[Emerald] I tried TR, I tried...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chaingunner, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. Chaingunner

    I tried today to focus our 31% pop solely on the VS, but of course only some outfits will listen to each other. We had a good run from Abandoned Offices to Rashnu Biolab, then 96+ decided to go fight NC at West Highlands for the next three hours while NC took VS Tech Plant, these 96+ idiots could not even make it pass West Highlands.

    Why TR, why must you try to fight every front when we are underpoped? We had a great push going and it all ended with this being said in Orders, "I don't fight the VS because they are OP."

    It is a sad day when TR push VS back close to WG then screw off to fight NC because of something so stupid. Good luck TR command keep fighting every front and let the VS take everything.

    One day TR will get organized and actually accomplish something.
  2. -Synapse-

    We better get our **** together, I don't wanna end up wearing spandex. TR plz.
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  3. SeanFree

    I saw TR do well once.

    Granted, it was GOKU alts and CoOp but still.

    #BringBuzzBack anybody? No? Just me? Ok, I'll leave.
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  4. MasterDemoman

    Connery TR and NC are exactly the same, if both TR and NC on Emerald AND Connery dislike fighting VS THAT much... Something is obviously wrong.

    I don't think it's really even the VS gear, most VS I fight usually have massive internet egos, and proceed to make fools of themselves in /yell, while disclaiming any common sense from NC, TR, AND VS with a venomous idiocy.

    Even though nothing gets done of forumside, I don't see many of THOSE types here, thankfully.
  5. -Synapse-

    Pro tip for dealing with those types of people - don't deal with them. Never argue with an idiot, he'll drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
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  6. DatVanuMan

    Best quote on Forumside 2014?
    Bro, that was AMAZINGo_O
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  7. Chaingunner

    I didn't argue at all, there is no point. We had great organization going until a certain outfit came on and decided they are scared of the VS and took 96+ with them. They left us with around 96, but it was even pop at Rashnu and you can't take a biolab with even pop normally.

    One day TR will unite, but I don't see it happening soon.
  8. z1967

    My prediction for Emerald is (assuming that no changes are made in strategy or coordination):
    -A faction is gonna get tired of being zerged or only being able to fight the other non-VS faction
    -Major outfits and zergfits are going to disband and leave for Miller/Connery and relocate there (more even pops and better fights)
    -Other faction is going to get fed up with only being able to get fights with the VS, causing them to do one of two things
    --1: anchor down and fight harder
    --2: follow the other faction to Connery/Miller
    -Emerald will have lost half of its pop (lol) and Connery/Miller will have a population problem with VS being outnumbered by NC and TR (assuming scenario 2)
    -VS will either complain for server merges or also move to Connery/Miller and the remainder of the people on Emerald will slowly fade to irrelevance
    -Connery will zerg on and Miller will Miller on (what do you guys do?), albeit the new populations will bring server culture changes, possibly continuing the problem, again :|

    Its the fault (imo) of the VS and NC/TR in this instance. The VS don't realize that they are crushing the life and fun out of the server and the NC/TR refuse to fight anything but each other (redeploy meta hurts). VS also don't realize that this is a game, and people like to have fun in games. Fun isn't getting roflstomped at every base by 3x your number being dropped out of nowhere. It also doesn't help that the VS of Emerald are constantly overpopping the NC/TR, and not creating non-spandex related alts to play TR/NC and bolster pops to be more even.

    Its not an easy fix, but aside from crushing the server I don't see an advantage to the redeploy meta and VS overpops.
  9. Chaingunner

    Or TR and NC make somewhat of a truce, maybe then we can give the VS a taste of their own medicine.
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  10. Tatwi

    Since I returned in late Sept. I noticed that VS on Connory don't over pop / redployside exclusively, so it's not too bad to fight them. They do it, perhaps a bit more often than the NC and TR, but it's not on every front all the time. Also, the vehicle spam isn't as bad these days as it was last year (likely due to smaller player population). And finally, there aren't really that many annoying people on Connory; You can often share a laugh about a kill or a death with the enemy, which is great - having fun is what playing games is all about! As such, I don't mind fighting the VS on Connory.

