Feedback - No more free 12 certs, bad idea.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ragmon, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. Ragmon

    Hey guys.

    So, I just realized this. Since we (f2p players) don't get the free 12 certs each day, I have even less motivation to log in each day.

    When I didn't feel like playing I just logged in for the 12 certs and logged off, sometimes I stayed and played for a few hours to scratch that itch. Now I don't even have a reason to log in on "I-don't-feel-like-playing" days.

    And it might not just be me who feels this way.

    Why not just give 24 certs for members and 12 for f2p players? Look SOE, those who never payed for stuff in a game will just about never pay for anything else. We are more likely to move one to another game or to "suffer" under the bad conditions you create for us f2p players.

    I'll keep playing this game even if it reaches the 9th layer of hell, cause it like no other game out there... its huge-***, open world, PVP, MMO, FPS (and for me its the LA that makes the game worth playing the most).
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  2. Fellgnome

    I would actually spend money on Planetside 2 again, provided:

    • They fix hitreg/hitching
    • They start making better patches that aren't breaking things at or beyond the rate they're fixing them
    • They figure out a decent "meta" and stop bumbling around aimlessly ruining the pace of gameplay with unfinished features
    • They give some love to lackluster weapons rather than throwing new ones at us and never looking back, only changing them to nerf them into oblivion if they cause balance issues and then leaving them underpowered indefinitely. I got a striker with SC that taught me never to buy another weapon with SC again.
    You know... things that make me feel this game isn't on the decline and is still going to be active and fun to play 6 months down the road. Things that make me want to play it not for rewards, but because it's enjoyable.

    But F2Pers getting 12 fewer certs/day? Hmm...well now that I think about it that definitely inspires me to get a membership! Now I can have even more things F2Pers don't even though I'm not technically gaining anything.

    I guess it's time for me to upgrade now.
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  3. eldarfalcongravtank

    i don't say it was a good idea to completely get rid of the passive cert reward for non-members. it gave casual players some small benefit when they couldn't/didn't play so they don't fall behind too much while hardcore players earn so many certs they typically dont know what to cert into anymore

    on the other hand, certs are way easier to earn nowadays compared to the times around the game's release. moreover, they recently buffed the cert gain for taking control consoles. like last time i got around 842xp (no boost or membership!) just for neutralizing and taking over a contested control point, theoretically that's over 3 certs for one simple action! and that's not even taking into account the guard bonus while protecting the control point.

    so i don't think they removed the passive cert gain without any reason since they made it much more rewarding to earn certs by actually playing the game instead of waiting for automatic income upon every login
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  4. Nerazim

    Kill a max, get a bonus cert.

    Flip a capture point, get 2 certs.

    Bonus ribbons, 4 certs each = 20 certs daily. And you still get 1 cert for normal ribbons, if I'm not mistaken.

    If you play for an hour you can probably get 30 bonus certs easily enough.

    Not that I wouldn't like to see passive certs return, but really, it's not something to get too upset about. There's more certs going these days than previously. Though, you can't slowly cert out an alt you don't play on.
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  5. Ragmon

    See, this is what I was talking about, "again". You as an individual who has at some point spent money on PS2, might spend money again. But there are people like me who will never spend money on games. There are a ton of people with this same thinking process. Some don't have the extra income, some don't have a way of paying some are too young, and some just don't pay.

    I agree the game is fun and I will probably play it till the day the servers shut down for one reason or the other.

    And why not just give more thing to P2P players without gimping the F2P players?
  6. Ragmon

    Yea, but its not about the amount. Its about the psychological effect it has on people like me. Like I said, I log in to get my 12 cert I might log off, I might feel like staying logged in and play for a bit.

    Without the 12 cert points to log in for, I might not feel like staying logged in to play that day.

    Again, its not the amount, its the effect that it has on people.

    PS: The idea came to me today, I was thinking off logging in, to get my 12 certs, maybe look around for pumpkins, ya know, just dick around. Now If I was already in game I might have started to join fight and it would have ended in a few hour session. Do you see where I'm going with this?
    But there are no certs, so I'm here now writing on the forum, watching my brother play Dota 2....instead of playing PS2.

    Just my thought on the 12 cert issue (yes its an issue).
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  7. Halo572

    Not really.

    If like me a player was logging in solely to get the points and straight out then it has eliminated that behaviour that didn't benefit the title at all.

    It was a daily grating chore to be carried out as quickly as possible and I am glad it is over.

    If the idea is to get players to stick around to get those extra 12 by playing every session then it has failed as a player that logs in/out daily isn't that bothered anyway, it was passive progression for the future if (which it never will) it gets better and the title becomes a game and that game worth playing.

