10/16 PPA Changes on Test

Discussion in 'Test Server: Announcements' started by d_carey, Oct 16, 2014.

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  1. d_carey Developer

    Should be up around 8pm PDT
    • Missing harasser changes should now be corrected
    • Minimum CoF reverted back to original values
    • CoF bloom per shot is now 0.6 down from 0.75
    • Direct hit damage now back on
    • Damage is 200 direct 200 indirect
  2. AdmiralArcher

    does this fix the MAX unit resistances? currently it takes an amazing amount of ammo to kill 1 MAX unit
  3. Varlun

    As it should. PPA is an anti-infantry weapon. MAX is considered a vehicle.
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  4. WarmasterRaptor

    Will there be another step after that one? Right now people are not disliking the revamped version so far, just wondering
  5. Ronin Oni


    Canister and Marauder shred MAXes
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  6. Ronin Oni

    Not liking it why?
  7. WarmasterRaptor

    Because you might be too used to the unbalanced version? I'm just guessing!
  8. Ronin Oni

    Well, the reasons I know of are being directly addressed in this update.

    CoF bloom is being reduced so it should be good for 3 shots decently accurately as opposed to 2 before the 3rd goes well off target.

    Direct damage should keep it effective against MAXes which was a problem apparently.

    The Harasser was actually made OP by the change lacking the CoF bloom which was kinda funny, prolly made anyone facing against it on PTS (if there was any fighting?) or worried about it if they tried it, because it was practically a pure buff without the CoF bloom.
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  9. AdmiralArcher

    yet it kills valks and harrassers twice as fast?
  10. DatVanuMan

    Five shots? For 12 rounds?
    Interesting, yeah...
    I don't think ANYONE is going to like that.
  11. Alarox

    And so the pendulum swings.
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  12. doombro

    Welcome to TR's world. Enjoy the ride. At least you still have no drop.
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  13. DatVanuMan

    I expect a buff in at least two months time.
    And speaking of the TR's world, larger magazine, higher damage, MUCH more accuracy...
    Knowledge much?
  14. doombro

    10/14 round mag vs 12/18 round mag, and it's a grenade launcher, so your accuracy depends on your target being below you, and you having an object to splash off. With PPA you can just direct hit your target, thanks to no drop.

    I'll at least grant you the damage.
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  15. Ronin Oni


    200direct + 200indirect = 400... 3 hits to kill

    I kinda think pure splash might have made it better actually but for MAX resists.
  16. ZephyrBurst

    Could always invest certs into the magazine size.
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  17. WaRadius

    Unless the target just walks away. No drop won't do much good if the projectile is too slow.
  18. Strikejk

    • So you reduce the COF = Buff
    • You reduce the bloom = Buff
    • You turn on direct hit damage = Buff
    • You increase the damage = Buff
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  19. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    Now we're getting somewhere.
    I'm still sceptical if the Kobalt isn't a better option, given that Tanks just shouldn't get that close to Infantry.
    But this looks rather servicable, it won't annihilate Harassers, it's a bit more controlable, and it still has the limited range you apparently want.
    I'll have to test it, it actually sounds rather strong.

    Edit: Maybe a second firemode firing at half the rate, or maybe a 2 shot burst? So I don't have to kill my wrists firing that thing.
    Edit2: Can't actually test right now, no logins.
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  20. Teoke

    If we are going from what it has on Live currently:
    • Velocity cut in HALF (From 300 -> 150) = NERF
    • Giving it COF Bloom with every shot = NERF
    • Reducing damage by 135 (Addint together both Splash + Direct hit dmg) in total (For close range, before directdamage starts to drop off) Making it go from a 2shot with direct hits, to a 3 shot with direct hits. From a 4shot with splashdamage to a 5 shot kill with splashdamage (These numbers are ofcourse without flakarmor equipped.) = NERF
    • Magazine reduced by another 8 rounds, from 20 down to 12 = NERF
    The Rate of Fire buff is going to be a non-issue at range, due to the CoF Blooming. The idea with these nerfs are to nerf the PPA's abilities at range.
    Completely neutering it is not what the goal is. Yes, its RoF buff is going to make it more lethal close up, but its not as lethal as the Cannister, which oneshots you.
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