Game crashing at random times since recently....

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by borgqueenx, Jun 4, 2015.

  1. borgqueenx

    Do you guys have it as well? Just the game closing or telling you it stopped working?
  2. SarenD

    Yup does it to me as well
  3. TheGaryTh

    Happens to me as well. Most of the time I'm able to get 30 minutes of play or more before it crashes, a couple of times crashes within 20 minutes. Reinstalled the non-Steam client, didn't get crashes the day of reinstallation, but started getting crash afterwards.
  4. Thurwell

    I'm getting constant crashes in the last few weeks. First time I get 20-30 minutes and after that it will crash within 5 minutes of starting back up, no matter what I do. Even rebooting doesn't help. It makes it very difficult to play this game.

    There's no error message or anything, the planetside process just goes away.
  5. borgqueenx

    they better fix this. too many bugs in the game.
  6. lilNubling

    I don't even get a crash. My game just freezes and sound loops. I try to alt-tab-delete and it leads to a white screen and planetside 2 client refuses to close. Basically forces me to reboot. Guess they don't want people playing the game?
  7. Thurwell

    I'd say I get an average of 10 minutes of play between crashes right now. Hey devs, any response? You working on this at all?
  8. maximusbigamus

    Same here, freezing issues in game at any random moment.. I'm so glad I'm not the only one.. I've given up playing this game, I check ps2 now and again for hotfixs and that's all i can do..
    Still the loading screen freezes at 94% for a good 5min, but sometimes it kicks in with the help of pressing control +f10..
    Finally when I do spawn at times I can't move but only look around, after waiting a few mins it unlocks it's self ..

    Same thing happens to all my mates computers for ps2. We are all confused we've moved onto other games like the good old unreal tournament from 2004 ! Best made game ever
  9. borgqueenx

    Maximus thats awesome! UT2004 was also my favorite game. played it for a good 5 years! Unfortunatly all my favorite onslaught and assault servers died out, thats when i started playing other games.
    i hope the new unreal tournament will be good. but i enjoy planetside 2 as well. i just wish they would finally fix all the bugs.
    • Up x 2

    I had this exact same issue since the last patch or two. Last weekend I updated my nVidia graphics driver and it solved
    my problem completely. Hope this helps.
  11. Thurwell

    It won't, I've had the updated driver for some time now.

    The crash is caused by the map screen. Whether it comes up automatically because I died and need to redeploy or I pulled it up with m to check whatever, the crash is always immediately after loading the map.

    I shouldn't say always, this game has many bugs that cause it to crash, but the map screen bug happens to me far more often than any other.
  12. Kirppu1

    i wish that they would ban the hackers, fix PhysX, fix meta, get rid of redeploy(which they are working on) and get the dx11 going
  13. user101

    Your going to get your wish... 32 bits is just as good as gone like maybe next couple weeks. Redeploy is in next update... it's a coming and quick... PhysX there is no option but DX11 Nvidia is making that happen -- Nvidia has been to DBGC a few weeks ago.. .PhysX license is no more...any company making games gets a free license for PhysX.

    According to Reddit the PhysX deal was no one had hardware to run it.???? Not true now...! Buckle up 4 core PC's your going to be smoking.... hot.

    I think the day of the 1GB video card is over for PS2..??? If not now very soon. ! The render distance problems will force them to go to at least a 2GB card.

    Your mother board will have to address at least 10GB if not a little more.
    • Up x 1
  14. Kirppu1

    i meant apex, and when it comes to dx11 they are working on it however it needs a LOOONG time to do
  15. user101

    Not true -- they have new debug tools very quick for physX.. most of the problems were memory related. Stuff that took days takes minutes now. Have you noticed some of the new shields that are PhysX,....??? They look great on my GTX970...

    Nvidia redid the PhysX debug tools... ! APEX is part of that process. I just want to see if DBGC will allow me to use all six process of the I7.
  16. DirArtillerySupport

    Exactly this! If this were a common thing I wouldn't even take notice of it. The last time I had regular crashes like this was back in beta with the old “leaving the WG” crash to desktop on Indar. Since then the only regular crash that seems to happen on all the machines I have is a single crash after an update which could always be avoided by simply restarting the game after the patch...but I always forget.

    Other than that this is the most complex crash free game I have ever played. I think they are doing a fine job.
  17. Kirppu1

    dx11 is not the same as physx, and the game's apex module is disabled
  18. user101

    The only PhysX that is fully disabled is the APEX particles module. Some of the other APEX modules they have turned back on although these modules have little effect on the game. (shields and gate video stuff)

    As far as DX11 Nvidia put a kink in the road for DBGC it stated that it would only support the operating systems main DX module in the system. Meaning that DX9 that PS2 uses would not be supported in Windows 10. Since windows 10 is DX12. The people that run PS2 in windows 10 beta run it in win 7 mode.. ( even if you load the DX9 modules for PS2 ) the system will still use the DX12 to get the DLL data - so says Nvidia, at least in one of there previous updates. Since PS2 has to run AMD stuff this has little effect on most of the game.

    The range distance seeing problem can only be fixed by using larger memory cards 2 GB and up.. PS2 has toooo many objects to use a 1GB card now. They are going to be forced to change the min spec. on the video card. Having a bigger card currently does not help because they have limited the memory size the game allows you to use. When you get 200+ zerg battles the LOD goes to pot in the game. (Needs more V-memory) This is why 32bits had to go....!

    64 bits will give you a lot better game play when they increase the video size.
  19. Kirppu1

    apex is disabled, and i need a source on the dx12 stuff
  20. user101

    This is the quote"  Operating system: For example, “Windows 7 Enterprise, 64-bit”  DirectX runtime version: For example, “11.0” In order to use the version of DirectX reported in the System Information window, the NVIDIA GPU and graphics driver must also support that DirectX version. This information is provided in the Graphics card information section of the System Information window as follows:  DirectX support (Provided in previous driver versions) This is the DirectX version that is supported by the NVIDIA graphics hardware and driver."

    Direct from Nvidia... PDF file.

    This is the link to all APEX modules..
    PS2 uses most of them but not all of them... ! You can get the rest from this link.

    And just so you know 32 bits is no more as of now....!