Sunderer Shield

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Xebov, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. Xebov

    I think this is a very very bad idea.

    The Sunderer will no longer be able to be destroyed by a single player, instead it will require a team to kill it. The problem here is that if a team defends the Sunderer in a good position it will most likely not be destroyed by a single player. The shield will just lead to sunderers that are placed without being defended or placed in positions like towers to be less likely to be destroyed. Also there is no downside to outwight the massive upside this shield gives.

    If i place my Sunderers on live i rarely have a problem with them being killed unless massive amounts of enemies move close.
  2. Scr1nRusher

    Lets break this down.

    Its actually the opposite, and will encourage more teamwork to take down sunderers rather then just 1 person.

    Thats a good thing.

    Then with the sunderer shield equipped that will not change.

    well of course its not going to be blown up, ITS BEING DEFENDED BY A ORGANIZED TEAM.

    With or without sunderer shield, A good defense of a sunderer will stop 1 random person from destroying it.

    those sunderers are usually destroyed.

    with or without shields a tower sunderer is in a defensive position.

    Compared to the other options...... the Sunderer shield is extremely Niche.

    its only good when your deployed.... and after the shields go down, You are just a Stock sunderer.... which dies very quickly.
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  3. Scr1nRusher

    The whole argument is that your upset that 1 person can't instagib a sunderer anymore if it has the shield equipped.
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  4. ThePropain

    When I first started up on PS2, just watching a lone C4 Fairy or ***** Engineer turn the tide of a huge battle by destroying the sunderer everyone spawned in just annoyed me to no end.
    Last time I checked this was a Team-Based Game.... NOT Call of Duty on steroids.

    The Sunderer shield solves that. Now teamwork is required to destroy a Sunderer spawn point with a shield.
    If you don't like teamwork, then you sir, are playing the wrong game.
    If a Sunderer is under attack by many enemies, shield, blockade, whatever.... it is going to go down, regardless. It just delays the inevitable. Nothing different there.
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  5. Rovertoo

    I'm not outright rejecting any buff to Sunderer defenses, but I do have some things I'd like to mention.

    Well, sometimes Sunderers are in very, very dependable positions. A few bases on Hossin come to mind. If these Sunderers become much harder to kill, they'll never be rooted out, because in 48+ battles, it'll take an insane amount of rushing to break through the defenses.

    Something else to think about is the merits of having a single person being able to take down a Sunderer. If, for example, a gigantic force full of maxes can't get past the impenetrable wall of defenses to get to a Sundy, then a single man should be able to sneak through and take it out, given he has the proper loadout. We can debate the power of C4 or any other AV option, but I do think that a lone infantry should be able to take out a sundy, somehow.
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  6. Fleech

    i love taking out sundies on my own as a HA. its an incredible feeling knowing you alone saved a base, and changed the course of a 60+ population fight. it takes timing, terrain knowledge, and flanking skills to single handidly destroy a contested sundy.
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  7. Elrobochanco

    I regularly pop sundies (on live, I'm not some horrible monster on test) and it doesn't really scare me. If my payload isn't enough, well that's what rumble seats are for. Or AP vehicles, or smoke on the location, or any number of ways to bring more heat on a specific point.

    This is a good thing, that can encourage more teamwork and let fights play out in a few more stages that can even include siege of the attackers positions.
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  8. Scr1nRusher


    Rovertoo is the same person as Xebov?

  9. Rovertoo

    Not last time I checked! :eek:
  10. Scr1nRusher


    Re-read your first line again!

    It made me think that you were the OP.

    Then again your typing style is alot cleaner then the OP's, so I know for a fact that You =/= OP.
  11. AdmiralArcher

    most people will still run blockade anyways, the sundy shield is a dammed good thing, its about time they put it where did i put my sundy cloak?
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  12. SenEvason

    While I like the general idea of the Sunderer, there are a couple problems I see.

    1. In small fights, taking out a Sundy with this shield is a pain. It can take 5 AT mines and live with 1/4 health. If 2 people bring a Sundy to ghost cap, you'll need more than equal forces to push them out.

    2. It takes about two volleys from a tank's main gun(AP) to take down the shield. But with a Prowler with full lockdown and reload, it takes less than 2 seconds. This far outpaces the other factions' MBTs, and gives quite a bit of an advantage to TR. If things go live the way they are, I'm expecting more tears about the Prowler.

    Altogether, I can understand the need to make it more survivable against solo suicide rushes, but I'm worried about small fights and the advantage given to Prowlers.
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  13. SevenTwo

    I think having these Shields that mitigate the damage single suicide attackers can do is a good thing.

    Specifically I think the Shield should primarily mitigate the "big" kind of damage, that you'd normally not be able to escape from due to being immobile, though with less mitigation than a Blockade Sunderer against the other types of AV damage (Rockets, C4, AV grenades, vehicle AV).

    I mean, there has to be a downside to picking the Shield compared to both Mineguard and Blockade Armour other than just being slightly more vulnerable during transit between bases.
  14. Church41349

    Sounds great to me there should be more things in this game that take a team instead of any lone wolf player to get it done.
  15. LtBomber

    I dont like the idea.
    In this game are already enough defense tools for a sundi. If you are afraid of C4, shells etc, take Blockade, but you are still vurnable to mines. On the other hand, take mineguard, but take more damage from regular sources.
    First of all: DEFEND your sundi! Defending is part of a team job! Just sit in its guns (it has guns for a reason), i promise no one can single man destroy it.

