What Do YOU Look For In An Outfit/Squad/Platoon??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ChampagneDragon, Oct 5, 2014.

  1. ChampagneDragon

    This game is *supposed to be* designed around teamwork and teamplay, yet so many, myself included, often find ourselves going solo. I used to lead platoon, multiple platoons even, but lately I just don't see a lot of point in it. I do know that when I open up a squad I fill it almost instantly, so I know people are looking for teamsplay. I was thinking about this the other night and wondered what the random player looks for.

    Some perks of being in a squad:
    1) Spawn beacon.
    2) Dedicated gunners (if vehicle play)
    3) Increased XP for repairs, spotting, healing.

    Some perks of being in an outfit:
    1) Get used to playstyles of same people; symbiotic
    2) Opportunity for better comms; teamspeak, mumble, etc.
    3) Organized large scale operations

    Perks of playing solo:
    1) Go where I want, when I want.
    2) Don't have to worry about the leader making stupid calls (although I can do that on my own!)
    3) It's quiet. Sometimes quiet is nice. You can hear game noises instead of incessant chatter on comms.

    What do YOU look for when you're going with a team?
    What made you join the outfit you're in?
    Why do you play solo instead of with a team?
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  2. Fellgnome

    A good spawn location. And then I leave once they decide to sit at some pointless slow/dull fight.

    As for outfits, I joined the biggest/worst zergfits so I can tell where I can find a good farm on my other characters.
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  3. Ribero

    The only reason I lead squads any more is so I can abuse /orders chat.
  4. Iridar51

    I got only one instant turnover: spawncamping and zerging. I do not join a squad so I can sit at a base with 48+/1-12 fight twittling my thumbs. Pretty much 90% of public platoons I try to join are doing that. I don't get why anyone would be interested in such an activity, but I leave immediately.
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  5. William Petersen

    I don't get it either. These people are clearly unfamiliar with the 5th principle of command: Economy of Force
  6. Einharjar

    Props for communicating this. I'll reply to your curiosities...

    Since PS2 is full of un-coperative individuals; I actually look for the micro-managing ones; the ones putting effort into squadron co-ordination, imposing discipline (like only Bravo in the Bravo Gal) and barking true tactical maneuvers and not just "PUSH YOU IDIOTS! KEEP SPAWNING LIKE A LEMMING AND PUSH!". Generally, less than 2 minutes of trying a platoon will expose the leadership quality.

    I joined several outfits in the hopes of finding the above requirements on a constant basis but found that's not the case. I've since given up on outfits and will instead keep track of good platoon leads. If I see one online that I had a good experience with, I'll auto-join just as if it were an Outfit of my own. I really find now advantage in being an outfit anymore. It's really no different than being in a public platoon with a separate chat channel. Along with that, some outfits play too much of the Brand Name game and require certian performance levels such as 5+ KDR; that does nothing but limit my play as you see a lot of those particular outfit peeps farming spawns to make up lost KDR from a bad session and it's stupid as hell.

    I never play solo; ever.
    Even though I'm not in an outfit, I will always join a squad.
    If I wanted to play solo, infantry only, tank only, air only, MLG PRO only - there's dozens of better games for that. I play PS2 for it's scale and team work and that alone. Unfortunately there's even better titles for THAT TOO! So I find myself playing less and less until (if ever) the PS2 community suddenly starts playing the game like you're supposed too...
    Yeah that's a long shot... The games doesn't even play itself like it's suppose too XD
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  7. DatVanuMan

    If I join ANY outfit, it would be because:
    1. The people are amazing.
    2. They have AT LEAST one girl:p
    3. They openly help other enemy outfits.
    4. They don't give a crap about skill.
    AND 5. They hate the Orion.
    Seven outfits found! ALL. ON. MILLER:mad:
    Just kidding, no VS soldier hates the Orion:(
  8. Grunt_Alpha

    BALLS!!!! a squat leader with balls to tell their 5 odd maxes camping in the spawn room to get out there and defend the base.
  9. The Rogue Wolf

    Why do I play solo instead of with a team? Because then I can do what I want, when I want, without some egotistical loudmouth berating me for not precisely following orders that accomplish nothing. I also get to avoid pointless arguments and moronic trashtalk, as well as inter-outfit rivalries and hate, and when I decide that I'm done playing, I can leave without having to explain myself.

    You can run solo and still contribute to a team effort if you put your mind to it.
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  10. LibertyRevolution

    I look for the squad to not have an [AOD] or [382] tags...
    Usually I can't find one without them, so I just solo.

