Make HA slower, LA and Inf faster.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Frostiken, Oct 26, 2014.

  1. Frostiken

    So all the Heavy Assault cheesers say it's totally balanced and fair that the HA gets to run around with 450 pounds of equipment and armor on him with not one single exploitable drawback. A MAX pays for his durability and high-powered weaponry in a variety of ways, one important one being the MAX units relative lack of mobility. If HA is supposed to be a 'lite MAX', make them act like it: Reduce the base movement speed of all Heavy Assault classes to slightly above that of a MAX unit (which might be 0.8, so reduce HA to 0.85). Sprint speed is also reduced.

    Light Assault and Infiltrators carry less equipment than others and could logically therefore move faster. After all, they are 'light' and HAs are 'heavy', right? Light Assault definitely needs all the help it can get right now, and should have a 1.15 movement speed. Infiltrators with Hunter or Nanoarmor Cloak should be given a movement speed of 1.15 as well, and with Stalker cloak, improved to the fastest in the game - 1.25.

    If the Heavy Assault players are to be believed, it's that the class is "vulnerable to flanking" (but they're very ambiguous about what that means). If Heavy Assault is designed to be 'flanked', then make it easier to flank them. By giving LA and Inf a huge speed bonus over the over-armed and over-armored ponderously slow Heavy Assault, then the alleged "counter" to HAs (according to HA abusers) should be more easily exploited.
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  2. DatVanuMan

    Being someone who mains Heavy, I actually like this idea. But instead of 0.85, make it 0.9, just because you love us:p
    But really, solid idea, and this could really help in making the classes more unique.

    P.S. This DOES take the place of a shield nerf, right?
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  3. Frostiken

    I don't actually know what the MAX move speed is, I can't seem to find it anywhere. I thought it was 0.75, but that seems a little too slow. Let's compromise, make them go 0.875 :)
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  4. DatVanuMan

    0.88, and we nerf the Orion!
  5. Bape

    Only infiltrators deserve to get a speed boost since they have 100 less shield meaning less armor.
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  6. CipherNine

    You already have the speed advantage, its called adrenaline pump.

    Engineers don't have it I think but then again they are carrying infinite number of turrets lol
  7. Cest7

    10% would make a difference especially with all the movement modifying abilities the heavy uses, that or give the LA/Infil a dodge.
  8. AFK1

    Heavy Assault already has slower move speed when the shield is on

    If you're going to make Heavy Assault move slower 100% of the time, while giving Light Assault and Infiltrators increased speed, then Heavy Assault should also get limited Jump Jets, and Invisibility
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  9. HyperMatrix

    As someone who does play a lot of heavy, but wishes he didn't have to, I would be ok with a slowdown for heavy assault. However, I don't agree with any additional speed increase for other classes due to netcode/lag/warping issues.
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  10. Frostiken

    How do people write this kind of **** and not immediately delete it out of embarrassment?
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  11. Robes

    They believe it, just take a look at some of the other heavy threads, the actual justification from most people are "its suppose to be overpowered"
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  12. gibstorm

    You know LA can fly and INF can stealth right??

    That is what they get when it comes to extra mobility
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  13. AFK1

    How does someone such as yourself write that entire OP complaining about the Heavy Assault, when you have other classes that can:

    Infiltrator - can one shot 5 people before reloading, and go invisible

    Light Assault - can literally fly
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  14. BlueSkies

    PS1 didn't have classes, but the reinforced armor (which is what gave extra armor and two primary weapon slots) did run slower than the agile armor and infiltrator, because you know... logic.
  15. Hatesphere

    LA and infiltrator already get access to adren pump if they want a minor speed boost. as for slowing the heavy down a tad, sure go right ahead, drop them to .9-.85 speed and play test it for a bit. it would likely even remove most of the orion .75 ADS whine.
  16. Frostiken

    Trust me, if pointing out that the NS LMG has .75ADS and doesn't dominate anything didn't shut them up, this won't either.
  17. Halkesh

    Source :

    Values are in meter / sec.

