Was the game just killed for PC?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PinkHurtsMyEyes, Apr 9, 2015.

  1. PinkHurtsMyEyes

    Ok, I don't want to throw a tantrum or cry wolf but the last patch-notes looks terrible so am just going to ask:

    What does this line mean?
    "The mouse (unbounded) input is applied overtime to as-closely-as possible match what previously existed"

    I might get this wrong and I have not tested it properly yet but to me it seems we have an emulated analog stick mouse response now, or as ppl in the forums have put it: "hardcoded mouse acceleration". Because so far there have been complaints about tank turret control in the PS4 Beta too: Does that mean tanks will get mouse acceleration as well? If they are that is just horrible - I am not a pro player on any level, but I have gone to EVERY step to remove mouse acceleration from my pc, including doing the registry fix. What is next - infantry combat aswell?

    Playing with mouse acceleration is close to impossible and even if you could get somewhat used to it it'll still be bad, and honestly remove all fun from infantry gameplay. You simply CAN NOT introduce hardcoded mouse acceleration in a PC game.

    If this is what actually have happened then this sentence:
    "To get an improved level of control when using a gamepad, some changes needed to be made to our base physics interpretation of inputs; for maintainability splitting at this level was not an option"

    Might as well read: Good bye PC players you no longer matter and good riddance, Playstation here we come.

    I have hated the code merge for PS and PC since it went live. All the improvements from OMFG are pretty much gone and I have worse performance than before it. On top of that they have upped the minimum game specs without improving the graphics, and as far as I know removed stuff like Phys-X. PC-players seems to have been left with a console-optimized game and we are expected to buy top-end hardware to run mid-range gfx. But hardcoded mouse accelelration? Are you joking?

    I hope I am wrong, someone please reply and tell me that I am wrong and how I am wrong.

    This game was developed for PC and now you tell us that maintaining one crucial code-split to keep the game playable on PC is not possible for maintainability?

    Ref: https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/game-update-4-9.223686/
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  2. Ronin Oni

    it's even worse than you think....

    KEYBINDS are also forced with analog emulation for flying now.

    yep, that's right, digital on/off KEY PRESSES ramp up and down.
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  3. Lucidius134

    They should just have 2 keybinds like

    Yaw (Analogue)

    sorta like they had the deceleration analogue bind which makes the reverse thrust a thing even more than normal.

    That way if a pc player wants 100% acceleration on half of their flight controls and analogue (lol) on another half or not at all it's all optional.
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  4. Alan Kalane

    daaah, cmon guys I haven't seen such a ****storm ever in my 1 year forumsider history. Honestly, simply changing flight controls won't kill PS2; it takes more than that. As always some people will rage, some will leave and some will simply not care but well, it's like that with any change. When tanks got nerfed I remember the forum was flooded with "I quit" threads and yet the game still goes on.
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  5. Thunde333

    Yes, but they killed controls for PS4 too. Because gamepads controls is still broken.
    This is the worst update we have got I think.
  6. Ronin Oni

    This isn't just a balance update that's ticked off a subset of players.

    This is forcing down analog control scheme BS upon PC digital input players.

    I'd rather they'd buffed AA again than this garbo.
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  7. PinkHurtsMyEyes

    I do not think you get it, as bad as the flight controls now feel that is not the main issue, it is that they have forced an analogue control scheme onto our digital input devices that is the main concern. And if they have done it for ESF's then they can do it for tanks, and if they can do that, then why not infantry. It is a TERRIBLE decision to NOT split the code for this and it really makes the future of this game for pc look bad right now.
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  8. maxkeiser

    If they ever introduce forced mouse acceleration for infantry play, most people will leave imo. End of story. It's where I draw the line.

    The mouse input we have at the moment - i.e. an option for no/yes mouse acceleration and direct input option HAS to stay.

    Whatever they want to do for consoles should remain for consoles.

