Bring back the Coaxial MG's on MBT's!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Jul 18, 2015.

  1. AshHill07

    Wouldn't it be easier to just add it as a secondary weapon like with ESF's?
  2. AshHill07

    I still suggest we buff all tanks in the game to the level of an actual M1A2 for a month and see how many people are whining when we get our current tanks back.
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  3. SupaFlea

    My friend ive been playing Planetside for almost 13 years. PS2 was designed to attract the COD and BF folk to try an keep numbers high, ALL my ideas are stuff that was implemented before in PS1 so perhaps read all my post before thinking you have a higher opinion. PS1 skill was the sole decider of fights, no extra guns or gadgets would change that, a Good coordinated squad could defend the 15min base cap against twice as many attackers. Dedicated Medics, Dedicated engineers and dedicated driver for vehicles because vehicles were pricey due to there cool down timer.

    Perhaps if you want to go play World of Tanks/Mechwarrior or BF go ahead, I myself like the bare bones of Planetside that which still lingers from the first game
  4. Pelojian

    This is not planetside1. what i want is the three way balance to actually be balanced not this broken mess we have now where one lone infantryman can pretend he's rambo and the hulk in-one and trash tanks with c4 like they are civilian vehicles.

    whenever we try to get tanks so they aren't so weak somebody ether it's aircraft or infantryside players they complain or suggest something that isn't a buff really. how many times has someone claimed that tanks farm infantry liek crazy and yet the stats show more people pull AP and HEAT then HE?

    This is supposed to be a combined arms game not a direct CoD clone. you can't have real combined arms when one point of the triangle is broken to favor the other two points.
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  5. ALTRego

    Yea sure why not. Course I would amend the comment to say only LMG. Secondary guns for tanks are fine.
  6. SupaFlea

    the fact you keep referring to me and others wanting this to be COD kinda says you want maybe a BF fan that enjoys vehicle combat. All PS vets would never want the game to get closer to such things.

    You say its supposed to be combined arms and balance but you only give ideas to buff Tanks but in a combined arms game you cant buff something as primal as MBT without buff other parts of the game accordingly
    PS2 is a very hard game to balance because of the empire specific traits which need to be followed or the game does end up like a BF/ Tribes mashup.

    if MBT get a extra way to defend themselves against infantry then HA etc needs slighly more powerful AT weapons then that also disrupts the cost of tanks vs C4 and Tank mines since a MBT will be able to do a lot more dmg to for far less cost than a block of C4 AT mine.

    I am guessing you a MBT driver and i understand the frustration with LA tunnel vision get you killed. dedicated drivers were able to drive and watch out for threats, Gunner could focus on killing. a dedicated tank crew like that are far more deadly than a current solo MBT driver
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  7. Pelojian

    We were promised a phase 1 and phase 2 lethality nerf and a buff against C4.

    we got phase 1 where tank weapons were nerfed under the promise of a buff against C4 and a nerf of infantry AV, we are still waiting for the phase two which they've said isn't coming.

    history is not in your favor they keep nerfing tanks making them even less useful and when we ask for buffs we get ether more nerf calls or someone goes that we have to give up something to get something when we've already lost alot directly or due to power creep.

    Tanks are broken in the balance triangle infantry should not be able to easily destory tanks, that should be the job of other tanks, aircraft or a squad of coordinated infantry, it should be the job of friendly infantry and vehicle AA to keep the air away from your tanks.

    It should be the job of aircraft and infantry to take out enemy AV nests.

    solo Rambo C4 should end, tanks should not be pinatas for lone infantry.
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  8. ColonelChingles

    In modern combined arms infantry aren't balanced against vehicles. Infantry are cheap, plentiful, stealthy... and that's about it.

    In real combined arms one tank can probably take on a whole rifle platoon by itself. One artillery barrage can decimate a rifle platoon. One airstrike can probably obliterate two and a half platoons or so.

    Infantry are fairly powerless in combined arms. They supplement vehicles in combat, not the other way around.
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  9. Scr1nRusher

    Phase 2 of the lethality nerf was never going to come.
  10. Pelojian

    doesn't matter for the sake of this argument. Supaflea can't argue successfully that we should get a nerf in exchange for the coaxial since we've already been nerfed and promised a buff and they've broken that promise not long after the nerf.
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  11. Scr1nRusher

    Also funny thing about "infantryside" is that they also nerf themselves.

    Things like shotguns,rockets etc.
  12. SupaFlea

    I argue my point from all angles not just the angle that best suites me. you want a co-axle increase your life span against the likes of LA im guessing, your arguing you point based on the ESF ability to counter Tanks, that point is only worth anything if your a skilled pilot and can stay in the hair long enough to take out a tank.

