[Suggestion] Make the infiltrator a REAL Threat.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by TouristZ, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. TouristZ

    Never really posted on these forums, but played the game for a while.

    So I wanted to talk about how the infiltrator is... actually not that useful.

    Ok so let's take a scenario here: A 48 vs 48 TR/NC Battle
    Now let's say I go infiltrator and attempt to take out the enemy medics/engineers so I can help my team push forward. Alright. So I landed a headshot on one of the TR's Combat Medics and... wait... did he just get back up and run to cover?

    This is unacceptable. Usually, a sniper's job is to provide reconnaisance for his mates and sometimes, he has to eliminate key targets, such as combat medics, and engineers. So you try to take them out using a sniper rifle. The issue here is, the infiltrator is pretty much a joke, the infiltrator is like one of those annoying flies in your room that buzzes around you all the time. The objective of getting behind enemy lines and taking out certain targets is to turn the tide of battle with a few well placed shots. Said well placed shots are simply brushed off because medics can EASILY Revive one-another.

    Solutions: If a player is shot in the head with a Bolt-Action or Semi-Automatic sniper rifle, he can NOT Be revived, he has to respawn at a base currently owned by his faction or spawn at a sunderer. This would make sniping more rewarding, provided that you can hit your target right in the head. It would also make sniping more fun, because you feel like you're actually doing something for your team, you're making good use of your weapon.

    Share your opinions, or if you agree/disagree. :)
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  2. Ghosty McGhosterton

    Real solution: coordination. Coordinate with other snipers or indeed other classes to take out medic balls. They can't revive if they're all dead. The no-revive-on-sniper-kill mechanic would effectively break the game's balance, giving infiltrator's way too much power. I feel I have a sufficient impact on the battlefield as an infiltrator, whether with a rifle or an SMG, because I work in coordinated squads that pick specific objectives.
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  3. Brenold

    i like this idea but why should we limit it to infiltrators? make it a mechanic that if you kill someone with a headshot that accounted for at least more than 50% of the total dmg for the kill, they can not be revived and don't even leave a dead (skull and xbones) marker behind. Even MAXes. no death screen either, just back to map deploy screen right away

    also add 5 to 10 secs on all redeploy options' timers just to emphasize that you got headshot and the game will force you to take a breath before letting you come back in. So you cant immediately respawn on a beacon or squad deploy to try to minimize the disadvantage of being headshot-ted

    we can also apply the same thing to deaths where more than 50% of the dmg was caused by an explosion... make it so basically you got vaporized and so can not be revived as well. just to add some complexity and depth to the team deathmatch feel so it doesn't feel too much like quake arena.

    and then make it so that this "no rez" death doesn't apply when the damage was caused by a friendly source, or if the death occured inside the sheild regen fields that medics can deploy or inside spawn shields. to minimize trolling and also as an additional perk for using the shield regen field thing, as a way medics can fight back on not being able to rez others.
  4. JohnShrapnel

    I kind of like the idea that with specific types of damage or damage way beyond critical would disable the possibility to be revived ,however it would most likely be abused. With the example of explosives you'd see even more people pulling light assaults and dropping C4 on groups to ensure they cannot be revived turning fights one way or another in extreme ways.

    As for the purpose of infiltrators I generally play solo and I don't recall ever running as an infiltrator when I have played in squads. What I have noticed is a single infiltrator can influence a large fight. The enemy will notice your hits but will also notice your misses thanks to the distinctive sounds of sniper rounds hitting nearby. It will make them more defensive even if only slightly reducing the amount of time they'll expose themselves to shoot at your allies which in turn encourages them to miss more often and have less opportunities. Plus the ability to act as a distraction, hacking a turret and using it on them is a major distraction as people tend to overreact as it is certainly irritating. You can also protect armor as many heavy assaults will take a second or two to line up their shot allowing for an easy headshot, not to mention engineers using deployable turrets. Or a tactic I don't generally pursue myself but did for the first time last night, reducing the amount of enemy armor by taking out players at a vehicle terminal.

