What would you rather have removed from the game than rebalanced?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Plorf, Oct 26, 2014.

  1. andy_m

    yes, I totally agree with this, so I am giving it a nice big thumbs up.
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  2. Bindlestiff

    Over the top wreckage damage
    Ridiculous collision damage
    Crap physics
    NS weapons and vehicles (OR they should all have faction specific branding / appearance other than colours)
    Faction traits that aren't traits at all
    Spawn camping
    The Crown
    The current alert system
    Most things to do with air
    People who cannot understand asymmetrical balance
    Tiny bases unable to support 96+ on all three factions at the same time
    Forced lattice links on the small outposts
    The spawn system
  3. NCmagnetarN7

    Lag, poor connection, bad hit detection.This is the only reason i log out.
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  4. P1GG

    Anything that I don't use, but which kills or inconveniences me.
  5. Niamar

    Air's primary function would be transportation, with lock on weapons that only works against aircraft.

    Ground vehicles primary function would be transportation, with lock on weapons that only work against other ground vehicles.

  6. Aldaris

    So, turning it into separate areas of the game that don't interact and infantry only game.
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  7. Axehilt

    Any player who'd rather see things removed than rebalanced isn't interested in having or giving you a logical reason for their opinion.
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  8. Shadowyc

    Specific players that keep sniping me from locations I can't quite figure out how to even begin to hit them at without learning how to bend bullets around entire mountains.
  9. Hosp

    Unnecessary and/or Indefensible Outposts
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  10. William Petersen

    So what, that would be like all of them? Also, I get the feeling you don't much care for Desert Land (I can't blame you. <.<)
  11. Bindlestiff


    'Bases' could benefit from much better thought for:

    • Traffic flowing through the base grounds
    • Traffic flowing through the base itself (e.g. tower bases - the doorways are literally one MBT width at both the launch bay and the 'parking' bay.
      • I think towers could do with having the vehicle launch capabilities of tech plants, and all of the main facilities be supersized to correlate to the other structures growing in size also. This would also give much more room inside to fight
    • Infantry volume through the corridors - it is ok to have chokepoints, but when choke points are literally every single corner because a tower (for example) can't hold more than 10 people on any given floor without feeling crowded - then all that does is give rise to trench warfare and grenade / rocket spam
    • Better internal layouts allowed more vertical gameplay (such as in Biolabs where there is a large amount of poorly utilised real estate)
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  12. PWGuy93

    Grenade bandoliers
  13. Klypto

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  14. Pardus

    I changed my answer. K/D stats. At least public K/Ds.

    Having something to say "See, I did good!" is great. ... It's got way over just that. It's turned into another way for people to be elitist or worry about their score instead of just trying to play the game because it's fun.
  15. Brahma2

    Technically possible to do both.
  16. Pardus

    Point. Counter-point: How many people do you think spawn camp because it's a smart to keep the enemy boxed in, and how many people do you think spawn camp because it smells like easy kills?
  17. Brahma2

    Technically possible to do both. I imagine that the easy kills are a side benefit, or vice versa. Either way, same result.
  18. LodeTria

    C4 AV damage
    AV Mana Turrets
    AI tank weapons
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  19. WarmasterRaptor

    Wonky air mechanics. Yeah, I said it. Bam.
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  20. Pardus

    Possible to do both, but the behaviors encouraged there don't stop making peoples lives miserable when a base is captured and the zerg moves on.


    It sets people up to feel about about them selves getting easy kills. Naturally we all want to feel good. If you already know you get feel good about your self getting easy kills, what's to stop you from looking for easy kills elsewhere? Or if that's the only place you got that good feeling, what are you going to do when you run into place you suddenly feel punished for not getting easy kills?