out of the 3, performs better than anything on vehicles, so are we saying we should nerf a non leading performing secondary but not one that performs the best?
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  12. Scr1nRusher

    See thats interesting.

    The data(and actual gameplay) is showing the direct opposite of peoples "feelings".
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  13. WTSherman

    The direct opposite would be if the Mjolnir was leading the stats. ;)

    Of course the VEX is doing ridiculously well. We gave VS a more accurate Vulcan, the outcome was obvious. Meanwhile the TR got a more accurate, higher-DPS Enforcer. That outcome is also obvious: of course it out-performs the Enforcer.

    VS and TR both got ridiculously good weapons out of this patch, NC got shafted. But hey, let's argue about whether TR or VS got the better deal, because who cares about NC?
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  14. Demigan

    As evidenced by it's ability to destroy a Sunderer with equal speed as the CQC king the Vulcan?
    You are either trolling, deliberately misreading or not to bright. Take your pick.

    You obviously do not know that a high-speed weapon with great DPS (evidenced by it's damage output similar to the Vulcan and no damage dropoff at range) and zero COF is OP. They deliberately had to change both the Saron and Enforcer to prevent stuff like this, but when you get a no-drop no-COF weapon for the TR with incredible DPS at any range, ofcourse it's balanced! /sarcasm

    Really? So far I've had to run and fast to the nearest cover or be destroyed without being able to retaliate when attacked by them. You are either fighting the dummy crowd or the imaginary crowd, both are very bad representatives.

    ... Anchored Prowlers have been the kings of long-range combat since the beginning. Snap out of it, your arguments are all completely seperate from this thing I like to call "reality".

    It's second best weapon on the MBT and the best by far on the Harasser.
    On the Harasser it's the top vehicle killer, getting an easy 1,5 more kills than the next best thing (Aphelion), but it also scores almost 2 kills more than the Aphelion.

    Let's compare the Gatekeeper to the Enforcer and Saron while we are at it, it's a long-range weapon like those after all:
    H-Gatekeeper: 8.16 KPU, 6,27 VKPU, 0,43 AKPU
    H-Saron: 4,9 KPU, 3,55 VKPU, 0,12 AKPU
    H-Enforcer: 5,52 KPU, 4,32 VKPU, 0,12 AKPU

    MBT version, keep in mind that the Prowler's DPS is so high most TR secondary weapons score much lower than the VS and TR one's. As evidenced by the Halberds for instance getting a full point or about 40% less vehicle kills than than the NC or VS.
    Gatekeeper: 5,52 KPU, 3,08 VKPU, 0,33 AKPU
    Saron: 4,77 KPU, 2,9 VKPU, 0,11 AKPU
    Enforcer: 4,93 KPU, 2,99 VKPU, 0,1 AKPU

    So the Gatekeeper not only beats the Saron and Enforcer stats on both the Harasser and Prowler, it beats them despite being mounted on a Prowler. And it beats them in every statistic. It might not beat them outright on the MBT VKPH statistic, but it makes up for that by having much more kills and the fact that it's still mounted on the Prowler.

    So yeah, the Gatekeeper is more powerful than it should be. It should be a weapon similar to the Enforcer and Saron, but it beats them in every single way.
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  15. Mongychops

    Well, that is kinda cherrypicking


    Considering that "V KPU" is only slightly lower, on top of the different roles for the weapon so you can't really directly compare them, it also seems because; there are far more of them, they spend far more time shooting infantry and aircraft, the Prowler AP is far higher DPS so gets the last hit on vehicles more often and the players are a lower average battle-rank. That could also kinda explain it, you know.
  16. asmodraxus

    The Gate keeper needs to be compared to the Saron / Enforcer any deviation once a months worth of data is in, it needs to be adjusted either up or down some way
    Same goes for the Mjolnir and the Aphelion, they need to be compared to the Vulcan and treated exactly the same way.

    Ditto for the PPA.
  17. lothbrook

    MR11 Gatekeeper | Vehicle KPU | Daily Average: 3.08
    Saron HRB | Vehicle KPU | Daily Average: 2.53
    Enforcer ML85 | Vehicle KPU | Daily Average: 2.97


    MR11 Gatekeeper | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 20.99
    Saron HRB | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 12.89
    Enforcer ML85 | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 13.57

    Gatekeeper outperforming both ES Long Range secondaries, we'll see in a few months but people who know the vehicle game already know the gatekeeper is OP as hell.
  18. CMDante

    Ya'll do know that the Gatekeeper has CoF and bloom, right? Because it does.
  19. CMDante

    The gatekeeper also nearly doubled the hours used over the other two the day it came out, just sayin'
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  20. Villanuk

    Or its not OP and that could explain it, but either way, its certainly not over performing is it?
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