    Normal infantry
    Sprint 6,5
    Run 4
    Strafe / back 3

    Sprint 6 (5 sec acceleration)
    Run 3
    Strafe / back 2,1

    Sprint 6
    Run 4,5
    Strafe / back 3

    If you guy don't know, actually HA are slowed by 25 while they use their shield.

    I don't agree with your idea guys. Just make the adrenaline pump a passive for LA.
  18. Selrahc4040

    Fairly valid point, but what about equipment carried?

    HA is in Blue, LA is in Red

    Reference Image:

    Reference Image:

    Armor: (This is based off of stock TR HA armor models) The HA has a multi-segmented metal midriff approximately an inch thick, with slightly thicker breastplate, and a large metal pauldrons. They also have thick thigh and calf guards, along with some pretty serious boots.

    Armor: (This is based off of stock TR LA armor models) The Light Assault has a metal chestplate of a moderate thickness, smaller, less pronounces pauldrons, and leather boots.

    Primary: The T9-CARV, a metal and wood Light Machine Gun (LMG), approximately two feet long, with a 100-round drum magazine (With 200 in reserve), capable of laying down sustained fire over med-long distances, while maintaining effectiveness at close range.

    Primary: The TRAC-5, a metal and wood Automatic Carbine, between a foot and a foot and a half long, with a 40-round magazine (With 200 in reserve), capable of quickly dispatching either one or a small group of enemies in one magazine, with good close-medium range performance.

    Secondary: Identical for both classes, the TX1 Repeater Pistol, a metal and wood semi-auto burst pistol with extreme DPS, but with a fast-emptying magazine.

    Tertiary / Tool: (Exclusive to Heavy Assault) The ML-7 Dumbfire Rocket Launcher, a metal and wood single-shot launcher (With 3 in reserve), capable of short-ranged anti-vehicle duties.

    Grenade: Identical for both classes, a basic fragmentation grenade capable of a small-radius, highly damaging explosive blast.

    Utility: Identical for both classes. Either can choose between Restoration Kits, C-4 Plastic Explosive, or Medi-Kits. Not unlocked by default.

    Ability: The Nanite-Mesh Generator (NMG). A second personal shield of limited duration that, while increasing the wielders effective HP, must be activated and, while active, slows the user down noticeably. Recharges.

    Ability: Jumpjets (JJ's). A limited-duration Thrust-Pack or Jetpack that allows the user to scale buildings of moderate height in one burst, or taller buildings in multiple bursts. Recharges.

    Let's Do Some MATH!

    Heavy Assault
    • Armor, which is here approximated to be approximately 2x the weight of a medieval knights armor. 90 lbs
    • Primary, here equated to an M249 LMG. 20 lbs
    • Secondary, here equated to an M1911 Handgun. 2 lbs
    • Tool, here equated to a SMAW Rocket Launcher. 17 lbs
    • Ability, here equated to a portable propane tank for lack of an equivalent. 2 lbs
    Total: 131 Lbs

    Light Assault
    • Armor, here approximated to be half the weight of a medieval knights armor. 23 lbs
    • Primary, here equated to the M4 Carbine. 7 lbs
    • Secondary, also equated to an M1911 Handgun. 2 lbs
    • Ability, here approximated to be half the weight of a overnight external frame backpack. 20 lbs
    Total: 52 Lbs
    Ammo pools were not taken into consideration here.
    It seems like it's safe to say that Light Assault should be able to move much more freely than the Heavy Assault. If you have quibbles with my math, please point them out.
    • All weights are based upon readings form
    • Heavy Assault's Armor is based upon a standard suit of Plate Armor. (45 lbs)
    • Adrenaline Pump is not a noticeable improvement over running speed, yielding only a few meter difference in distance over a several-hundred meter sprint.
    Heavy Assault is approximately 2.5x heavier than the Light Assault. Shouldn't they be slower?
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  19. Rovertoo

    This is a great idea! Always bugged me that my Heavy Assault can run full speed with a gigantic LMG, monstrous rocket launcher, and that crazy cool armor. Giving LAs and Infiltrators the small passive speed boost would actually make Adrenaline pump worth taking because it would be all that much faster.
  20. Rovertoo

    Only math 'quibble' is that the HA armor is likely lighter than old medieval stuff, what with space materials and things. But still a sound concept.
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