Lower the price of 1000 cert max/infantry weapons to 750-800 certs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DorianOmega, May 21, 2015.

  1. qiray12

    Only thing i call ******** is the first and second "gen" of av max weapons rest is just fine.
    Idk who said there were weapon tiers but there is not every weapon is the same (ish) at the end of the line.
    Just grow over it and work for those certs.

    Oh and btw dont show pictures of newbies cant afford new weapons they get 1500 certs for learning the game.... Ehm what else doe you want?

    You get more then enough certs to do stuff with in this game after all you dont need a new gun every week or day.

    Deal with it or buy em with cash.
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  2. lothbrook

    The console version is probably what sinks the game in the end, lol. Wasted resources on machines that can barely run it during medium fights.
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  3. AxiomInsanity87


    It has less games so the player base will be more concentrated. Nothing like it has been on the console before either except that crappy mag game so its basically got a new lease of life.

    The SC prices are lowered as well, ready for the harvest.

    How could you not see this coming?. I'm pretty annoyed myself as I spent a lot on the PC version but its clear where its going. The harvest is finished here.

    All that's left is salty nothings on a forum.....
  4. AxiomInsanity87

    Most people I see in game have some kind of cosmetic. The bums are the loud minority here.

    Nothing to actually worry about.
  5. BloodyG

    So i have the right to complain then?

  6. AxiomInsanity87

    You have said yourself that you don't even play anymore. So you have the right to complain but no right to be taken seriously.
  7. BloodyG

    Puh i got lucky then, i wouldn't ever do something that you wont allow me ;)

    And who takes my little rants serious or not i will leave to the People reading them, you know freedom of thought and all that stuff...
  8. Villanuk

    Well i have been gaming from the modem 56k days, maybe thats before your time and the nerf and buff culture originated from the game station era of players with an average IQ level equal to their age. Naturally you cant stop some of them playing on the PC so thats why you see that culture creeping in the PC format.

    COD and BF4 players will try the game as its free but the cert grind will lose the interest of many players, free or not. PS players are used to having everything available and i don't think they will rejoice this new model.
    Then you have the annual release of Cod and BF and they will shift over as they always have. Station players want and require new ideas, weapons and gimmicks every 12 months, this is something that Planet side 2 will not do .

    I dont feel the free game makes money, as not enough players pay for it. Its not good value for money compared to any other game, ie £45 for Cod BF, PS2 £75 plus cosmetic costs? Once you hit BR100, well their is no point paying is their?
  9. AxiomInsanity87

    You asked lol.
  10. AxiomInsanity87

    My first pc was an amiga.

    "PS2 £75 plus cosmetic costs" False. 2 months sub will get you pretty much everything you need.

    "PS players are used to having everything available and i don't think they will rejoice this new model" False. They are used to paying out the **** for everything. It's pc now where everything is available. Hence the spoilt brats.

    "Station players want and require new ideas, weapons and gimmicks every 12 months, this is something that Planet side 2 will not do" False. That kind of attitude can be seen in any f2p type game on any platform.

    Understand that console has never had anything like ps2. The console only players are going to creme their little jim jams.

    Ps still have a working atari. It was my uncles though.
  11. Villanuk

    I have one, and i even have the black and white tennis ( or ping pong ) Retro gaming is so underrated.
  12. AxiomInsanity87

    Some fair points.

    2 months sub gets you everything you want. It's not hard to farm 400 certs per hour with sub, not hard at all. If people want cosmetics then they'll pay. If a game is good enough then they'll pay.

    Planetside 2 is good enough and people will pay.The prices are lower as well which will yield plenty of sales. The harvest is done on pc.

    "Come on, stop it. Players on ANY format want new content for any game, even in racing games to chess, you always want some new and if you dont get it, you find something else. Thats why PS2 has lost so many players" You just repeated what i said in different words. The lowered sc cost was clearly a realisation of this. Lowered cost means more yield.

    And no i'm not trolling. Console games are stupidly over priced but people still buy that crap. So going by that, people will pay for stuff in ps2 when it drops. It's the first game on console where clans can operate properly with no match-by-match bs and limitations as well. Nothing like it before on console and when that's the case, it sells.

