Spitfire Turret - Do Not Buy.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jeslis, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. Jeslis

    This thing dies to 2 raven/fracture/comet Projectiles. (That's one volley from a 2arm'd max)
    You cannot resupply unless you're at a terminal.
    You can only drop one until resupply.
    You can only have one out at a time.
    It beeps constantly, warning everyone nearby that it is there.
    It can barely aim, and dies to bullets and knife hits then to bother pulling out a rocket launcher as a heavy.

    Worst purchase ever. Striker is better.
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  2. Jeslis

    Rofl, in the time it took to look up at a light assault.. that Light assault .5 clipped it.. thats right, 15 bullets to kill one of these pieces of utter worthless trash turrets.
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  3. Jeslis

    A medic ran past it, looped around it, killed me.
    The turret then started firing at the medic, who was now attacking the medic trying to res me.
    MY OWN TURRET TK'd the medic ressing me, and then the enemy medic ran around a corner and lived.
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  4. GoyoElGringo

    Yeah they need a shield like the AI mana turret. They die way too fast for a turret that can't be resupplied without a terminal.
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  5. Jac70

    They need to be fairly weak otherwise Engi's will spam them everywhere and we don't need autonomous crap killing people left right and centre, it's bad enough with prox and tank mines.

    All Engi turrets should be a one time deal and need a visit to a terminal to resupply.

    I think their tracking should be a touch faster.

    When they see a target that target should appear on the minimap.

    They are supposed to aid the Engineer, not kill everyone in sight for them but I think they will be tuned going forward.
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  6. GoyoElGringo

    I agree, but they die way too fast. You're sacrificing mobile cover for this thing, which aids the engineer far more.
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  7. HadesR

    ^ This

    Few tweaks needed to the AI side of them but that's about it .. Oh and less beeping :p
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  8. Jeslis

    Considering they can be out dps'd by a carbine, they need about a 50% hp boost.

    ATM anyone needing turret kills for Directives is pulling a sniper and killing these... They die in 3 shots I believe to a sniper.

    Considering you HAVE to resupply from a terminal for these things they should be much stronger.

    Now, if they want them to remain this week, then simply remove the resupply from terminal, and I'll agree they need to be this weak.

    But when you start dying because you're trying to keep a 1-time-turret alive, it becomes a problem.

    PS. As a tanker, I fully support the idea that the AV turret should be a 1time terminal required to resupply turret. Just saying.
    That thing is Three Hundred times more OP powerful then this spitfire crap.
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  9. Jeslis

    An idea to any dev's reading the thread;
    Raise their resistance to small arms significantly. At least require a heavy with a rocket launcher to take one out super fast.
  10. WarmasterRaptor

    Can't spam them, limited to one per engie.

    They could have used no deploy zones to limit "stackabilty" of the turrets in the same area if it's why they are so weak.
  11. MotionBlured

    There's almost as much complaint about how weak they are, as I'd expect if they were OP.
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  12. WarmasterRaptor

    It's a different approach. Instead of broken stuff ruining people's gameplay, they start with something poor and bring it to respectable levels instead.
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  13. EazyDuzIt

    Besides it being a piece of ****, the spitfire turrets look stupid as hell. It seems like the design department went to a local middle school and held a competition among the 6th, 7th and 8th graders to design the turret. But instead, let the little brother of one of the middle school students, who was just in 1st grade win, and used the drawing he did with crayons as the schematic for their big to pitch to the head of the department, who doesn't give a **** about anything anymore because the game is in it's death throes.
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  14. Goretzu

    If that touch is about the same strength as something that can knock planets out of orbit.

    I have absolutely no idea how strong (or weak) the Spitfires DPS is (or what it needs in buffs or restrictions), because I cannot get the ~!££!$ing thing to fire! :D

    I'd be fairly happy if they had PS1 DPS (which was low for PS1, never mind PS2) IF they actually fired at targets without needing to think about it for 5 seconds, beep, think about it some more for 5 seconds, beep..... and then seemingly decide not to fire anyway.
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  15. MotionBlured

    I'm aware of the idea, it's their implementation that's an issue. /valkyrie4lyfe
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  16. volth

    Yea, but they isnt weak they dont do any dmg at all. And they have a big red, blue, purple light so everyone can see it in the dark + beep, beep, bepp, enemy detected BEEP, cant see him anymore, beep, beep, beep. But if they give the turret some wheels they can sell it as a pet :)
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  17. FlailingNinja

    I sneezed at one and it blew up, which was good because then there was silence.
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  18. Goretzu

    To be fair it is by far the most sensible way to do it, and good on SOE for doing it that way........... but the current target acquisition is (as far as I can see) broken and I've no idea how they got off test like this.
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  19. GoyoElGringo

    Then people would just TK a turret in a good spot to place their one.
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  20. HadesR

    One thing I would like to see and this is just a personal preference and that's it's rotate radius lowered to between 45-90 degree .. ATM what I'm finding is that when you set it up to over watch a door or choke point ... Half the time it's not even looking in the right direction .. So a little less rotation would help greatly ..
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