Aux LMG Changes:

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HadesR, Jan 7, 2015.

  1. HadesR

    Matthew Higby@mhigby

    Made some Aurax LMG tweaks: removed ex.mag equip penalty for both, removed SPA velocity penality on Butcher & HVA recoil penalty on GODSAW
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  2. GrandpaFlipfox

    It'll help but it still won't make the GODSAW worth using.

    They'd have to drop that oversized magazine for an NC specific feature or completely revamp the gun into a 200/500 Anchor. Then we might have something worthy of the name.
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  3. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Meanwhile, the Eclipse and especially Darkstar remain almost unusable with their horrid damage before overheating.
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  4. HadesR

    Could do with maybe having the ability to use a Forward Grip on it too .. Since you can on the Default SAW
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  5. Tommyp2006

    Neither of those really solve the problem of those weapons at all. Both need foreward grips. I've never used the Butcher and thought "this weapons really equips slowly and needs more velocity"
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  6. BobSanders123

    I wish the directive weapons would get a buff in their faction specific traits.

    Butcher? 779 - 800 RPM! Increase magazine size to 200.
    GODSAW? 250 damage pls. Adjust magazine size to 75 and velocity to 660.
    And VS have beetlegeez.

    In compensation they should have higher recoil than their counter parts. If a veteran can handle the recoil, as they should through grinding 5weapons to get the directive weapon, then they become the almighty.
  7. CapEnTrade

    Good. Bout time.
  8. Iridar51

    What ex mag equip penalty?
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  9. Leftconsin

    I also have no idea on what this is.

    I'm glad the devs have realized the Betelgeuse is far and away better than the Butcher and Godsaw and are trying to fix it. Unfortunately these changes are not enough to totally the canyon between the TR-NC weapons and the VS weapon.
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  10. GrandpaFlipfox

    At 250 it would rival the Cyclone for short range stopping power. I don't think I need to explain why that would be bad.

    Might be onto something with the muzzle velocity though. Super high velocity or armor piercing ammo perhaps?
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  11. FieldMarshall

    Finally they did something about the ex.mags equip time and 5% velocity so butcher is viable! :rolleyes:

    Balance geniuses. OP, UP or Wierd/random, seems to be all they can do.
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  12. Runegrace

    Give the Godsaw no damage loss over range, high velocity and recoil. Make it a beast rail gun without having it be more ridiculous in CQC.
  13. LibertyRevolution

    These sound like useless changes to these weapons... well it shouldn't hurt much, so there is that?

    You want no damage drop off 200 damage bullets? What rate of fire are we talking on this version, 250?
  14. Leftconsin

    Let's actually just make the directive weapons upgrades instead of sidegrades.
    This game can be play to win.
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  15. Xind

    The butcher doesn't even have the updates CARVs horizontal recoil, let alone the Forward Grips bonuses. Without those, it's just not worth using.
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  16. sindz

    Its so sad when the creative director of a game has no idea how guns really work in PS2.

    Jesus christ in a ham.
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  17. Kociboss

    You can remove penalty, but with excessive side to side jitter, the butcher will still be nothing but a troll weapon.
  18. AtckAtck

    I really wanted to like the butcher... I tried so hard really. But it is not useable.
    It sprays bullets all over the place and kicks like hell.
    You simply cannot hit anything with it more than 20 m away.
    Might as well use a shotgun at that range...

    Please take a look at all the TR Faction guns.
    What good is it to have more bullets, if you simply cannot hit with them?
    Our guns basically are spraying all over the place after the 3rd bullet fired. Some even after the 2nd bullet.

    Oh and while we are at it, did you ever try to marksman with the Barrage shotgunt w/ slugs? The bullet drop is so hard, the projectile so slow, you sometimes have to aim at a Point while ADSing where you cannot even see your target anymore because of the gunmodel getting in the way... That is how hard the bulletdrop is.
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  19. CapEnTrade

    Learn to aim and shoot. Somehow I make it work amazingly up to 60 meters.
  20. Shanther

    I find it amusing that people QQ about the Butcher not having a Foregrip when the Betelgeuse doesn't either.
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