    Finally if you can get to a vantage point from a different angle than the main attack you cause your enemies to consider a separate front. Granted it is short lived if someone spawns as an infiltrator and takes you out. Still if you can make them concerned about a flank then you reduce their options for cover and distract at least some from the main fight which helps your allies.

    I think the infiltrator is amazing as we all run around hearing bullets hit around us without much concern until it is sniper fire in which case you are concerned. I don't generally focus on medics or engineers on front line fighting I figure they'll be picked off by allies on the front, if I do decide to fire at them I generally go for body shots. I don't truly care about the kill as much as softening the targets for allies. I try to focus more on picking off enemy support behind the line. My favorite moments however are when I see a light assault or enemy engineer trying to get behind a friendly vehicle and can take them out before they can damage anything. Sucks when I miss and see the friendly vehicle destroyed, but is an awesome moment when you take them out.
  5. VonStalin

    Overall I really like idea of disabling revive ability if you have been headshotted, c4'ed, rpg'ed, grenade'd.
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  6. OldMaster80

    One Infiltrator is never a real threat. A small fire team of 4-5 Infiltrators, well coordinated and able to do their job... well that's a real pain in the a$$.
    Personally I'm pretty skeptical about suppressive effect of a sniper. Doesn't matter what snipers here say. That's because, unlike PS1, in PS2 it's always bloody easy to understand where do bullets come from. There's no way for a sniper to remain unspotted. Ironically it was easier in PS1 when snipers had no cloaking. When you get sniped in PS1 the first question that comes to your mind is "Oh f**k, where did he fire from? Where is he hiding? Where do I take cover?".
    In PS2 minimap, bullet tracers and deatcam give away your position too easily.
    That's why I don't waste my time with sniping, it has no effect on the battlefield.
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  7. MajiinBuu

    In PS1 you have to crouch and be absolutely still to snipe long range, because any movement at all will make your COF go insane. Not only that, but COF blooms simply by looking around, you don't even have to move to not be able to reliably hit anything :p
    As for having an effect on the battlefield, the war doesn't end. There is absolutely nothing any amount of people can do to heavily affect anything. People shoot people because it's fun. Sniping can be fun. So people snipe.
  8. Problem Officer

    Balancing Infil's existing attributes has been milked bloody.
    It needs new utilities, gadgets.
  9. Foxirus

    There does not need to be any nerf to the medic class to buff the infiltrators. All this is going to do is hurt the few medics that actually DO what they are supposed to do.

    Do not worry, In time the infiltrator will get an update that will give it access to scout drones, It DOES have more utility coming.
    One thing that I hope never to see coming is its ability to hack vehicles. People have to put too much into those to have them hackable. Let me also mention that the infiltrator IS a threat. If it gets inside a base you are defending, It can turn those turrets completely against you. I have done this hundreds of times. Oddly enough, I have also had a few people try to say "Reported for warp hacks". Though, I guess its hard to imagine an infiltrator using a stealth flash and getting behind enemy lines with it...
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  10. _itg

    More than anything, snipers keep the other side from playing optimally. They're close to a hard counter to turret users, and they force people to never stop moving (reducing their accuracy), because they're dead the moment they do.

    It's also worth pointing out that the biggest argument against snipers--that killing someone doesn't matter much--applies to all classes. The only way heavies are better in this regard is that they can push into a room and defend it. Yeah, snipers are bad at that, unless perhaps you've got godlike CQC bolt-action skills, but there's a lot of fight to be had before the point defense begins. The classes are different tools for different situations.
  11. Vaphell

    medics could use some nerf either way. Sustaining the blob in perpetuity with a second of dancing with magical pistol in hand or by spamming magical nades, undoing all attrition in the process doesn't make sense in a 'strategy' game. It cheapens the game strategically and tactically because it makes everything black and white. Either you are able to completely overrun the enemy and you win decisively or you are not and you lose decisively. There is not much in between

    how is that significantly different utility wise from stalker infil in a bush somewhere in the enemy camp, relaying information via spotting or /re ?

