[Vehicle] Anchor mode balance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ne3zy, Apr 23, 2015.

  1. ne3zy

    First of all anchor is useless on MAX units, there is just no comparison on how bad it is in relation to other faction specific abilities.

    Prowlers can make use of it very rarely at extremely long ranges when you have engineers safely repairing you but that kind of situations almost never happen and it's almost always better to go for fire suppression.

    I like the concept though, but in practice it just don't work, futhermore it costs a lot of certifications to be decent in the good situations.
    I created this thread to discuss on how to make it useful, I personally think you should also be a lot more tanky when anchored. What do you think?
  2. toast2250

    It should have been like a time limited ability with increased fire rate while active.
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  3. MarvinGardens

    Maybe if it gave you increased explosive resist? Not stacking with Flack Armor of course because SOE/DGC hates synergy apparently. Could be justified by saying it gives better shock absorption or something like that.
  4. ne3zy

    I hope they do something about it because actually anchoring is like begging people to kill you quickly.
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  5. Alarox

    Titan-150 AP:
    DPS: 593
    Velocity: 275m/s

    Supernova FPC
    DPS: 574
    Velocity: 225m/s

    Anchored P2-120 AP:
    DPS: 1389
    Velocity: 325m/s
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  6. Mythologicus

    I can agree that MAX Anchor is a bit of a joke except in some extreme scenarios, but Prowler Anchor is amazing. It has more uses than just the immediately apparent ones, and the damage output and range is insane. It's unique and it works. There is risk involved - if there wasn't, it'd be renamed Easy Cert Mode (not that it isn't that already in long-range bombardment scenarios).
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  7. CursoryRaptor

    Bro, if you really think that about lockdown mode for the Prowler, you need to roll with my outfit on one of our siege tank nights. (Obviously, this isn't going to be possible if you're not on Emerald.)
  8. ne3zy

    I never seen it working except on very long range scenarios with the prowler, because with the max it sucks always.
  9. MahouFairy

    Have you accounted for the fact that an anchored prowler is begging to be C4ed?
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  10. Lucidius134

    Anchor Pounders are so fun tho with the buffs.

    RIP ammo capacity tho
  11. Movoza

    "And what did you learn?"
    "Location location location!"

    Really. If you just pick the right location and not near a big ridge where infantry can drop down from like flies, you can stand still pretty well. Not advisable at most times, but with max anchor you can wreck things quickly and reposition.
  12. axiom537

    MBT C4 Cause of Death listed from least to greatest.

    • NC C4 - Deaths 11588 (4.9% of all deaths)
    • TR C4 - Deaths 11230 (4.56% of all deaths)
    • VS C4 - Deaths 15621 (5.88% of Deaths)
    • NC C4 - Deaths 15358 (5.78% of Deaths)
    • VS C4 - Deaths 16465 (6.62% of Deaths)
    • TR C4 - Deaths 15152 (6.09% of Deaths)
    Well by looking at the Statistics, While being immobile does make it easier to C4, apparently it isn't that great of a disadvantage, as shown by the stat. C4 seems to be a much greater threat to Vanguards, then Prowlers.
    Anyone complaining about the Anchor mode is simply clueless and needs to L2P.
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  13. DooDooBreff

    you obviously havent used lock down with bursters....... or with pounders... set up at a choke point and rake in 30 kills
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  14. Ballto21

    Im afraid to farm tr in my scyhte. lockdown bursters are nothing to hornet down
  15. Ballto21

    >Fly ejection seat esf with racer over a vanny
    >Vanny stops moving to try and shoot the shiny
    >C4 him while hes trying to shoot the shiny
  16. MrNature72

    As an NC player who prides himself in long-range accuracy with the Vanguard, I have to say I'm jealous of the TR Prowler. You have some serious long-ranged staying power.

    However, I will admit. It's not as flexible as the shield or magburner. But it's still awesome.
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  17. Su!c!dE^eD

    It sounds like you're just anchoring in a bad position. I love anchor mode. Get ap, slap on a halberd, and you're ready to roll. You can snipe sundiesfrom miles away, you can out DPS any MBT at range. Think of the prowler as an long range artillery piece more than an slug it out kind of tank. NEVER just anchor when in a up close tank brawl or when infantry are swarming about. Find a sweet spot behind cover far far away and rainhell on enemy vehicles. And the max version is awesome 2. Lockdown was made for dual pounders. Only thing I'd change is make it 2 seconds to deploy and 1 second to undeploy. Getting in position is no prob its getting away from rocket spam that's more crucial.
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  18. day ofm one

    After 150 hours in a Prowler, I can say, that the Anchor mode may be more complicated than the Shield or the Magburner, simply because it is no instant advantage but also puts you into gerat risk, but fot that, it is well performing if you use it as it is intended, which is on long range and somewhere covered and not plain in the open.

    In other words: move your butt behind some rocks located 300 meters away from the enemy lines, keep an eye open to your environment and buy some ammo upgrades, you will need them.
    For a better effect, flank the enemy or get behind him, rear armor hits are a very very evil thing.

    Practice, practice, practice, as soon as you got the concept, you can counter any enemy tank in a fair fight.

    It takes roughly the same ammount of practice until you can drive the Slugguard and the Fragrider.
    Side note: Please take note of the first "r" in Fragrider, just to avoid any missunderstandings and complications.
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  19. Ronin Oni

    You mean the ZOE self nerf and the broken due to glitches useless shield?


    Anchor is the only useable ES MAX ability.

    Anchor on the Prowler takes the tank with the highest DPS, and gives it 40% more DPS
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  20. Ronin Oni

    They have double the ammo capacity in the first place, so they do ok.