    It's not all cupcakes and sunshine, but it's a pretty balanced experience. This is part of why I rerolled to Connory from Matherson back in Jan 2013 (the other part was it oddly runs MUCH more consistently than the east cost servers).
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  11. z1967

    yes, that is the preferable solution, however that will not happen if Emerald continues doing what Emerald is doing right now.
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  12. TheMish

    Buzz needs to come back.

    Give him offerings of women and men so he returns!
  13. Chaingunner

    What we needed was for him to pass the torch to someone.
  14. Ronin Oni

    You know all the worst offenders of NC Matherson command channel?

    Combine them all into 1 person, multiple by 10, and you've got Buzz.

    I would have refused to touch my once Jaeger TR (who is currently my most played last 30 days) after Emerald merge if he was still in the game.

    I'd do nothing but help VS (I've got an extra low level VS Emerald, once Waterson, alt that I never use because Emerald VS has too many players) grind TR to dust if he was still in the game.

    I'd encourage all NC (and I'd use my Emerald NC to help steer people towards it) to a cease fire until he rage quit from 24/7 warpgate locks.

    Most bigoted, racist, egotistical, waste of fresh air I've ever had the displeasure of hearing.

    THAT I'd be ok with....

    Well, in a way, that very much happened.

    AoD is the enclave reimagined.

    Slightly smaller I guess, but really, all Buzz ever did was over commit anyways (which is what AOD does). His "tactics" worked back then because those were the days of Crownside (which he in large part encouraged).

    His one success was brow beating people via vicious and malignent comms into repetitive suicide-mass redeploy to WG to load on Gals as fast as possible in the days before redeployside.
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  15. Ronin Oni

  16. Lonecompany

    I need more of that. Often I message someone on Emerald on the other team about a funny incident that happened between us two, and he goes on to insult me that i'm a piece of crap.

    Like woah, hold on bro, I don't need your elitism on me, it's bad voodoo.

    Hell, even just yesterday I got constantly insulted by an angry TR engineer after I sneaked up and killed him. He said that I "didn't have permission to be up here with the all stars."

    Okay, whatever you say, Mr. BR 32 with a K/D of .48

    I seriously just want to have a good time, congratulate each other on some good kills and things. I don't care about how good you are. Your stats mean nothing to me.

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  17. Ronin Oni

    I just logged of

    29% pop on Esamir

    56% territory

    Indar alert, but doesn't matter, server was at high population, TR were underpopped on the continent, and locked in a big battle between both NC on 1 front and VS on another (NC and VS were in a HEAVY slug fest at some Biolab)

    I fought for 40 mins at one base with 45% pop in the region that we held our defense without giving more than 15% influence before getting majority points back (3 cap point tower)

    So yeah, TR can fight just fine.

    As you noted, sometimes they do some real bone headed crap though. You look at the map and just think to yourself "Why? ...... Why??"
  18. ATRA_Wampa-One

    I believe the current plan is to play FRZA for a week once a month / every 3 weeks since we get great fights when going up against VS as TR but a lot of us want to grind out our directives on our mains.
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  19. TheMish

    Sounds like he whipped all of you like peasants and now you're all sore about it.
  20. LibertyRevolution

    I predict that TR and NC will continue to fight each other.
    I predict the TR and NC will still not care if VS wins land/alerts as long as they can fight each other.
    I predict the VS will not mind that they will win every alert.
    I predict that if the VS can't find a fight, they will just park a half dozen sunderers at a TR/NC fight and slaughter both.

    When TIW gives up NC and starts playing for DA/AC/ZAPS.. then I will actually worry.

    You playing as TR and not playing WITH TR is helping no one.
    I told you before.. Join AOD platoons, explain to them what they are doing wrong, and good luck not getting kicked for it.

    You better at least run open platoons and teach TR how to play...
    At last weeks TR day I was at mani with you, you were not on the open list, and no one would invite me when I asked.
    Split your GOKU guys up and have each squad be an open platoon and teach the TR how to play, they needs lessons.

    This is what AOD does, they will have 4 open platoons going, all giving bad orders and teaching the TR how to get wrecked..
    TR needs a counter to this.. help us GOKU, you're our only hope.
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