    They have to understand that mouse acceleration is just a total NO for FPS. Nobody uses it as far as I'm aware.
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  9. Hatesphere

    many pro Quake players do ( and a few CS do), but they use custom curves. acceleration is not the devil for FPS players, its just normally poorly implemented.
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  10. maxkeiser

    Why would you ever need it when you can control movements precisely with your hand/mouse? You want exact, reproduceable movement - not with some acceleration code inbetween you and the controller.
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  11. Hatesphere

    mouse acceleration can let you do things you can not easily do with pure 1:1 input. with a custom curve and thresholds you can get extremely powerful control over both fast and slow movements all in one package. for example, with the proper mouse acceleration turned on I could have a threshold set that keep 1:1 up to a set mouse speed. after I reach that threshold acceleration starts. this will allow you to work on fire recoil control while moving slowly and just firing at a target, and then instantly be able to "twitch" with a fick as apposed to a full 1:1 movement and then quickly readjust if needed at the lower speed / 1:1 movement.

    again acceleration is not the devil, just poorly implemented acceleration. since many games have gone the lazy route of using your windows setting for acceleration (which arent the best by default), it has become common practice to just turn it off since its far less annoying to have 1:1 instead of a curve you have no basic control over without registry edits. another issue is that the acceleration math is based off off the resolution of you screen and is not a set value. so if you constantly change resolution it will throw you off as well.

    depending on how I acceleration set up it would be like on the fly DPI changing but automatically achieved by muscle memory. this is with a custom curve (some games support this natively and you can set your curve. other you will have to change your windows registry to fix the broken windows acceleration and achieve similar results)
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  12. CapEnTrade

    @ Hatesphere

    That's all fine and dandy, but it's largely irrelevant here because the acceleration and other bits implemented totally made it bad. There's not custom curve stuff here, we got crappy analog emulation because they were too lazy to break up the codebase for PS4.

    I agree some people may be able to make good use of in in those games, but this is Planetside and it's undeniably a BAD change for the PC that they were told not to implement, yet they did. I can't believe they would even consider such a ludicrous change!
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  13. Hatesphere

    and i'm not currently debating if the new changes are good or not, just answering why people might want to use acceleration at all, since it CAN be a powerful tool, even for FPS players and pilots if done right.

    the devs are even taking feed back right now on the current scheme, asking whats wrong with specific maneuvers in peoples opinion, thats likely to tweak the curve to make it more intuitive, since they dont seem to want to add a digital throttle optimization sets it at a specific value for some reason.
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  14. DashRendar

    Hasn't there been some form of momentum/input lag on ESFs since launch? It's never been fast twitchy accurate response when using a vehicle in the game, that's why most high level tankers use 3rd person to look around, because no cannon lag. Aircraft have been no different, except that 3rd person didn't change the amount of lag, only the FOV. Whether you wish to call it momentum, lag, acceleration, digital to analog simulation, the harbinger of endtimes, it doesn't matter, as far as I'm concerned it's the same but different.

    I've used aircraft on Test Server, and I can confirm that it is very different than it was, but only really noticeable when using mouse keybinds for pitch, outside of that, I see no other obvious effects. I don't know that this change kills the airgame, all I know is that it will take some time to adapt to is all. Can we give it a month, or a week at least? I'm sure in a month everyone will have adapted to the change, and skygods will still fly circles around skypeasants as it always has been and all will be good and right with the world.
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  15. DirArtillerySupport

    Our work here is done...the beta is over. The game was never developed for the PC it was developed on a PC...just like any console port. The only difference is we were included in the development. Happy to do it. It was after all...free.
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  16. Alan Kalane

    well, for tanks and infantry it's not going to be as bad as for the ESFs because aiming is bound to mouse which is already analog so the only thing they could change are the movement controls...
  17. Liewec123

    i'm not a pro pilot though i have spent my fair amount of time in the sky,
    and honestly? i can't really notice a difference...
    so all these "ITS ALL CRUMBLING TO THE GROUND! THE GAME IS OVER!" threads are making me chuckle more than worry about the health of the game.
  18. zuka7

    Maintainability is not an option. We will have same set of controls. Infantry and vehicles control changes are probably around the corner. Any time PlayStation 4 crowd ask for control changes it will directly affect PC exclusive with super duper emulator. You know you could buy PS4 and XIM4, play PS2 with it and it would be exactly like PC. Transfer tokens?
  19. St0mpy

    Its not just flying, theyve completely gutted the analog controls for land vehicles, vehicle steering is now 100% or 0%, not only that some controllers bug out the steering so it just turns in a circle with no input, its a complete clusterfrack

    camera controls are still analog, go figure
  20. GeeBee

    Well I personally just cancelled my all access, and Planetside 2 was the only game I played with it. If they feel like going down this terrible path of consolicide for our PC games then they need to be given a message that it is unacceptable.
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