The State of Emerald

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JonNathe, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. JonNathe

    The past couple of weeks I've been pretty bummed out, I feel like every time I play its the same thing and yeah I know its going to sound like ********, which it is, but hear me out:

    VS is zerging and steamrolling like 2013 NC, they have the pop like 90% of the time and they use it well
    TR is avoiding fights with the VS because fighting zergs with 15% less pop sucks, TR is instead fighting the NC
    NC is avoiding fights with the VS because fighting zergs with 15% less pop sucks, NC is instead fighting the TR

    VS steamrolls the cont while TR and NC duke it out, cont locked, onto the next.

    Its like every time I log on its the same thing, its worse late at night (when I play) but I've logged on through the day and during prime time and its still more or less the same, save for when the TR pulls through and locks a cont or when the NC gets it's **** together and actually squads up.

    Anyone else feeling me here? NC or TR? Or even VS? Like we never have decent squads and I try to lead them but I really despise leading and its rare to actually find people who listen to you when you try to organize an attack, for the most part I spend my time on PS2 herding BR 20s and lower around the map, trying to show them that the game is not always an uphill slaughter and fun can be had but these days I find myself believing that less and less.

    And I'm not trying to flame the VS, you can't control pop and the NC was the same way when I first started playing, back then you couldn't lock conts though, now it feels that I am forced to fight the zerg because both of the open conts are majority VS and I just don't have what it takes, one man can only do so much and I'm not a good leader.

    /rant /whine
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  2. Trebb

    Yeah I noticed this a while back and have logged in less because of it. The worst is that there's a ton of poor VS 'winners' who constantly trash talk in /yell about 'Rekt' ing the competition, while they have a huge pop advantage and are shelling all the spawn points with 30 Mag PPAs all perched on areas that would be impossible for our MBTs to get to. Yeah well done...

    Sometimes though, before prime time EST the pop is somewhat balanced, or even TR starts having world pop advantage, and it feels like old times.
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  3. Wizlawz

    just give it time....the tide rolls in, the tide rolls out.

    each faction has it moment of conquering does it not?

    i have a feeling things will be turning around very soon
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  4. DeathTollDavid

    It was just one year ago at this time that TR did the same thing and the VS pop was dismal. So it comes and goes in waves. I can tell you for certain that I don't think any side avoids a fight. It just probably feels that way.
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  5. JonNathe

    Yeah I've actually had a lot of those tells, and the "git gud scrub" every time they kill me, like, why be an *** about it? I get being competitive but just trying to put everyone else down is real dickish. It makes people want to leave the game and it breeds COD style immaturity. I mean do we really want teabagging in this game? Really?
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  6. JonNathe

    I'm not saying they avoid the fight, they just migrate away from it, I mean you get spawn camped by a zerg and theres not many ways out of it so you head to the next base, before you know it the only bases where it isn't happening just so happen to be on the TR/NC lines. Thats not to say the other factions are not guilty of it because we very much are but like others have said the wave is currently in the VS's favor.

    I blame fourth factioners, a lot of NC and TR moved to the VS when they had great organization and I see the appeal but its killed the fights. Nows its just redeploy spamming platoons. Just stick with your own faction, for better or worse. Don't leave because we aren't doing well.
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  7. Bernardes

    I usually play at 07:00 pm (GMT -3 time zone) and the population is balanced.
    I play most of the time as VS, but I also play a lot as TR.

    I noticed the recent days TR and NC were locking continents but VS did not.

    I remember in 2012 and early 2013 that VS had a huge disadvantage in numbers of players and TR and NC was zerging all the areas. It is really not fun to battle in such huge disadvantage.

    Recently I was following a coordinated platoon (in TR) which zerged lots o territories and I found this is not a fun battle either… So, from now on I try to find small battles in which the enemy can react, whenever I am VS or TR. I found I prefer to play in small squads or even alone.
  8. OminousZ

    These VS kiddies that act like that does not speak for the rest of us. As far as pop. in concerned, for the last few nights, the NC has had a few percentages more pop. on Emerald during peak hours. But coming from the NC, i can say, it's all the same ****. You just have some really good VS outfits that coordinate and actually follow orders.
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  9. LibertyRevolution

    Psychological warfare. If it is bothering you, then it is doing its job.
  10. NC_agent00kevin

    Here's the real problem with NC, and probably TR too. I'm not as sure about TR because I didn't play a lot of them on Jaegerson.

    We have two gigantic zergfits that are bad and should feel bad. Their only tactic is to completely overpower their opponent with numbers. I have several videos of the map screen where both of these Outfits were brining 96+ to 1-12 territories while the rest of the continent burned. The players in these Outfits will never get better. Their Leadership is so toxic that no one wants to work with them. Unfortunately, they control the vast majority of player resources on the server at most times. They lull their players into a false sense of victory with their Zerg tactics and then blame the rest of the NC for failure - when in reality, they are the cause of that failure.