    ? can't they pull another one? how is that different from 2 c4 bricks on their tail?

    turret hacking is crap and is not worth the effort in a farming game, which is what PS2 is, and i say this as someone who has aurax in spear turrets (though a big chunk of that is infantry sniping because it's the only thing they are good at). Countless magriders just magswagboosted away from under my nose, countless tankers just moved outside the firing arc and pounded my turret for free and the biggest insult to injury i have ever experienced was a deployed prowler caught with pants around the ankles who managed to undeploy and drive away. That's how lethal AV-wise AV turrets are. They barely can tackle a tank 1v1.
  12. Halkesh

    Infiltrator are already a real threat.You are complaining because you can't kill a full squad by yourself.
    Play in squad and you will see infiltrator are a really big threat. You can support ally a lot while they have to charge :

    -Scout tools
    -Kill a target (even if the guy is revived, he's neutralized / vulnerable during 5/15 sec)
    -EMP grenade (everybody in the very large area are now free kill)
    -Assist enemy (if you can't aim for headshot, you will "just" deal 600 damage to the target : ally can finish it easily)
    -Forbid enemy to use AI turret or be immobile.
    -Place AI mines to prevent counter-offensive

    Infiltrator are a really big threat in squad vs squad, it's just people prefer to use them only for the K/D ratio.
    Remeber you can kill a MAX with 5 headshot.
  13. radrussian2

    you could just use an smg and emp nades. bam instant infy buff.
  14. MisterSlim

    I think a large part of what makes most snipers 'useless' is the inability to shift their mindset. Rather than making the enemy say "Where did that last shot come from?", a PS2 sniper should make them think "Where will the next shot come from?". I don't think the games mechanics allow us to be both campers and useful teammates, and most snipers prefer to pick the first option. Mobility and position are priority #1 for a useful sniper. Move around, keep the enemy guessing, and if you end up with half a squad searching for you, pat yourself on the back. You took half a squad out of the battle for longer than if you had just killed them all.

    Planetside 2: Home of the Mobile Sniper
  15. Thunde333

    Ifiltrators need to be able to bypass spawn shields. SOE hide every weapon terminal behinds those shields.
  16. Foxirus

    Welcome to the future of all games. Slowly but surely games are being watered down (made black and white)for the average Joe. Its not about having the ultimate skill and killing everything, Professional gamers probably count as single digits where sony makes profit. Everything else? That would be the Average Joe. So yes, It makes the game black and white cookie cutter having unlimited revives, But that is how ALL games are slowly going. Make it too complex and the game doesn't make money and fails because Average Joe finds it too hard and quits. The professional population of gamers is not enough to probably even cover the yearly salary of a single developer over the life of the game.

    When you spot in a bush, You yell in voice, This often breaks your cover and gets you killed after about 3 spots. The Scout drone is supposedly going to be controllable to an extent and it will automatically silently spot all enemies that come within visual range of it. It's different because the actual infiltrator themselves are not being put in harms way to spot enemies.

    The problem here is that it will cause people to never want to leave their vehicle because of the risk an infiltrator will hack it and use it against them. Imagine if you parked your sunderer and went to cap a point, Then when you got back not only was it gone, But an enemy infiltrator is now using it. I shall also mention that this would make too much power for infiltrators and make everyone want to be them because of the ability to do grand theft auto tactics. Its just too much power for a single class. Terminals are a prime example, Ever notice how you are starting to see less and less of them outside the enemy spawn room? Think about why they did that... An infiltrator would hack it and suddenly every enemy in the area no longer has to report back to a sundy for rearming.

    If you feel that turret hacking is crap, You are making some mistakes along the lines. The fact you said a deployed prowler managed to escape means you either tried to kill it outside of your effective aiming range, Or you just blatantly missed shots to its rear. Generally, Do not try to 1v1 a prowler or a Vanguard unless you have a clear shot to the back of their tank. Otherwise their chances of escaping drastically increase. I personally have no issues whatsoever killing tanks* with the AV turret. Then again, I have learned how to lead my shots 400m out with little to no misses.

    * The Vanguard is not easy to kill because even if you surprise one from behind, They instantly pop the iwin shield and kill the turret.
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  17. Vaphell

    builtin mic support, teamspeak, /re and you are golden. Nobody will ever hear a thing.
    BTW I love how you can circumvent in-game downsides to spotting which makes you nothing but a loser if you do utilize in-game means of cooperation with others.