    There are only a few classes, that can instagib a sundi: Engie, Heavy, LA. With some intelligent placement Engies and HA will never reach your sundi, while a LA takes 2C4, 2UBGL, and 3EXCrossbow to finish it. That gives you enugh time to point the rep gun for just 1 sec to it and prevent the blow!
    Equiping Blockade Armor removes 2 of this threads, and tbh, aganinst a engie u should be able to defend.

    At the moment i think sundies are in a good place. Every upgrade leaves a niche to strike it. This niche makes sure, that even the attackers are in a slight disadvantge.

    Conclusion: It is horrible hard atm to take a guarded sundi down. If its not guarded, it desevers to die!

    Just imagine this shield in a battle: Driving the sundi through the field, meet a tank, deploy and take it out with basilisks since you can easily outtank it.
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  16. 1NieMamPomyslu1

    Actually, engi with tank mines taking down the sunderer is probably the only time a one man can turn the tide of a battle (since 2 C4 bricks ain't enough and I really doubt if any of my sundies got blown up by a LA), this game is about numbers, but please, don't take away this only one possibility I can change something (Not to mention, It's extremely hard already, because you need sneak through the ground, If the attackers can't afford to leave at least two men, which is more than enough, to defend, they sundy is supposed to be blown up by a single guy, with this shield you are taking away another part of skill and planing from the game leaving us with next "run and gun" element)
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  17. Xebov

    Let me be more clear. I have 2 examples for you:

    1.) The attackers drive a Sunderer into a Base and deploy it, they leave 2-3 players to defend it. They man the guns, place mines etc. Now the chances that a single player can move in and destroy it is very small. Its now defended and its unlikely that a single player can approach. Instead the defenders now need to move close from flanking positions that are less defended or use alot of force or AV weapons to kill it or unconventional tactics (wraith flash, ejection system etc). Now if the shield is available the whole balance is shifting over to the attackers that defend the sunderer. Even if a player would come close he wouldnt able to do something, making it way harder to kill the Sunderer. In addition to that the defenders would also need to coordinate there attack very well.

    2.) The attackers drive a Sunderer in but refuse to defend it. Any defender could now easily kill it, simply avoid the spawning players and move in to kill it. With the shield the defenders would need way more ppl to coordinate to take out the Sudnerer that is not defended. Here again the balance is completely shifting in favor of the attackers.

    Sunderers can be placed in alot of positions, its not uncommon that players placing them inside towers to prevent AV/Air atatcks, leaving it only to be attackeable by Infantry. Especially Hossin has alot of places that are hard to attack and easy to defend. If this shield comes live it will be way harder in small scale fights to take out Sunderers as you need more force to kill them and the Shield has no weakness or downside (unlike Blockade and Mineguard).

    A single player should allways be able to take out a Sunderer. If the Sunderer is not defended it deserves to die. If the Sunderer is defended, but a single player can slip through the defences (by flanking for example) then he also deserves to die since the crew failed in having a look at all possible paths.

    In my play time i destroyed alot of Sunderers, some where heavily defended but the defenders simply didnt cover all paths so it was possible to flank them and its not the fault of the game if a single Engineer blows up a Sunderer surrounded by 20+ players that are meant to defend it, but dont look out in all directions. I also met Sunderer crews that defended there bus exceptionally well making it nearly impossible to kill it.

    The game allready provides enought tools to properly defend a Sunderer, the shield will only make it easier for players who dont want to defend it. If it comes live i have no doubt that we will see some fights going on for hours while the Sunderer cant be brought down.
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  18. Doc Jim

    Holy macaroni... Just been to the test server to check out what you guys are so exited about.
    Err, this is insane. Sorry, but if an Engineer with a fully certified utility pouch only gets it down to 50%, then it's simply too strong.
    Do those of you who consider this abomination a good idea not realise what the shield will mean for smaller fights?
    Take a minute to think about it...
    And no, I'm not Xebov we're about 870km apart.
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  19. M1kst3r1

    Arguments for adding the deployment shield is:
    - need team play to destroy sundie
    - makes fights last longer

    What about the team play element that is removed when sunderers don't need to be defended as much because of the deployment shield? People rarely defend sundies even now.

    Having near indestructible sundies makes the fights shorter, because defense doesn't have time to stop the enemy. Attackers always have a higher population than defenders. This just makes it even less attractive to defend a base. And it only takes a few minutes to pull another sundie anyway.

    Got 4 deployment shield sundies around your base? Respawn at next base, because you just lost. Rinse and repeat, so we can meet at the warpgate...
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  20. Regpuppy

    I think people are overreacting. The only thing it really does is stops one player from ganking a sundy that's deployed. Already something that wasn't possible with C4 against blockade sundies or with mines against mineguard sundies. Except now, it's combined the two when deployed while having neither outside of deployment. Making it as vulnerable as a stock sundy while en route to its destination.

    My only beef with this is that Sundy price NEEDS to come up to match the effort now needed to take one out. Needing 2-3 people to take it out is fine, but it should NOT cost a lot more resource to take it out. Sundies should come up to at least 300 nanites in pricing.
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