Sunderer Shield

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Xebov, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. ThePropain

    Let's reset here:
    The whole point of the shield is to prevent a single person, let that be a C4 Fairy/ Suicide Enginner, from evaporating an entire fight, alone.

    How about I put it this way.... let's say fights are sort of like one of those stories.... you can have a good ending, or you can have a bad ending.

    Intro: A sunderer rolls around to attack an unoccupied base. It goes and deploys. A small 12-24 v. 12-24 fight ensues. The fight will soon grow into a big one. Smaller fights that grow into big ones are funner most of the time.

    The Bad Ending: A couple minutes, let's say 5 minutes, into the fight, an engineer defending the base gets killed, but is close enough to the sunderer for it to autoshow on his map. He then equips his suicide loadout, goes around the long way where no one is watching and destroys the sunderer. Since that is the only sunderer, the fight is prematurely over in a short time, before it had its chance to grow bigger.

    The Good Ending: Same as before, but this time the sunderer survives the attack thanks to the shield. The fight goes on, growing into a solid 25-48 v. 25-48. But soon after, let's say 20 minutes, the defenders outnumber the attackers, and soon a bunch of people push the attackers off the point. They then go on, pushing to find the sunderer, and soon enough, they together find it. (Keep in mind this is a BUNCH of people, not a lone person)
    All the heavies fire their rockets at the sunderer, everyone with C4 rushes it. The shield could only take so much, and it goes down. (Keep in mind, unlike blockade armor, the shield offers no damage resistance, making it very easy pray when it's down) Finally as soon as the shield went down, a suicide engineer/C4 fairy goes in and finishes it off.

    Like I said earlier, this shield won't do anything against a bunch of people. It only prevents that lone wolf from ruining a perfectly good fight. If you don't like that, you really shouldn't be playing this game.
  2. stalkish

    To the players saying 'defend your sundy and it wont die'
    Absolute complete total trash talk.
    The game allows me to kill a sundy without risk no matter how many defend it.
    Step 1: Grab Engi with mines
    Step 2: Get an armoured vehicle
    Step 3: Drive right up to sundy (ram it if you want)
    Step 4: Jump out right next to sundy
    Step 5: Whilst the game has not redered you to the enemy yet lay your mines under it
    Step 6: Detonate
    Its super easy to kill something when your invisible and invincible after jumping out of a vehicle.
    This is why the shield is needed IMO.

    Of course proper entry and exit of vehicles would fix this, not this click to teleport in / out crap.
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  3. Zeewulf

    You seem to forget the MAIN thing here, a Sunderers defence are the people spawning on it. Why should it be buffed to have a better defence than a Main Battle tank that is supposed to be a combat vehicle ?

    The Sunderer is a Soft Spawn....
  4. LtBomber

    Attacking a base with one sundi-->protect it even more, or bring an other one
    sundi down?-->fight isnt over: medics, bring a new sundi, galspawn, squadspawn...
    engie goes around where none can see--> realy: he has to go TO your sundi, just wait for him! you have 360° FoV if you are in sundis driver seat.

    For me actually driving a sundi means not just drive to the base, deploy and forget about it.
    It means drive to the base, deploy it, sit in its guns, place mines around it, drive it away if things get doing that and not falling asleep no one can solobomb it. See a engie? Undeploy, drive away, kill him!
    If you have air domination, DO NOT use the ******* garages. Those offer no range for the sundi guns. If you have ground control DO NOT hug cover. Infantry can slip around.

    By just telling there is a option to undeploy in the middle of a fight and reposition and stay in the sundi you will never be beaten by solo "i dont know" if you run blockade. And to be honest: Cant be that hard to spent ONE man to protect a sundi...
  5. LtBomber

    Pulling a tank or whatever and go to the sundi is a trade of recourses... asuming you make your way towards it. Tanks are hardcounters to sundis, it sould go down. One Sundi-defending tank will counter your try, as will a mine, heavys etc...

    Recourses for your attack: Tank+Mines+sticky
    Res for defenders: Sundi

    Guess what is cheaper and far more easy to replace...
  6. Sixstring

    Somebody make a video showcasing this thing please.
  7. Zazen

    As someone who's actually tried it on test, there's nothing wrong with it. Mandating that one or more people have to sit there and baby-sit a sunderer instead of actively participating in the fight is not fun for those people. A game should be fun. Saying the shield is a substitute for a bored garrison is correct and makes sense for SOE from a gameplay perspective.