    Yes, this is another post of me telling you decent outfits to run open squads...
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  11. Siilk

    Pretty much this. I see no joy in both ordering people around and following other's orders. I *do* however play my part in a team effort, I simply don't have to be on a voicecomm with a 15 year old moron shouting military-esque babble at me to know what had to be done.
  12. SpartanZero

    For random squad/platoon

    1. Capable leadership, not simple herding.
    2. Ability to manage the squad(s) more than their personal KDR/KPH.

    For Outfits.

    1. Teamwork
    2. Leadership, micromanaging, lead by example
    3. members that work together, either closely or tight knit
    4. Some discipline. Having an over abundance of discipline an rigid command/orders is a turn off. (I've no desire to be a constant YES man, but I enjoy weekend warrior/team work playstyles)
    5. Active base
    6. Adult oriented or the very least a capable level of maturity (ie no squeakers)
    7. Casual as well organized Ops nights, events.
  13. ColonelChingles

    Two things can tell you if it's a good squad/platoon:

    1) Are all the colored dots clumped together? It's okay if the colors are in different hexes, but each group of colored dots should be in 1-2 groups. If the colors are all mixed up with no order to them, then it's a terrible squad.

    2) Is there useful communication? So not just people yammering on what they had for lunch or playing music, but are there actual orders issued by someone in charge?

    If a squad lacks those two things, then it's not a squad worth running with.

    Also a refresher on orders. Orders are simply telling someone to do something. But as easy as that is, far too often SLs and PLs can't even get that right.

    "Enemy tank to our northwest" is not an order. That's an observation. It tells no one to do nothing. It's great for squad members to make those observations, but it is not okay for a SL to treat that as an order. A real order would be, "Enemy tank to our northwest, let's flank along the ridge and engage them, follow me!"

    "Someone pull a Sunderer" is technically an order, but will probably not be filled because "someone" is pretty vague. Same as "Bravo 4, do something about that tank." Those are orders, but poor orders.

    So just remember, an order is when you tell someone to do something. Doesn't have to be fancy or have any military jargon or anything.
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  14. Yuki10

    What do YOU look for when you're going with a team?
    --- places where they can't shoot me in the back

    What made you join the outfit you're in?
    --- (no comment)

    Why do you play solo instead of with a team?
    ---- putting up with someone else's bad decisions? I can make those on my own.
  15. SerasVic

    I'm looking for fun and working together to have fun.
    It's better to not be alone for laughing.

    Our outfit is not a zergfit, there is no ****** leading like "go here and take this base"
    And i don't join random squad/platoons, because the point of the game is not capturing bases, it's about having fun with people you like.
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  16. DrPapaPenguin

    1) A spawn beacon, perhaps a little extra XP.
    2) Lulz and lulz alone. Also because it fit the theme for who's in it :p
    3) I always play solo, even if I am in a squad (unless my buddy and I quit ******** over voice comms and actually get our act together) and it's mainly due to the fact that I'm playing for my amusement only, and it often involves pursuing my own interests instead of the team's.
  17. Wizlawz

    well placed spawn beacon, well placed mobile spawn, good valk and gal pilots, Aerial Superiority fighter pilots, tactics and strategy, fun and not too overly serious, casual.

    having faith in my personal skill, tactics and strategies {NO i am NOT Pro}, but i do not like to be questioned as to what i am doing, i know my role even if i am using a different class as another class to achieve my ability in the role i play.
  18. SpartanPsycho

    *** join the mancave outfit called recon team six. sex drugs and freedom!
  19. Diilicious

    ive only joined a squad 1 time during my play here on Cobalt, and that was yesterday when a reaver invited me to squad since i was skyguarding with my stealth lightning in a solitary but useful spot overlooking some base (the base down the hill north of Hvar tech plant on indar) they were using me as a fall back position in case they got ganked by mossies or other aircraft.

    I deem people that can fly as probably the only people id bother being in a squad with, since they are doing something I simply can not do.
  20. Taemien

    This can be summed up in one word:


    If the squad/platoon leader knows where they are going, chances are it will be an enjoyable experience. They don't need to be going in the 'right' direction. They just have to have the gumption and confidence that they at least in their minds, have a direction they believe is right.

    Many times public squads and platoons are lead by a semi-committee. If a leader has to ask an opinion on what to do. You know you're going to be sitting around.. alot. And that usually leads to spawn camping and ghost capping.