[Suggestion] I want my Certs back... Another Striker Thread...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mhorlok, Oct 3, 2014.

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  1. ComradeHavoc

    Can everyone unclench their buttholes for a few minutes, and without being biased think about this logically. You people yell and throw turds at the devs non-stop that they are in fear of being castrated every second. They want to make planetside 2 fair and fun for everyone. Let's see how the striker works when they finish tweaking it.
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  2. lotishunter

    I want my station cash back that I just purchased this item with a week ago.I want a lock on launcher ill be damned if i spend a cent more on this game.. I CAME BACK FOR THIS SH** YOUR CRAZY SOE IM CANCELING MY SUB AND QUITING AGAIN

    MAN I COULD UNDERSTAND IF THE STRIKER WAS OVER POWERED BUT ITS NOT. GO PLAY THE ACTUAL GAME DONT LOOK AT SPREAD SHEETS AND STATS.. OHH YA I PLAY WE MADE AN INFORMED DESCISION ( TESTED IT AGAINST STATIONARY OBJECT..... add vehicle movement, terrain flairs, smoke and you have a hard to use launcher unless the pilot or vehicle stands still or afks. So your solution is to give it less effective damage more bullet drop and a non functioning lock on system. congrats next you will turn the prowler into a road block that fire its own driver at the enemy

    you wait another game will rise up with same style of play and your whole community will up and quite unless you wise up
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  3. tahn1000

    well the latest tweak is that it doesn't lock at all (supposed to still lock on air), so i think they've pretty much finished it off already
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  4. OldMaster80

    I usually dont cry for weapons nerfed. But current striker has really no use: come on it deals less damage than your Beamer! And rockets are too slow to hit aircraft or fast vehicle. Create a Tr character and start the weapon free trial, you will see.
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  5. AssaultPig

    the phoenix was 'nerfed' (read: fixed) so that it was impossible to farm infantry with it. As an NC player this was a good change! I remember giggling at the 20+ NC in the TI alloys control point room shooting phoenixes at infantry on the crown cliffs. The phoenix is just as good as it always was at killing vehicles, which is its actual purpose.

    the current striker is pretty clearly too weak; I don't think that's even arguable. I actually like the new mechanic, but its damage is so low that it's not really good for anything. It doesn't do enough damage to vehicles and it doesn't seem to be that good at shooting aircraft (don't own one so I can't test for myself in the wild.)

    likely they were afraid of 'releasing' it OP with the new mechanics and it will shortly get a buff of some kind
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  6. DatVanuMan

    Why was it nerfed? Was it OP or something? Because in my opinion, it could use a serious buff.
  7. DatVanuMan

    I do enjoy how the TR feel that the Striker MUST be amazing versus both vehicles and infantry. Because it's obviously a Marauder, right?
  8. AssaultPig

    it was nerfed because infantry getting killed by rockets that most of of the time they couldn't see the origin of or even see coming was really stupid
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  9. Nehlis

    It used to be able to fire out of spawn rooms and 1hit KO infantry. Now it's a dedicated AV weapon due to magical resistance values. Personally I'm absolutely fine about this change, though some people will still over exaggerate its maneuverability, 7/10 times if you are behind cover we can't actually hit you. It can't turn on a dime.
  10. Beltway

    All you're doing is kicking the hornet nest and with little to no justification. Comparing the the striker to any other faction launcher is a lost cause, reason being is that the others are actually practical and currently viable. Trying to pretend that your ESRL is somehow useless on the battle field is not only laughable but an insult to anyone's intelligence that is reading this thread.

    Let's take a look at your "limitations":

    1 ) When the weapon is fired, the person is standing up. Even if they were crouched behind a rock, one fired, they are now standing. (You forgot to mention behind cover)

    2 ) Its a single shot weapon. The round has to be fired before a new one is loaded. And it takes a day and a half to load when under fire! (All launchers have a slow reload.)

    3 ) It has just four rockets. More with the munitions pouch (certed) (All launchers have just 4 reserve rounds)

    4 ) Its top range is a poky 280 meters. It sounds like a lot, but most tank encounters are at the 150-400 meter area. (Top range is 300m and it is a lot especially when you are dropping armor from a spawn room. As for tank encounters 50 to 300m sounds more appropriate because you aren't going to be hitting much of anything at 400m unless you are in a mag rider.)

    5 ) The rocket can be shot down (unlike the VS or TR ESLs) with small arms fire (i.e. bursters). (True, but never happens because who will honestly try to shoot missiles that they can't physically see out of the air? If it's happened to you then you should by a lottery ticket.)

    6 ) While in flight, the soldier can do nothing else but stand there.( and steer the rocket to it's intended target)

    7 ) One rocket can not kill an infantry man, unless that person is below half health. ( Good it wasn't meant for anti infantry. In fact this is why it was nerfed in the first place.)

