Changes to EMP Grenade, Tank Mines, and Drifter Jumpjets

Discussion in 'Test Server: Announcements' started by BBurness, Jan 16, 2015.

  1. BBurness Developer

    Here are a few changes that should be coming to test server in the next patch, looking for feedback/discussions.

    EMP Grenades
    ·will no longer disable friendly Spitfire Turrets
    ·will now temporarily disable MANA Turrets
    ·will now destroy enemy ammunition packs
    ·will now drain Heavy Assault shields
    ·will now drain Light Assault jumpjet fuel
    ·will now drain Medic ability energy

    *EMP Shielding implant will reduce the effect EMPs have on abilities

    Tank Mines
    ·Made changes to tank mines to make them much more responsive
    ·Increased max damage range (inner radius) of tank mines from 2 to 3; this was done to match trigger range. While testing the above change tank mines were triggering so fast that vehicles often didn't have time to enter the max damage range before the mine detonated
    ·Increased friction on tanks mine so they are less likely to slide on inclines
    ·Mine Guard will now also reduce the amount of damage Flash/Harasser occupants receive from tank mines. (Flash damage values may be a little wonky, it’s a known issue)

    Drifter Jumpjets
    Some people may remember the Drifter modifications we had on test once upon a time; well those changes are back!

    ·Drifter Jumpjets will now provide additional altitude at the cost of more fuel each time the jump key is pressed.
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  2. MrJoske

    Let me translate the tankmine one:

    We didn't like that harasser driver could opt for a risky move and turbo right over landmines, so we took that away
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  3. Foxirus

    I was getting sick of seeing this myself. I am glad they fixed it. As far as I see it, Harassers were the only thing that can drive so fast the tank mines wouldn't even effect it. People are mistakenly trying to nerf the vulcan when the actual problem is that harassers move too damn fast and can warp 0 to 100.
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  4. vanbarbee

    All good things, though I'd like to see the Mana turret disable apply to the shields only, rather than the turret's firing operation. I see the turret itself as a more mechanically functioning system than an electronic one.

    *I realize this is much more complicated than it sounds, because the shield isn't built to turn off to begin with. Just a thought.
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  5. REZistance

    As a more or less dedicated Stalker, the changes to the EMP grenade are fantastic! Really looking forward to that :cool: (EMP's overheating MANA turrets was an idea I floated here on the forum not too long ago -

    Also, in my opinion, the Drifter jets are criminally under used. When I play LA I almost always use the Drifters as I find them to be way more useful in most situations. This addition is really intriguing. Looking forward to trying it out!

    Thanks SOE, good stuff!

    (psst, please consider adding the heat mechanic to the Immortal pistol, thanks)
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  6. ScrapyardBob

    Tank mine changes are reasonable - the harasser drivers will cry a bit and will need to start fitting mine guard.

    EMP grenade changes sound interesting. I predict a lot of EMP grenades thrown at LAs on towers.

    Now what about making the Spitfire turret more responsive as well? ...
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  7. Wayfar

    As main infiltrator, I'm glad to see the EMP getting looked at again. Though I'm not sure the first two changes are needed. I'd like to know the reasoning behind them.

    EMP Grenades
    ·will now temporarily disable MANA Turrets
    Basically the opposite of the change above. Now breaching a room could be a lot easier when you have enemies on top of stairways. I guess if this would go in, it would depend on how long the turret is disabled. No friendly disable right?

    ·will now destroy enemy ammunition packs
    I don't think this one is necessary. Doesn't really add much, beyond another potential minor XP avenue for EMP users.
  8. REZistance

    You might have misread that first one... it says it won't disable 'friendly' Spitfires. They will still disable enemy Spitfires :)
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  9. Elrobochanco

    Huzzah the fun speedy drifters are back!