    So as well as a main turret you want the ability for persistent suppressive fire against infantry in between reloading shells? you cant give a MBT a Coaxle for the driver without giving the Lighting a secondary also at witch point infantry become cannon fodder and without the indoor enclosed cap points like in PS1 capping becomes almost impossible and that would be just with a driver, never mind a second gunner
  13. FateJH

    Technically, Ground Vehicles are some of the cheaper certification costs in PlanetSide Classic.
    1 for ATV (3 variants)
    1 for Harasser
    2 for Ground Transport (3 vehicles)
    2 for Ground Support (AMS)
    2 for Armored Assault 1 (Lightning)
    1 for Armored Assault 2 (MBT)
    3 for Assault Buggy (Harasser, Skyguard, faction Buggy)
    Above Armored Assault 2 - the BFRs - is where it got expensive - the introductory BFR certification was 4 points. Sure, Vehicles had 4:00 timers each; but, they also had reasons to loiter about friendly bases where the timer could get used up, some configurations of bases offered automatic vehicle shields and automatic vehicle repairs, and a few certifcations still let you spam Vehicles due to the number offered in one cert. Most vehicles barred MAXes or the advanced armor (Rexo) from drivers, so there was no necessity for that, and there were no secondary requirements from other certifications either.

    In some ways, Air was slightly less expensive:
    2 for Air Support (Galaxy, Liberator, Lodestar)
    2 for Galaxy Gunship
    3 for Phantasm (cloaked Galaxy-like Vehicle; restrictive seating, and required Infiltration Suit certification)
    3 for Air Cavalry Scout (Mosquito)
    2 for Air Calvary Assault (Reaver; ground-pounding)
    2 for Air Calvary Interceptor (Wasp; anti-air)

    Infantry was much more expensive. It had armors beyond your spawn-pajamas and standard Agile:
    3 for Reinforced Exo-Suit (Rexo)
    2 for Infiltration Suit (Infiltrator)
    3 for AI or AV Mechanized Assault Exo-Suit (MAX) (4:00 timer)
    2 for AA Mechanized Assault Exo-Suit (MAX) (4:00 timer)
    ... and weapons on top of your standard assault:
    2 for Medium Assault (2 pistols, 2 rifles, 1 shotgun; one rifle and one pistol were faction)
    3 for Sniping (2 different long range rifles)
    3 for Anti-Vehicular (Decimator and faction launcher)
    3 for Special Assault (Thumper and Rocklet Rifle)
    1 for Elite Assault (Dragon and Scorpion)
    4 for Heavy Assault (faction weapon)
    ... and their disciplines:
    3 for Medical (heal)
    2 for Advanced Medical (revive)
    3 for Hacking (hack terminals, hack faster)
    2 for Advanced Hacking (hack unoccupied Vehicles, hack faster)
    2 for Expert Hacking (hack occupied Vehicles, support functionality, hack faster)
    3 for Data Corruption (plant viruses)
    3 for Engineering (repair)
    2 for Combat Engineering (deployables)
    3 for Fortification Engineering (more defensive deployables)
    3 for Assault Engineering (field deployables and utility)

    Note: I left out Ancient Technology in the Weapons category, but that was not always available and most categories just had one more weapon.
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  14. AxiomInsanity87

  15. task_master

    you guessed wrong. coaxial MG isn't for killing high flying LAs, because guess what you still won't be able to aim that high. it's for defending against infantry when you aren't 200m away with height advantage.

    what the **** are you talking about

    no, people want a coaxial MG as a SECONDARY WEAPON. ESF is proof that this is possible to do.

    and just an FYI it's laughably easy to take out a tank in under 5 seconds with ESF. i'm a terribad pilot and i do it regularly when i pull air. heck, you don't even need hornets to kill tanks, hornets just do it the fastest and easiest with no counterplay whatsoever. at least bad lolpodders can be dodged sometimes.

    see above, also the prowler would have better sustained firepower just by using the maingun so GG


    are we actually playing the same game? the game where tanks can't drive in bases or near points for dick, and when they do they're insanely vulnerable?

    have you ever thought about how difficult it would be to aim a kobalt with mouse acceleration and turn speed limits? or how tanks still won't have any relevance to the cap point? THE INDOOR CAP POINT?

    on a side note, kobalt + HE magrider is essentially what you're terrified of happening with lightnings, only much better. kobalt + VPC isn't even close to being a serious AI threat.
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  16. asmodraxus

    As great as the idea is, it won't work without some changes to the actual tanks themselves ie changing the main gun to gunner and driver takes the secondary.

    Otherwise what are you going to do about the mag?
  17. Scr1nRusher

    The Tanks themselves don't need changes.

    Also the Magrider with Coaxial would work
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  18. FateJH

    Give the driver mouse free look when the LMG/HMG is swapped. The main gun still only pivots vertically, but the additional LMG/HMG rotates around the front of the Magrider with a free look. When engaged, a "free look" can only strafe and go forward back; when "free look" is release or the weapon switched back to the main gun, the Magrider automatically rotates to match the direction the driver is facing.
  19. Ronin Oni

    Kobalt coax seems like a good idea to me

    But also the weakest implementation by far with slower L/R aiming, lower weapon placement, and lower angle of fire.

    But w/e, used to it with the mag as it is.
  20. Ronin Oni


    I think that'd be even more awkward than having it fixed to the canon (you know, like how a Coax is supposed to function?)