[Suggestion] Just make headshots ignore the heavy shield

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bonmortical, Apr 23, 2015.

  1. Fusionshadow

    Gotta say..this community can be pretty toxic. A lot of these "Your opinion doesn't matter" HA mains who are so against any semblance of balance in this game have pretty abysmal stats for as "holier than thou" as they come off as. Some of the best players I've met in this game all agree that the advantage HA has over everybody else is pretty disgustingly high and they were forced to join the class to survive. It always seems like the people who are really bad at this game are the ones that defend HA so strongly.

    In the end I agree completely with this suggestion. In a shooting game, gunplay should be based on skill, not class, and while this change will still give the advantage to those that choose the class, it helps to bring gunplay more in line with skill being the deciding factor in engagements.
  2. Goretzu

    Again I'm saying your change won't affect 99% of the people currently complaining about HAs, so it won't make any difference and the complaints will stay at exactly the current level.

    People that can consistantly bring down HAs with headshots do so NOW (the only way they beat you is if they start firing at the same time and have as good headshot accuracy as you), making it easier changes very little.

    I'm unconvinced HAs need changing, but if they are changed then it only makes sense to change them in a way that would actually reduce complaints.

    What you're suggesting is like trying to fix traffic congestion, by suggesting Ferraris (but only Ferraris) can go as fast as they like.
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  3. AxiomInsanity87

    The only bad ones are players like yourself who cry about nerfing things. You must cry every time a Max kills you or when you find yourself in battles larger than 1-12 then.

    You're playing the wrong game.
  4. AxiomInsanity87

    If it gets changed then next on the list will be maxes. If these scrubs think the ha is op then maxes probably give them nightmares.
  5. prodo123

    Despite my defense of HAs, I actually support this. It would be just like what they did to Nanoweave, and that's well deserved.

    But also consider this: new players have more trouble with the i-win shield, and experienced/high skilled players already headshot. I don't think this specific solution will be beneficial enough for the target audience, I do think it's in the right direction.
  6. AxiomInsanity87

    The only thing ive seen so far that I agree with is iridars suggestion of changing the way the shield functions. Its more of a forward facing shield that can also protect others and the ha has to crouch for full cover.

    That's a tasty alternative to me. Better than silly whiny nerfs to suit the 1v1 people. The people who have skill get headshots consistently. Therefore all they're doing is advocating that they should get really easy wins and negate the heavies extra tank ability.

    Don't buy it.
  7. Kentucky Windage

    At what point does one graduate from this Noob experience? How long does one play this game and remain bad and yet make suggestions in the forums to cater to their poor skill with weapons and their complete misunderstanding of how the game is played? And yet these very players refuse to train or even join an Outfit filled with players who would be eager to help them and show them the ropes.

    Do you really think that having a tiered server system will serve them better than our current system other than removing the very players they should be learning from in the first place. I wouldn't want to learn from Joe Smoe on C server. I want to learn from Negator, Footjam, Liberty, Elder31, MaximumSmurf, WyrdHarper, IAMCommanderShepherd, and many many more on the best damn server out there!!!!!:D

    Perhaps I'm just a different breed and follow the drumbeat of a different drummer. I don't hear dead people yet so I must be doing something right.:eek:
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  8. Vixxing

    I got 23k+ sniperkills... just shoot 2 times -OUT-
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  9. Taemien

    I think you all just need to L2P. Seriously.

    But you know what? Screw it, lets get the shield nerfed to hell and back. Seriously make it do nothing cept stop little explosion damage pricks from 3m away from the center (where it does less than 10 damage). And that's all it stops.

    Then the cert farmers will switch over to medics and use AOE heal instead. You think heavy shield is bad, wait till you fight necro-zombie medic zergs. I'm now jumping on the nerf HA bandwagon to see that happen. I can't wait to see you all cry when the zerg starts rezing itself en mass.

    Nerf Heavies, give the zerglings what they want.
  10. AxiomInsanity87

    Zerglings?, that would require that they're at least in over 1-12 fights.
  11. Crazytrain

    Sniper rifles in PS2 are too easy to use and come standard with about 3 sets of training wheels. A crutch assault with his shields up who survives that first headshot deserves his remaining sliver of life.

    I don't much care about other weapon types as multiple headshots from most anything drill through shields really fast anyway.
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  12. Fusionshadow

    You are making a lot of assumptions, and your whole aggressive demeanor is toxic. Some of the best players in the game that Ive met agree that the HA edge is overwhelming and migrated to the class out of frustration. I'll trust a good players opinion before yours.

    This suggestion is a good move towards making gunplay skill based. I'm in favor of it.
  13. DameDameNingen

    Perhaps the shield could have some sort of damage scaling, so no hit could do less than 200 or more than 500 damage while the shield is active. This would reduce the protection from small arms it provides in 1v1 scenarios, but help a lot more when facing vehicles and maxes, helping give HAs more of a role.