    But the altitude when pressing space bar thing is definitely not working. If you let off to press it again you are falling, way faster than the next bump is going to compensate for. Maybe this was meant to be tapping forward to gain altitude so you can keep holding the jet key? (this isn't how it's working now, just I don't think mashing the jet key is going to be a very...smooth experience)

    And I noticed a weird bug where if you fire a weapon while drifting there is a noticeable lag/trigger delay. It feels like you need to wait for the chamber time of a weapon before it fires the first time. It's most noticeable on semi auto weapons like shotguns, but even my pistol was kinda chunky on its firing.
  10. GhostAvatar

    The amount of times I have been thankful for a enemy ammo pack after clearing a bunch of them. This one could actually work against an inf by nuking them first with an EMP.
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  11. vincent-

    Good because you know RISK vs REWARD. No one gets a free pass on mines you want to drive like mad max that's fine but I get to be the jerk who laid that trap just up ahead.
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  12. Jaybo H

    I am waiting for:

    Decoy Grenades
    -will now be useful

    I can't be the only one.
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  13. VonStalin

    EMP grenades should effect armor in some way.
  14. Runegrace

    I've been waiting for:

    Decoy Grenades
    -Now cause false 'being shot' indicators for enemies in range so decoys will actually trick the enemy into thinking that they're under fire.

    EMP grenades knocking out HA shields is great, though. It's a much nicer HA nerf than the shield change ideas they were tossing around, introduces more counter-play.
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  15. REZistance

    Yeah, I actually proposed a similar feature (EMP disables iWin for 10 secs) in one of those 'HA OP' threads as an ability to give Stalkers and front line Infiltrators more usefulness in battle, but then some guys jumped down my throat accusing me of sucking and wanting to change the game to favor my play style. You know, the typical one dimensional response when they try to protect their own favorite class. Everyone else in the thread was talking about straight up nerfing the HA and I come in with a feature to improve one class and adding an interesting tactical variable while not nerfing the HA (because the shield remains unchanged), but hey, it's typical of these parts to get jumped on like that I suppose.

    It's a good move by SOE to do this imo. You very rarely see Infils right up mixed in the group of front line fighters and now you will see them more. It's alllll good.
  16. Foxirus

    One more thing, This is not going to matter if only one class has access to the EMP grenade. I think its time you guys unlocked it for other classes. Noone is going to bother with an EMP implant when the chances of running into an infiltrator that uses one are so slim. ANY implant would be better to use.
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  17. Stopper

    Really great ideas !

    As a big user of both EMP grenades and tank mines, I really like those changes.

    The addition to the EMP (provided it still disable shields and HUD) will make it more tactical. It's already a good tactical weapon, and it will become better.

    For tank mines, it's good since it's a good way to protect some areas from tank spamming, at least a few moments.

    But you know that the thing every miner is waiting for since launch and that will be really useful is the UI HUD for deployables once promised in the september's QoL update ?
  18. Kirppu1

    Good stuff until that part

    Most organized squads on Briggs always have at least 1 Infil at all times. In my outfit, I play close range support and the other infil main plays a stabby SMG infil. BOTH of us have maxed out Grenade bandoleers and use them, as well as other non infil mains.

    PLEASE OH PLEASE LET THIS INTO THE GAME (That way I can have more fun with the other BR100s on Briggs).

    Decoy Grenades
    -Now cause false 'being shot' indicators for enemies in range so decoys will actually trick the enemy into thinking that they're under fire.
  20. St0mpy

    Its a bit shabby to allow the weakest class to strip both shields at once from the heaviest so he can go toe to toe with it. My armistice already rips heavies a new one just by getting stealthily close, I really dont need another crutch.

    I know the infiltrator is SOEs golden child but id rather see a more subtle effect, sure take the personal shield but just stop the other shields from recharging rather than take it completely.

    Ofc we know the real reason isnt balance, its so heavies/others have to use the damn implants to retain some kind of strength against unexpected ganking so theres no point pointing out its not really fair, its not about the balance its about selling chargers.
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