    I find this fear a bit premature. PS1 saw perma-invis infils with a trunk full of boomers and vehicle hacking, yet people dealt with that just fine.

    in real life mech doesn't go all gung-ho without infantry protecting its tail against sneaky bastards. Apparently in PS2 once you burn some resources you deserve a status of a one man army with god and quad damage modes on. Why exactly? Also mech hacking probably would be rather hard to do in practice with cues for the owner and most of the time you will see only some abandoned vehicles getting hijacked.

    The dude was doubleplus lucky: his orientation in deploy mode did not expose the *** from the turret point of view and there was a convenient bunch of rocks right next to him he could drive behind. Doesn't change the fact that immobilized tank should never ever be able to survive such a gank. What is the definition of ANTI-VEHICLE exactly?
    MBTs take what, 4 shots in the ***? If not the rear, with 6+ required normally you are very likely to hit the cooldown which gives even more time to the enemy.

    I know how that works, my risk/reward evaluation of turret hacking is just not too good. I am not fooled by the goldmines i strike from time to time, i remember the blatant failures and totally unproductive deaths that went with it.
    Btw what does "do not try 1v1" tell us about the potency of phalanx turrets? "Always shoot in the ***" is not entirely viable advice and it's not something you have much control over that you could build your whole gameplan around.

    no idea, never faced one though they can't be more annoying than swagriders.

    PS. cheesus christ man, just split the post you reply to to pieces with quote tags >_<
  18. Foxirus

    Be glad I used colors. I don't care to cut and snip peoples posts up unless it truly needs to be ripped to shreds. Seeing as you have not even fought a vanguard yet (Your own words), Your credibility for calling nerfs on things has taken a huge hit and I feel you are a very new player. Just play the game more and try out all the factions. You will learn much much more and see how infiltrators ARE deadly AND feared if used correctly.

    Remember this, You are an infiltrator, You do not take things head on but instead stab them in their back when they least expect it. Take this advice to heart, You should not be trying to fight a tank that is facing your direction. Wait until they feel safe or are turned with their rears facing you. THAT is the only time you should go on the offensive in an AV turret.

    The Infiltrator class will reward those with patience.

    Remember that a smart pilot will not be easily defeated by an AV turret.

    As for your real life comment, If this were real life... Our vehicles would be destroyed before they were allowed to fall into enemy hands to prevent the enemy from possibly analyzing it for weaknesses or reverse engineering the technology it contains.
  19. Predator01cz

    So I wanted to talk about how the Heavy is... actually not that useful

    Ok so let's take a scenario here: A 48 vs 48 TR/NC Battle
    Now let's say I go HA and attempt to take out the enemy medics/engineers so I can help my team push forward. Alright. So I landed a rocket on one of the TR's Combat Medics and... wait... did he just get back up and run to cover?

    This is unacceptable. Usually, a HA's job is to provide lulz for his mates and sometimes, he has to eliminate key targets, such as combat medics, and engineers. So you try to take them out using a rocket primary. The issue here is, the HA is pretty much a joke, the HA is like one of those annoying hornets in your room that buzzes around you all the time. The objective of getting straight into enemy's face and taking out certain targets is to turn the tide of battle with a few well placed rockets. Said well placed l337 Deci-in-yo-face are simply brushed off because medics can EASILY Revive one-another.

    Solutions: If a player is shot into pieces with a rocket launcher or Anti-Vehicle spam, he can NOT Be revived, he has to respawn at a base currently owned by his faction or spawn at a sunderer. This would make rocket primarying more rewarding, provided that you can hit your target right in their ego. It would also make nade spamming and rocket primary more fun, because you feel like you're actually doing something for your team, you're making good use of your weapon.
  20. Vaphell

    You got me. I am just a brand new NC BR85 95% infil playtime with auraxiums on all infil primaries except mkv-suppressed (2/3 there) and maybe the prestige smg after that if i find strength to continue playing this farmville. What could i possibly know about infiltrator play.