    So if logging in/out was too much to ask, 12 certs play time is too much to ask as is 5 daily ribbons.

    I don't think this demographic - which includes me - is much of a loss apart from padding the player figures, which stripping us out may actually give them some sort of impetus to improve things out of 2 1/2 year beta stage.

    I certainly have no intention of potentially ever bothering to log in again until I read that a game and objectives is in place instead of massive map TDM.

    You have to remember they will have stats on average play time and see people logging in for as long as it takes to connect/menu/log out.

    Although the loss of me is the loss of SC revenue as I would potentially buy camo, etc., if this title had any reason to play or future.
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  8. Scorponok

    24 certs to you wanna nerf the amount of certs a member gets...i dont think that will go well over with members.
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  9. ElastaPlast

    I used to login every day to collect my passive certs, when I had full membership. I only play a couple of nights a week so the extra 48 per day (never quite worked out like that though) made a difference. To be honest I found the daily login a grind for the 18 months I had a membership. I don't even think about logging in any more, unless I am playing, and I don't even bother to login to my alt characters when I start/finish a session. It is free to play, so only getting certs when playing seems fair to me. If you want the passive gain, with the other benefits, then paying for it seems about right.
  10. Dr. Curiosity

    With my patchy bandwidth, sometimes latency is low enough to play and sometimes it isn't. The passive certs were what kept me logging in each day - and if the bandwidth was good, I'd play for anywhere up to four hours. No passive certs, I don't have any impetus to log in regularly, and as such I don't play anywhere near as much.

    Combined with the continent lock such that there's only ever one continent available to play (and often the same one every time), so that sticking around to play more grind and less variety... yeah. No surprise I've been spending more time on such scintillating games as Euro Truck Simulator 2, where I feel more like I'm making progress towards something, rather than just doing the same things in the same places over and over again.
  11. patrykK1028

    Reading skills arent strong with this one.
    Members earn 12 certs daily now , 24 is 2 times more. 24:12=2
  12. Umrtvovacz

    You should at least know something about things you write about. Members get 48 certs per day. Giving us 24 is half of what we get these days. Part of the reason to remove the 12 free certs was to was to make subscription more appealing. Decreasing the amount of certs you get daily would go directly against that.
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  13. Arsonix

    So they add free swag through the directive system and tons of new ribbons for cert gaining opportunities and now I just hear people complaining about not getting their welfare certs. Next people will be complaining when they remove 4th faction bonuses for people during alerts.
  14. Dr. Curiosity

    The general point of having an F2P option in your business model is that your time-rich, money-poor players contribute to a critical mass of population that motivates the money-rich, time-poor players to keep spending.

    New ribbons for new cert gaining opportunities are all well and good, but I don't really pay a lot of attention to my cert gain rate: gaining them faster than before doesn't motivate me to log on and play more. That small passive cert gain did.

    I'll admit I might not be in the demographic that SOE wants to keep around, though. So be it. I guess I'll just come by a couple of times a month to see how y'all are going. If the lag's low enough I might have a drive, maybe stay an hour or two if a fun continent is open or I feel like I've got some time for whatever alert is going at the minute. I likely won't be hanging out for a few hours several times a week anymore, though.
  15. xDesideratus

    lol @ anyone who's so terrible at this game that they consider 12 certs to be a significant amount
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  16. Juho

    No support
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  17. Iman7

    Yes. Because in 3 months you aqquire 1116 certs buy just logging in. Isn's that great?

    In another character i made more than 3.5k+. And since the character is from the same server and faction i did evolved the Harasser (speed/composite/repair/bulldog maxed).
    Then i Bought SC to the aesthetics of it! So now i play in the harasser in that character, or i bought it to play in my principal char... The convenience of the free 12 Certs let me to PAY and invest in the game... SOW should understand this.
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  18. MasterOhh

    You get tons of XP now for allmost every action in the game nowadays. Anyone remember the good ol' times, when a destroyed tank gave you 100XP (which you never got because most ppl deconstructed their stuff before you could kill them) and you needed 500XP to gain 1 cert? Those were the times when 12 passive certs were like daily christmas. On a very good day I reached 50 certs per hour ( playing as a freeloader and without farming)
    Now? I get 100+ certs per hour even without trying too hard.

    Log in and play the game for 10-15 minutes, then you'll get your 12 or more certs.
  19. SenEvason

    At the very least, it should be kept for the lower BR characters so that new players have a bit of an easier experience getting started in game. After learning the game, acquiring certs is much easier.
  20. andy_m

    I'm finding that, since letting my membership lapse and SOE removing the passive Certs for non-members I no longer have to bother logging in each day, for my six characters.

    Kind of liberating really and is helping me to tackle my Planetside 2 addiction...
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