    Tankers are already face down in the gutter and don't really need any more kicking of course.
  14. AxiomInsanity87

    You completely do not understand what roles are, what the heavy is and I am almost certain you don't know any decent players if they're saying that.

    Your nerf rubbish is toxic for the actual game. Far less than what happens on the forums.

    Oh and if you don't think gunplay is skill based then you must not be good at all and these 'best' players you know couldn't possibly be either if that's what they think. If you or they had skill then you and they wouldn't have a problem, would you.
  15. Fusionshadow

    Arguing with you is like arguing with a wall. Not sure why I expected differently from a HA player with as horrible stats as you. This entire suggestion helps to push gunplay to more favor skill as a whole. I understand that this game decided it was a good idea to make a class "role" to be hands down better at all engagements compared to other class roles, but that should not override player skill in the end. With headshots bypassing iwin shield, it encourages everybody, HA and non-HA classes, to aim for the head more. It will still allow HA players to have the edge in most combat engagements, but it still allows a more skilled player that aims better to win the engagement should be play better.

    What you're failing to accept is that this change would also help HA vs HA fights. A HA that doesn't have his iwin shield up should still have a chance to beat another HA that does, should that HA outskill and out-aim the HA with the shield currently up. This change will push gunplay more in favor towards superior aim and accuracy, rather than towards who has the iwin shield available.

    Also, stop with the aggressive demeanor towards everybody that disagrees with you in this thread. It is extremely toxic and hostile. Your entire "I'm just better and smarter and greater than you, if you disagree with me you must suck at this game" attitude isn't productive. It's rather childish.
  16. AxiomInsanity87

    You can't say anything. You are trying to talk about skill while calling for a ha nerf.....sound logic bro.

    And I play everything in the game, stop talking out of your **** and go play CSGO, cod or bf. I never said anything about being better or smarter either, that's just the part of your mind you might pay attention to one day when you learn to know when you're wrong.
  17. TomDRV

    Firstly: No, Heavy isn't my class: https://www.planetside2.com/players/#!/5428010917244237409/classes

    Heavies are SUPPOSED to be the best class at dealing and taking damage, they're the heavy assault, all the others revolve around supporting them, so if you prefer another class you're going to have to accept that heavies WILL be more powerful than you in a one-to-one fight, that is the sole reason for their being.

    How classes support them:
    Infiltrator: Scouts, long range support.
    LA: Keep flanks secure and aid the heavies by flanking the enemy.
    Medic: keep heavies and others' alive
    Engi: Provides heavy defences and ammo when required.

    Perfect assault formation:
    HA - heavy
    LA - Light
    E - Engi
    M - Medic
    I - infil
    MA - Max

    ...............................MA .......................MA........... MA ........................MA
    .................................M M M.............. E E E M M M..........E E E .......M M M
    .......................................I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I II

    OR something like that
    See my point? They are the fighting class, if they weren't flat out more powerful than other class in one-to-one combat there would beno use for them in the game!
    The way to counter of their upfront power is to reduce their versatility (AT and Suppressive power)

    You do this by creating another support class, calling, oddly, "support"

    These guys are like this:

    Primary: Carbine
    Secondary: Sidearm
    Tool: LMG OR rocket launcher
    Gadget: Ammo

    LMG: Taken from heavy - changed so it's responds more how they do in BF series, crap when firing from an unsupported position. (bipods *hint hint*)

    Rocket launcher: identical only taken from heavy.

    Ammo : Engineers are engineers, not ammo bearing slaves!
    Heavy: They get assault rifles instead of LMGS now, and are given some other fancy tool to use instead of rockets, maybe:
    - Disposable one-time-use launcher?
    - backpack that slowly resupplies your grenades for free?
    - Something?
  18. Copasetic

    This isn't World of Warcraft. There are no dedicated healers or tanks that can't do **** offensively. There are no support classes, there are only combat classes with secondary support roles. Every class in this game is a combat class and every class is fighting on the front lines.

    The HA is the only class with access to heavy weapons, that's why it's called heavy assault. And that's enough, to be the only class that can effectively deal with anything the game throws at it. It doesn't also need twice the HP and the ability to medkit tank on top of that.
  19. TomDRV

    Yes, all classes are combat classes, you've taken my "support" to literally, a mortar platoon supports a rifle platoon, yes, it's a 'combat' platoon, it kills things! But you wouldn't have them on their own.

    Not only that it doesn't take alot to kill a heavy with another class, just don;t take them head on, run around and skirmish with them, I loose solo engagements to heavies no more than I do to any other class. You just don't take them headon
  20. Copasetic

    No I don't think I did. You made it very clear that you think the other classes are only there to help the heavy assault.

    In a game where every class is a combat class I don't think one should be flat out better at combat than the rest. I'd be interested to know why you think we need a class like that in this game.