Spitfire Turret - Do Not Buy.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jeslis, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. doombro


    At the very least, the size needs to be scaled down immensely.
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  2. Waratorium

    I walked right up to an enemy spitfire and destroyed it with my piston before it even dented my shields, and it didn't even take my entire clip. Its sooooo trash.
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  3. WarmasterRaptor

    The first time I saw the model and saw it fire, I immediately saw an angry chicken.
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  4. WarmasterRaptor

    Like they do with sunderers.

    Douches being douches.

    Some killing MANA turrets, some TKing coz you're in their favorite farming spot, some destroying your mines to deploy theirs...

    Should we stop idiots being idiots?
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  5. Waratorium

    People wont TK spitfires to put them in a good spot because the only good spot for a spitfire is not to place it at all because they are worthless.
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  6. bl33ping

    for those complaining about it's health pool: did you even bother to download PTS and shoot one? i did and i knew that it took around 20 bullets from a carbine to kill.
  7. doombro

    You're supposed to be able to do that. They're not TF2 sentries. They're balanced like the PS1 spitfires, except in PS1 they will shoot you the moment you enter their line of sight, and you can place a ton of them at once, and a million other missing features. The idea is that if you move through an area, there could be a few spitfires hidden in plain sight shaving off a bit of your health while you take the time to react. Unfortunately, PS2's spitfires are obnoxiously unstealthy, so they're useless at performing the same task.
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  8. Iridar51

    I played a couple of gaming sessions since the update. Not once I was fired upon by an enemy Spitfire. If not for the beeping, I wouldn't even know they exist at all. Then again, I'm an LA, and I steer clear of usual infantry pathways.

    I never expected Spitfires to be a problem for LAs except when we try to flank a building with limited number of entrances, such as cap point buildings in biolabs.
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  9. z1967

    14 143 damaage bullets. Twice as much as infantry except the turret doesn't move and is much bigger than an infantryman.
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  10. PinkHurtsMyEyes

    I have no idea how that turret made it to live. Guess money talks... you can fart on it as you run past and it crumbles to dust. Takes nothing to kill it, it's slow as ¤#"%"#¤%&%& and it yells HERE I AM. For everyone to get their "destroy deployable" points... GG.
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  11. JudgeNu

    I bought mine as soon as I logged.
    I placed mine strategically near a sundy and got a few LA kills with it.
    I swear you people sometimes are the biggest bunch of whiners I have ever seen.
    Good day.
  12. WarmasterRaptor

    It IS bugged right now so people rightfully complain. So... Shut up?
    Good day to you too good sir?
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  13. p10k56

    It should be smaller at least 3/4 size or health buff.
    Also some cert line will be nice.
    Something like longer range or faster target aiming.
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  14. Blippy

    I think 50 meters is good enough. The problem is that its tracking is so awful that it won't be able to fire at you if you're sprinting perpendicular to it. It really needs better tracking for how fragile and weak it is.
  15. JudgeNu

    Don't see anything in this thread about them being bugged.
    Just a bunch of whining, I wouldn't call it 'rightfully complaining'.

    Wow a HA complains he can pop his shield and be OP? lol...the gull.

    Today has been interesting.
  16. Goretzu

    I've been placing mine everywhere all night, not got a single kill, and still only 1 assist with it.

    Died a lot of times trying to get it into good places though. :D

    I dunno if it is working as its supposed to for some and not for others, but as it stands for me it simply won't do anything. I was a demon with my spitfire and mine ambush kills in PS1, and I've played a lot of TF1 and some TF2 as engi (so I must have at least 1/2 clue what I'm doing, I'd hope), but nothing seems to work with this version for me.
  17. TheChippewa

    well I have not had the chance to use the spitfire yet, but I do see a use for it already. Why not deploy them around a deployed sunderer before you enter the base to cap the points. I assume they stay deployed even if you change classes hopefully like mines and claymores. Might be pretty tough to c4 a sunderer with a dozen of these beeping annoying things around.
  18. JudgeNu

    Ahh I miss playing TF2.
    Engie was so much fun.

    Well im sure they didn't want them to be OP.
    They sure aren't a TF2 Sentry.
    They are supplemental fire.
    I don't think they were intended to be much more.
    It is like adding some DPS to yours.
  19. Goretzu

    They do stay deployed, seemingly with similar rules to the normal turrets so you don't seem to be able change classes like with mines, but they would seem an ideal sundy defence (an old PS1 tactic was Spitfire and mines arrayed around the inside of and AMS's cloak field - it would kill most inflitrators trying to hack it with ease).

    The problem is that in PS2 an enemy can probably knife a Sundy to death before your turret starts firing on them, never mind kills them.

    At least in my experience of them so far, I literally have no idea how people have managed to get kills with them, mine beeps a lot, but never seems to fire at anything.
  20. maxkeiser

    Turret scale is all wrong - they are faaaar too big. Also they don't appear to do anything useful.