    TR seems to have at least one of these, but I'm not sure how much of the player base it sucks up during normal gaming hours. I would guess about the same as the NC.

    Then you have the VS, who have redeploy platoons who promptly crush any and every assault they can, then simply vanish to the next one. They have Outfits that pretty much just farm, and flat out refuse to assault anything that is remotely difficult to take - and will also completely abandon a base once their line has been broken a single time. Sometimes they just leave before that has even happened, when the fight actually becomes a fight.

    Add all of those factors along with some minor ones together and you have a recipe for Emeralds current state. No one likes fighting the trash talking massive redeploy zergs and no one likes fighting a platoon of BR 100 Betelgeuse farmers who refuse to leave their comfy KDR stroking zone and actually participate in a battle. The ones that will fight this absurdity number too few to do anything on a server-size scale.
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  11. OminousZ

    There is some truth to this, but these idiot kiddies don't do it for that reason...they're just being an *** and make the VS look bad.
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  12. Shatteredstar

    I don't notice this as much. At least Friday evening I know NC and TR were playing a fabulous game on a few of the alerts at the arguable "prime time".

    I was on my NCa but also and on Esamir for a bit there was barely any vanu but like 40% pop TR which sucked walnuts.

    Overall I've seen some solid response during alerts and play by NC and TR last few days when I'm on my vanu and it temps me to get more active on my NC (I like the guns more handling wise)
  13. OminousZ hit it right on the head...and the main reason I left the NC after two years of hard work and investment.
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  14. LibertyRevolution

    AOD and 382 (The TR zergfits) make the NC zergfits look small... They have 10,499 members between just the 2 of them.

    I have said it before, and I will say it again... Outfits need a 500 member limit.
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  15. AndHellFollowed

    I cannot smash my dick on the thumb up button, hard enough (pun intended).
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  16. Shatteredstar

    Whenever I've joined AOD platoons on my TR they redeploy fairly actively from my experience.
  17. JonNathe

    Psychological warfare? Its just being dickly, it doesn't scare me away from the fight or make me throw my controlled against the wall, this is not cowa dooty, we are not 12 year olds who just banged your mom. I mean damn, the good players who play well don't have to **** talk, hell I have times where I go at it with someone or a group for an hour and we'll shout insults at each other but its all for fun, why would you want to be a dick to someone in a game? It only makes you and your outfit look immature and it discourages new players from playing the game and we really don't need that.

    I don't play a whole lot of prime time, too much zerg and like someone above me said, NC has like two large outfits that suck everyone in and their one and only tactic is to throw bodies at a base until it turns blue, we are basically the soviet union of auraxis at this point.

    What NC needs is some new leaders and lots of smaller outfits, tight-knit squads do work, they get it done.
  18. Pirbi

    At least in primetime, it looks like TR stick their nose between NC/VS lanes or pick strategically bad bases to take just to fight NC. Then they hold them against all reason while losing everything else to the VS. Apparently just for a 'fun' fight. So they can't really complain about VS appearing overpop. I'm sure NC does the same stuff outside of prime time. But VS only appear overpop when the other two factions allow VS to apply their full faction to one. As with the Esamir control alert a week or so ago. The TR were winning at the half but I knew the VS would win simply by looking at the map. The TR did VS's work for them. They took Mani which is not a bad idea. But they also took Saerro listening post. All while NC also was split on Ymir against VS. If VS get Ymir, they can direct more attention to the stupid red baboon ***** TR. Plus Saerro keeps NC from another VS lane. If NC are going to move on VS, the VS now know exactly where as you took NC down to one lane against them. You also gave Ymir to the VS by splitting NC. The VS then just leisurely took back all the gains TR made while TR were stuck fighting NC at all but one lane. But regardless of NC derping with TR or vice versa, that's why VS get to run the map.
  19. LibertyRevolution

    No.... they fail at some base, then they give orders for all to redeploy to the warpgate to get in gals. :rolleyes:
    I experienced their level of fail as they couldn't take a biolab satellite with 2 platoons vs 24-48... a row..
    It is rage inducing...

    It obviously bothers you, so it is doing exactly what it is intended to do..
  20. DeathTollDavid

    Yea we're on the same page. I can tell you that we in HR keep things fun by running ops. We are those fools that get behind the VS line and hack bases and come up on your flanks. It's a ton of fun. During the Sunday morning alert there was a fantastic back and forth and black shard that mother side could break. We hacked crossroads and came up behind in prowler. That broke the 40 minute stalemate. Good times.
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