    The pc version has many more mitigating factors as well that contribute to losing player count. Hackers and INI file edits along with average joes not being able to afford top rigs for an advantage. Average joes not being able to even play the game in all it's glory because they can't afford it. Then there's people who get the short stick because of the hardware configuration optimisations VS what they're using. There's macros as well.

    Ps4 is one spec. There might be hackers but console isn't even worth hacking for how hard it is and you'd have to update hacks often which for buyers would mean having to keep buying. It's just not worth it. The negative factors are minimal really. It pretty much comes down to net speed.

    I'd bet money that the console version will do very well. This will also hep the pc version but if you actually look at it from a business perspective, it's barely worth the effort. The pc version is pretty much done and people are too fickle to be worth the effort in my opinion.
  13. AxiomInsanity87

    Oh an atari games are hard as fk. Space invaders goes from 'ok' to 'right fk you, you lose' lol.
  14. Alzir

    Doesn't carrying that kind of party line make you sick?

    Better the player experience = we need more money.

    Just say that.
  15. Villanuk

    I agree, the PC version is not going to see a massive increase in numbers unless they do something drastic but every time they do, it never has worked, if anything its created a negative response but for the reasons i gave before, this game will never achieve the levels it shoul;d due to the poor business model, one that nobody else will do as it has never worked.

    PS, Asteroids - now that was a ***** lol
  16. AxiomInsanity87

    Villain the average console game costs about £60 now+ and dlc on top, sometimes premium. Like I said if a games good then people will pay. Nothing like planet side 2 has been on console and its fresh there. People will pay, just like we did on PC.

    The rest is hype and opinion.

    People can't be turned off things they have no previous experience with. Console players aren't going to have previous experience to be turned off by anything.
  17. AxiomInsanity87

    As for people being turned off a whole game because of 200 ish extra certs. That is extremely fickle and I have no sympathy for them. The game is free ffs lol.

    New players won't know any better here either. Its like inflation.
  18. Villanuk

    I agree that's a fair point, they wont know better but once they see how much time needs to be invested with the game to improve your weapons or up grade a max for example, I just don't see a console player who plays BF or Cod getting it or even putting the time in ( as a majority ) and that's the market they are going for, naturally that's my opinion, only time will tell.

    Call of Duty BO3 is on pre-order for £44 for the PS4, so I stand by my comments, this game is over priced and more so because its free, the people who pay compensate for those that do not.

    I just cant see why they didn't say for the console, £45 or less but you can purchase a DLC pack at extra cost but change the concept of certs etc, they would have made more money, IF and that's the big one, IF the game was good enough and the players would get ti improve their character faster, which would keep them playing longer as they would enjoy the game more so and it takes away the old argument, P2W.
  19. AxiomInsanity87

    That's just bo3. Its cheap because people are bored of cod and its sht. I hate cod so much that I'd get banned if I was honest about it. What a pile of casual fapping bollocks that game franchise is, to be blunt.

    Bf4 was £59 and about £39 for premium that I paid. That's just one example among many. £59-£60 is pretty much the norm price now. You're also stating pre order which sometimes has the benefit of being cheaper. Whether that's the case or not I don't know but console games are a rip now where on steam they're like £29 ish quid.

    There's a sht load of games on console that are extremely Grindy and do well. Actually there's been grindy games on console going all the way back so I'm not quite sure where you get that idea from lol.

    I'm in the beta on ps4 and people get it. They're well aware of the cert prices but don't care, they love it. Its going to be the same as PC but even more special to the players because they've played nothing like it.

    When I first played ps2 on PC I was like holy sht take my money and spent £380. Console people will spend. I play warframe on ps4 and people spend loads on that. Every frame I see is customised other than the newbs who are still seeing whether they really like it and that game is pure grind centric and the same sht repeatedly.

    The divide between preference in games on platform's is gone now pretty much. Console doesn't get RTS as far as I know and it won't bev getting the likes of arma 3 for sure but the types of games on console are getting to be very much like PC.

    I'm looking forward to eternal crusade 40k on PC. It should be a lot like ps2 BUT they want to take it cross platform so I'll wait and see. I don't want a repeat of ps2 with that. Was pretty pissed when the PC warframe ended up the beta for ps4 as well and continues to be so.
  20. qiray12

    Just play the game. It will get you stuff anyways as i said in one of these many forums people want certs not weapons. The increased costs just give you more playtime. Youll grow over it and if you dont youll get mature someday ( i hope for you at least).
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