    It is in SOE's interest to have all players having a good time with their game, not sitting their bored just in case some C4 fairy decides to sky drop some bricks. The only difference is, with the shield, it will take at least two infantry or one tank. That's not un-reasonable, I don't think. Also keep in mind, the sunderer has to give up mineguard or blockade armor for it, so it's even more squishy when not deployed.
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  8. ajma

    Let me tell you the level of teamwork required to destroy a shielded sundy: 2 people.
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  9. ThePropain

    This one!
    To be honest, I am one the few people on this game that actually guards their own sunderer spawn. I'm one of the few that actually places proximity mines next to the sunderers, I'm one of the few that actually waits by the sundy for suicide engineers, giving them a shotgun to the face to any of them that dare to get close.
    Let me tell you.... it's BORING. Not being able to join the fight just because the imminent possibility of suicide engineers is just a big yawn.

    In addition to that, how about you try to kill the sunderer BEFORE it can deploy? A sunderer with the shield has no defense when it's mobilized..... how about you take advantage of that?
    One of the things I do, is I leave tank mines in common sundy spots. I leave them at the garages, the nook under the elevators to the air pad at Biolabs, right next to rocks on Indar.... kills them just before they can deploy.
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  10. Doc Jim

    Ah well, if this abomination shield goes live, I'll equip it and abuse use it as much as I can... It won't make the gameplay any better though.
  11. Scr1nRusher

    The shields not a massive deal as people are making it.
  12. LtBomber

    Ok, i see there is a point that defending a sundi is boring. Shield will solve it. You just forget to mention the endless ray of people spawning at the sundi and mindless running to the base, most of them not even checking minimap.
    Even a stock sundi can win against a Lightning. Deploying just in field will make this overpowerd. Just remove the weapons of a sundi (or one weapon) and this will be fine.
    An other thing is, that a sundi with shield is actually NOT ballanced recourse wise. It take 7 Mines/5+ C4 to bring one down. Sundi is going to cost 240, a single mine 75 (50?), not to mention c4...
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  13. CaptainGallows

    +1 on the post above me.
    I wonder if the update got implemented? Didnt check out my sunderer for a while but I did notice I couldnt take them down as easy myself. Anyway, I wouldn't mind it IF it wasnt so redundantly unbalanced and flawed in reasoning.

    Pro-argument: it takes teamwork to take down a sunderer now!

    Well... That's alright, if itd be a teamwork to PLACE a sunderer.... And not just 200 or 300 resources to spawn one as a solo player.
    Sunderers were at a good place... easy to spawn and place, easy to destroy.
    You want a teameffort necessary to destroy it? Then make it a teameffort to place it.
    (And dont say it's already like that cause its weaker than alternatives in a driving state... We all know driving sunderers to a spot isnt hard at all )
  14. Stormsinger

    This thread is a month old, it's been in game a while. Specifically, it's a cert option, the shield is only active when it's deployed. After deployment, it charges a (very obvious, ginormous glowing thing lights up atop the sundy.)

    The shield will block a certain amount of damage, but once depleted... it works just like a player's shield does. Stop taking damage, and it'll recharge in a few seconds. Any amount of coordinated fire will still obliterate you, but it's nice vs lone C4 faeries, and anything less then 5 tank mines.
  15. Tuco

    Wheres the damn Sunderer cloak bubble?
  16. Atis

    in PS1
  17. tijolo

    Get your facts straight son:
    -ONE engineer + 5 AT mines not detonated at the same time = dead sundy.
    -ONE HA + C4 + RL = dead sundy.
  18. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    The mines cost more than the Sunderer, however.
  19. Xebov

    The funny fact here is that they are not allowed to detonate at the same time, wich means that they didnt coded it correctly as it is able to soak up more dmg then intended.
  20. AirpainFood

    I remember when I jumped into a lightning, and rammed the sundy, I placed down some mines but, they killed me before I could use my sticky nade to blow them up. Luckily, the lighting was so close that when they blew it up, it set off the mines, killing the sundy. I laughed so hard. If they had the shield, that would not have happened.