    8 ) Can fire all the rockets at one vehicle and still not kill if, if the driver is an engineer and repairing. (Another problem you can face with all launchers, not just yours)

    The fact of the matter is none of these limitations you have listed are actual limitations of the phoenix. All you have done is list general draw backs with all launchers. You use the phoenix because it is a unique and practical utility on the battle field and can accomplish things that you can't do with the average rocket launcher. When it comes to the striker it does not provide any viable utility or practicality. Even in it's intended role as an anti-air launcher it pales in comparison to every other anti-air launcher. As of right now there is no reason to use the striker because it does not reliably do anything well. I will admit the dumb-fire is nice but I can just equip a decorator because it quadruples the damage done in less time. TR have a lot to complain about.
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  11. OldMaster80

    Balancing is ok. Nerfing is ok if needed, the Striker has been turned into less than a sidearm. It's ridicolous.
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  12. TripleVasectomy

    It occupies 3/4ths of my screen and kills infantry slower than my pistol. It also has the same issue as the lancer in that you need to be standing out in the open aiming it for way, way too long to get the most utility out of it. I recommend turning it into a spread-fire launcher that fires all 6 rounds at once and leaves a smiley face hit decal, renaming it the rocket shotgun, and then giving it to the NC as a Flash equip.
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  13. DatVanuMan

    I meant stat-wise. Why was it nerfed?
  14. DatVanuMan

    I do realize that. The rocket is far too slow and the turn rate is laughable, if not sad.
  15. Nehlis

    You cannot shoot Phoenixes out of spawn room doors. They will hit the shield and explode. (Either that or my game is bugged)

    The rocket getting shot down happens all the time. I've had people start shooting at my rocket a good 30 meters above infantry in an effort to stop it, with varying success. That would devalue the lottery wouldn't it?

    The striker definitely needs a buff, currently it's all broken to hell. Make it something like a ground launched coyote, which can lock to both ground and air, that can deal more than 1.6 the DPS of a standard dumbfire.
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  16. OldMaster80

    Because in the beginning it instakilled infantry. NC used that firing from behind rocks and from spawn rooms like a remote-controlled sniper rifle. And range was longer: we were instakilled in TI Alloys from NC Heavy Assaults firing from The Crown.
    Not saying the Phoneix is ok, but the previous situation was unacceptable.

    But personally I don't care how the Striker performs compared to other rocket launchers. I can accept (and I actually like) that different factions have different weapons covering different niches and performing in a different way. And I don't care if the Striker is not the best rocket launcher out there, I just want to see it as a viable weapon. The way they changed the Striker does not make any sense: for the first time since beta I think they made a weapon completely useless. Rockets have a huge bullet drop and are too slow to hit aircraft or fast targets, and damage is below any other weapon in the game.

    Let's be honest, who the hell needs a rocket launcher that cannot even destroy a Flash with a full clip of rockets?
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  17. lotishunter

    3 strikers and a bad tank driver equal tearing through your armor. it took 3 clips direct hits to take out a vangard.. you argue

    "Its no longer a 'one launcher one tank death' weapon. NC and VS Tankers are happy now. Since before, those things could tear through armor like a hot knife in butter."

    it sounds like you never used it or you would remember long lock on and the average flight speed with low damage.
    now its slower less damage with huge bullet drop. past 300 meters its a mortar

    I don't care for sympathy I play all races.. I do care having a weapon that is a night and day change as now I need to find a new 1000 cert weapon to fill a role.. your weapons did not change so drastically that the nerf needed a change in the description.
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  18. Mxiter

    I know that Phoenix & Lancer arn't go to launchers. But them niche is quite large: every tanks battle and every mid-long range AV/AA max nest and they do better than any other launchers in those situations.

    -Decimator is very effective at AI/AV(/AA/)Amax at close range.
    -Stock launchers are good at AI/AV(/AA/)Amaxes until 75-100m.
    -G2A are effective at AA and decent at AI/AV/Amax at close range
    -G2G are effective at AV and decent at AI/Amax at close range.
    -Phoenix is very effective at mid-long range AV/Amax.
    -Lancer is very effective at mid-long range AV/Amax and decent against non-ESFs aircrafts. (Vlaks, libs and gals)
    -Annhi is effective at AA/AV.

    -It sucks against maxes at any range.
    -It sucks at AV at any range.
    -It sucks at AA past 30m (where deci or stock launchers instagib)
    -It sucks at AI at any range

    Or maybe the striker niche is to sucks ballz an being outclassed in every situation. :D

    I used every launcher from every faction (but the annhi) and i can tell you the the actual striker is even worst than the release Lancer. (wich had a terrible COF & couldn't be swapped during charge)

    The striker is like a 5 shot explosives darts hunter crossbow with less drop/higher velocity and less AI damages.
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  19. OldMaster80

    The Striker is a sidearm now. Think like you have 2 pistols.

    Holy s**t I opened a ticket. I'm ok if they want to make it more balance, but not like this. I want my 1000SC back.
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  20. Tuco

    ...or use flares.
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