[Emerald] I tried TR, I tried...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chaingunner, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. Chaingunner

    Explain to me "how to play." All I have ever seen since beta is he who has pop wins. No matter how l33t an outfit is if they are out poped 3 to one it is almost certain to be a lost cause.

    The only thing TR needs to play better is organization and team work instead of lone wolfing and fighting every lattice.
  2. LibertyRevolution

    Yes, it is the teamwork and organization problem, that is more important than aim in this game...
    Aim is meaningless if you have 6 AI turrets pointed at each door from the far side of the room well outside C4 range..

    Most of the TR outfits wouldn't know what point defense was if they walked into it like lemmings 1 at time....

    Watch Goku attack or defend a base.. it really doesn't matter which it is, they setup only changes a little.
    They will lock down that point room and any choke point from the spawn to it.

    TR run around like chickens with their heads cut off in the middle of the open around a tower base and wonder why they get farmed.

    TR attacks a 3 point tower base, you look at the map, the colored dots are all over the place..
    No squads are on a point each, no one is doing any specific job..
    Just everyone running back and forth from B and C to the tower trying to take A, getting farmed..
    Losing B as half the guys on B decided they are going to take A, but just get farmed running to the tower..
    No one protects their spawn point, they just let it get blown up.. attack fizzles and dies..

    It is the same thing over and over.. the NC do the same dumb stuff..
    • Up x 2
  3. Shadowomega

    Liberty ever hear of the motto "You can lead a horse to water, but can't make it Drink."? Some people just don't learn or are willing to learn. I teach Basic Training in AT every now and again, I even do short briefs when we set up defense or in route. I also have done some more advance training. What it boils down to is people willing to listen and learn, some will pick up the basics very quickly others not so much.

    From what I have seen when I played my TR and NC alts when they were on Waterson, and my NC alt on Saturday for Server Smash warm up I saw a lot of people just playing as if it was a basic run of the mill shooter. No organized push, no flanking, a lot people pushing though ally fire so they can shot (far more then I see on VS), a lot of people revenge tking even for accident TKs (followed by lots of yell whine about tks). Seeing this leaves me wondering is the real issue player maturity draw. Last year around this time I saw some odd stats about factional Demographic and the TR and NC seemed to draw more 14-16 year olds then the VS as the average TR mean Age was 17 with NC being 16, VS at the time was 20. Granted age is a hard indication of maturity (I have seen 60 year olds act like their 8 and 15 year olds act like their 26) but age does tend to lead to more maturity in a person.
  4. BaronVonVirtu

    I make ingame examples for others to follow - use of ingame chat is a gigantic pain in the *** for me.

    We occasionally do run an open squad amongst us, the guy who normally enjoys doing that most has been out of game with a busy RL recently, but more often than not I just tend to fill any empty platoon squad spot with a random squad who I'm aware isn't in an actual platoon at the moment. While I've been leading recently, the other squad on the platoon has been 1TR, VCO, EXOC and mixed pubs run by others I know.

    Why don't I split up GOKU into multiple smaller groups working with TR? It's a communications pain, it makes us less effective as a force, and it doesn't fix TR's actual problem. What is that problem? Ineffective SL/PLs.

    You guys may have some cool fun organized gameplay hanging out with us, but it doesn't tackle the fact that there's plenty of "leadership" in this game that isn't very good at it and that tends to cause issue with the whole "new player experience." Most of these folks tend to have a negative outlook on any attempts to help as it looks like I'm just here to lead the pity party or are most likely doomed to never quite get how this game works. I need a framework to start with and ears interested in listening before anything else can be done.
  5. LibertyRevolution

    Goku guys, don't take me the wrong way, I do appreciate that you at least prove that its not a weapon balance issue to the other TR.
    I also understand these TR/NC don't fallow orders... I know it is herding cats.. I used to herd NC on jeagers..

    I have begged in waterson outfit threads before the merger that the better outfits run open platoons, and try and train the randoms..
    They tell me the same thing, they used to, but it is not worth it, that is brings their game down, that people wont fallow orders.

    Its just a bad situation on both TR/NC..
    It seems like there are no decent open squads, and I really have no interest in joining an outfit.
    I really have no interest in playing fallow the lattice lane in an armor zerg to cap 1-12's...

    When I join a platoon I might last 5mins, then I have to leave, I can't listen for enemy footsteps or jetpacks over people babbling..
    The only thing I want to hear over voice is like "2 incoming NE", "one light going roof, one infil S door"..
    I don't want to hear about your thought on war, or poverty, or what you had for lunch, or who won what football game.

