This game is pretty much just 1 shot explosives everywhere

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AFK1, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. AFK1

    C4 around every corner, 15 heavy assault with who press the I-Win key, and then shoot a rocket, no aim tanks spinning in circles shooting their 1 shot tank rounds everywhere, etc. Any sort of close range combat is nothing but mindless grenade spam constantly, if you avoid getting 1 shot by a grenade, the next 5 grenades thrown in the exact same space will finish the job. Every TR max has double pounders constantly shelling the entire map, every NC max has double ravens spamming explosives nonstop and everywhere, and ever VS max gets to global you with AI weapons instead, because there's 5,000 VS heavy assault with lahsers coating the entire map in explosions

    This isn't even a shooter anymore, it's just a game where everyone throws infinite grenades all day
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  2. _itg

    If you think this is bad, you should have played the game 9 months ago.
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  3. Jachim

    Anymore? Please point me to where they've buffed explosives! I might actually play again.
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  4. Schizomatic

    "shoot a rocket", "spinning in circles, shooting their 1 shot tank rounds everywhere", "double pounders", "spamming explosives nonstop and everywhere", "lashers coating the entire map".

    Damn, that's some serious repression going on, dude.

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  5. FateJH

    PlanetSide 2: Michael Bay Edition
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  6. Kubin

    Maybe it's just a server dependant thing (I doubt it, however) but I'm really far from experiencing that much explosions on Cobalt. I'm experiencing most explosions during my Engi runs with AV turret and AV mines since I'm one of priorities for tanks to shoot at and I don't have the agility of LA.

    I only use Flak armor on my Engie and MAX and somehow I don't really need it for my other classes. Also I'm surprised why everyone is saying that there is huge grenade spam. Even in the most dense battles I don't see it that much, however I do like to throw 'nades myself but EMP ones.

    I am supportive for resource revamp, though. It's pretty hard to run out of consumables now.
  7. MotionBlured

    Flak armor, you heard of it?
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  8. DatVanuMan

    Yeah, umm...
    What server do you play on? Because I can assure you that NONE of that happens to me.
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  9. KiakoLalene

    Yeah, because who would have thought that devices intended to rip people apart limb from literal limb could be so deadly. It's almost as if these devices had a purpose!
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  10. xCable

    I mean it is a war game. Maybe you should stop standing in doorways
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  11. david06

    It's actually a lot better now than it used to be. I mean just the area-of-effect damage from tank HEAT rounds used to kill infantry in one hit, and there was a riot when SOE nerfed that. Infantry rockets got nerfed hard in both direct hit and AOE damage so there wasn't so much "rocket primarying". Before that there were more nerfs and from launch just about every explosive weapon has been toned down to be less farmy.

    Grenade spam in crowded fights is still bad though, you really have to stay away from doorways.

    MAX suits roll double-everything because it's more effective than alternating, which is unfortunate because it makes for a lot less variety.
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  12. Leftconsin

    I seriously think we are not playing the same game.
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  13. WorldOfForms

    Yeah I don't experience this at all. I've been playing since Beta, and now, like then, probably 90% of my deaths are to small arms fire. Grenades, Rocket Launchers, Tank shells - almost never.
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  14. GhostAvatar

    Nothing compared to a year and 9 months ago.... ahhhh, good old memory of lockdown HE Prowler and no one wore flak.
  15. libbmaster


    I mean, I get instagibed a few times in a normal play session, but it's not at every base and it's not at the same time.

    I strongly suspect the OP is trying to incite reaction. He's certainly been busy running around these forums as of late, stoking the flames with nothing positive to say and a million posts...
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  16. Selrahc4040

    I've seen more rocket primaries than there used to be, but other than that not much has been going on. Given, I'm an LA, fairly immune to the dangers of grenades, though I do sport a bandolier myself.
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  17. CNR4806

    Explosives kill? I mean, aside from C4 vs MAX/vehicle and suicidal tank mines.
  18. Jeslis

    Like my thread about increasing TTK :)
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  19. TheKhopesh

    It really feels like it!

    And yeah, I have to agree on the HA I-win button.
    Easy solution to that, make non-max infantry small arms ignore HA shields.

    Now it's effective at what it's supposed to be for (AV/AA and anti max use) rather than an I win button.
  20. KiakoLalene

    I still miss the rocket rifles and grenade launchers and plasma grenades from PS1. That was explosive spam, but with taste!
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