[Suggestion] HA problem

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by HORNYBOSS, Jan 5, 2015.


    It is funny that iam forced to fight 1500HP guerillas (i'm sure that at least 35% of players are HA, because their shields make them gods in infantry combat) while i, as smg infiltrator have 900HP. Either make their nanite mesh generators + 250 hp and quicker regeneration, or give us instant de-cloak while pressing the fire button. (One shooted by commisioner while unloading my eridani mag into HA today)
  2. FateJH

    Or shoot them in the head from behind.
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  3. _itg

    Getting one-shotted by the Commissioner has nothing to do with the shield. A player of any class with good reaction time could potentially pull that off.

    Dealing with the HA shield as an infiltrator takes a lot of experience, but ultimately, you've got the tools to engage only when you know you can get the kill. You definitely want to aim for the back of the head and get as close as possible before firing, because any missed bullets will give the HA more time to "spin and win." Using the knife helps, too.
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  4. VordLader

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  5. Kalivix

    The funniest thing about threads like this are that the TTK is about 2s anyway as a heavy with shield instead of 1.5, so its hardly an advantage, while being invisible is a HUGE advantage and gives you the drop in every fight you enter (unless they are walking around with a pistol darklight in which case its easier).

    And of course HA guns are the average gun so in most situations you're already at a disadvantage as up close you don't have the damage output and very far away you don't have the accuracy. Well thats what I always notice playing a heavy, when I play LA and medic I find the guns to be WAY better in terms of accuracy and damage while my HA guns are just a pathetic mess
  6. CorporationUSA

    Pick and choose your battles.

    Use your stealth to your advantage.

    Use a OHK weapon.

    Play a different class.

    All viable options.
  7. Allisrem

    Playing main Infiltrator, never had the feel to complain about HA. When I die to one of those bad boys, I deserve it. When I fight them perfectly I always win, you cannot allow yourself to do a little mistake, while the HA can do many mistakes, but that's how Infiltrator works. It scales 90% with your skill sometimes, 10%, with enemy "stupidness" =P Be smart, play smart, pick your fights, prepare your area, use your motion trackers use your claymores use your AND I CANNOT STRESS THIS ONE ENOUGH! EMP-Grenade!
    Emp basically wins your every 1v1 that you engage, means always safe some for the next fight against the HA...
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  8. Jackplays17

    INVISIBLE! HAHAHA! Your SO Funny! The cloak does NOT Make you invisible. It makes your HARD To see when crouched and not moving.
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  9. Alzir

    I'll tell you the thing about heavies OP. It is very rarely a case of going up against 1 pleb and having an i-win button, as often you are not facing them with full health, or even lose any of your shield engaging them - LMGs are the main heavy strength. The shield is more about energy management so you can take on 4 or 5 guys at once, and replacing your main shield when it's down.

    The overshield obviously does help when that one guy in 50 gets the drop on you and you 180 headshot him, but that was his bad aim more than the shield.
  10. Kalivix

    You don't play this game do you, if you did you'd know when crouched not moving you have perfect invisibility, when walking its pretty damn near perfect but you can just make out the blemish if you pay attention, and sprinting its a more visible outline but still tough to keep track off unless its in a uniform coloured area with no distractions.
  11. ronjahn

    It's definitely not perfect. The right light reflecting or the right background can still betray you when stalker cloaked and standing completely still.
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  12. LordDethir

    Do you play infil? I will get sniped from enemy snipers at 85+ meters sprinting cloaked across a field. Cloak in its current iteration is broken.
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  13. Kalivix

    Well thats cos its another inf, a class that for some reason was given invisibility 2 shot kills (1 shot in the head) and yet still will never stop whining that they need more stuff. Infs are just gods of death, if they grab a vandal they can out-fight most other guns up close yet still snipe and sneak off if they don't like a situation
  14. Bobman23

    Lol backfired.. Don't declare that someone doesn't know something about the game and then be wrong yourself. Being stationary, crouched, and cloaked does not make you perfectly invisible. The cloak (especially when sprinting, but in all modes really) is incredibly easy to see and track. And unless you are in ADS on flat ground, your character is moving - those motions make the cloak ebb and flow like water. The only people who miss cloakers are those who either don't know what they are looking for or are preoccupied with something else and wouldn't have seen the person even if they were completely visible. Having spent a good part of my total play time as an Infil, it's now super easy to spot enemy Infils. For most Infiltrators, the cloak is actually a death trap.

    On Topic: With all these threads popping up, I'm starting to get really concerned. I am by no means a good player, but I hardly ever have trouble taking down a Heavy. Am I really that good compared to the people who make these threads? I really hope not, because that's bad news for you. :eek:
  15. Cheetoh

    It's the inability of players to have a constructive dialog that concerns me because that's bad news for everyone.
  16. Bobman23


    Don't mess with my Heavy. lol

    Quit being a bunch of babies. Calling people names. Is that all you got?"

    This is constructive? This is from you, by the way. https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2...ssault-is-op-redundant-and-not-needed.211559/

    I will admit, the OP is mildly more constructive than most "Nerf HA" threads. Mildly. I'm honestly just trying understand how it's so hard to kill heavies. Unless you're missing half your shots or are using a weapon that is not in its optimal range, it shouldn't happen.
  17. Cheetoh

    The extra HP / time to kill might have something to do with it.

    Or, maybe you are just an amazing player.
  18. Bobman23

    I'm not an amazing player though, not in the least. That's why this baffles me. Get in optimal range, aim for the head. That's what I do. And it works.
  19. ATRA_Wampa-One

    The only "nerf" HA needs is to take away shotguns and SMG's from them since there is no reason for them to have both the best CQC survival ability and best CQC weapons.
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  20. LordDethir

    Vandal wins against Autos in a CQC environment? Pffft. Sneak? Define sneaking, As I do not think that a cloak you can see at 85 + meters and can hear at 280 + meters counts as sneaking. I also get sniped by tanks at the same distance while I'm cloaked, not near my allies, and running across a field.

    Also, add Adren. Cloak to Infils, Higby Plz.