    I would need a redeploy outfit with strict voice coms or else I would bail..
  6. Xasapis

    Miller always had VS underpop issues. We'll survive.
  7. Sharkgrin

    I think there are plenty TR players interested in smarter teamwork. The problem is not the lack of interest, but the lack of initiative. Most open platoons I've seen on the TR side (emerald) are zerg platoons and operate on loose discipline and stalinian ''throw people at it until it dies'' tactics.
    TR needs leadership. TR need drill sergeants ready to drill squads for duty. TR needs trained specialized units. Above all, TR needs outfits that coordinate with each other and drill together, know each other's flaws, cover each other's backs.

    Commanders need more options than crowd controlling pub herds into a grinder. Commanders rely on discipline, and soldiers rely on the cleverness of their stalwart and cunning superiors.

    Had I the leadership skill, I'd have done my part. But I lack the speech of a general, granted that of a callous first class. Give me good leaders, smart leaders and good training and only then, perhaps, will we stand a chance in the fight for Auraxis.
    Step up gentlemen. The Republic needs YOU.

    Until then, I'll be crossbow hunting stragglers. It's all I know, It's all I do, since orphaned from the sight of victory.
  8. Captain Kid

    If there is a two front fight (which there always is) I will go fight the NC. I actively AVOID fighting the VS. I do not find fighting the VS fun.
    Only exception is when there is an alert down to the last 30 minutes and we have a change of winning if we fight the VS. That is the only time I will fight the VS. I rather log off (and I do) then fight the VS.
  9. Verviedi

    If TR wants to be competitive, AOD must die. All the BR20 AOD pilots are pathetic, and their terrible tank wing gives me huge killstreaks whenever I decide to pull a Magrider.
  10. OminousZ

    People are so quick to judge the VS, but what you described in your post is not a VS problem. It's a lack of giving a **** for your team, that's why they lose. Every faction has their good and bad and the VS do lose several times a day, but we also win because a lot of times, not all, we are coordinated. So, i wish these QQing babies will just move on from these "VS OP" **** and put more energy into your own faction and then maybe you'll win.
  11. Juho

    On Cobalt NC and TR only fight each other for the exact same reasons meanwhile VS ghostcap the whole continent and wins the alert for 100th time in row
  12. OminousZ

    Humans are interesting....very quick to blame something or someone else for their own failures....interesting....
  13. Chaingunner

    Not all of AOD are bad guys. When they decide to work with us on command chat we can usually get this accomplished. There are a few guys who actively use command chat and work together, but it is very few.

    I agree with everyone's comments about point control and TR's discipline is awful at time.

    I run open platoons a lot, I try to keep comms clear while I sm giving commands and trying to help the platoon, but if guys want to bs while we are caping a base or moving to another I won't stop them. I will not take their "fun" and enjoyment out of a very social fps just to be a drill sergeant ******. Now we will kick you from the platoon if you can't follow orders or talk when we ask for clear comms etc.

    There are many different types of people that play this game and everyone enjoys different aspects of the game. Who am I to deprive a person of speech or other freedoms while playing a game they enjoy and if TR kicked everyone that talked in platoon or went outside the norm every now and then we would never have a squad running.

    My 2 cents.
  14. Tuco

    Sure if it's about territory it's a lost cause.

    But if you keep your distance, say 600 meters away from the VS zerg, lockdown, backed up with some skyguards, you can get a sht-ton of certs. I do it alone, and get a sht-ton of certs, but I usually get Liberated to death, or some cheese galaxy flies over and 5 infantry drop off with C4.
  15. Diilicious

  16. OminousZ

    In what other language would you like me to explain? Read the post i quoted and maybe you'll understand
  17. Verviedi

    All hail Salojin! He is the best TR leader!
  18. Sardaukar

    If you heard GOKU mumble comms you'd probably start gibbering and scratching unfathomable equations on the wall.

    edit: with your toes
  19. Brayton

    The problem seems to be is that the Waterson and Matherson NC can't play nice with eachother because as soon as the merger happened, command chat went to **** even worse than it usually was.

    Which sucks, because the NC on Waterson actually started to get its collective **** together. And now, all I get when I try to get NC outfits to talk to eachother is "Bu bu bu bu we triiiiiiiiied and they said mean things and it was crazy." I'm so sick and tired of the excuses but I also can't switch because I love being a smurf too much.
  20. Brayton

    That's easier said than done when most people are getting stomped all over every time we try to push something.