[Suggestion] I want my Certs back... Another Striker Thread...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mhorlok, Oct 3, 2014.

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  1. Mhorlok

    Keep your Higby Stiker - give me my 1000 Certs back...

    The Striker sucked before today and now I do more damage to tanks with Pistol than with my Striker
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  2. Spankay

    I want my 1,000 certs back too. I don't need them, but this is fraud. I bought an Annihilator and it got turned into a Grounder.
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  3. Int

    After what they did to striker - just take it back. I can't call it weak, bugged or something else... it's just...perplexity.
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  4. Keldarris

    Stop complaining....

    When each of the ESL's were first introduce, the NC's weapon was nerfed within a handful of days (like nine). The VS and TR players have enjoyed their ESL's for over a year now. And with very few limitations I might add.

    The Phoenix got nerfed because the VS and TR player base clogged up the forums with threads about it being 'over powered' and 'too powerful'. So, SOE nerfed it to make them happy. And now, that the striker got a nerfing like it rightly needed, the TR are complaining. Do you honestly think many in the NC will give you an ounce of sympathy after what you guys did to our launcher?

    The Phoenix got nerfed, and there were....MANY...threads demanding to get refunded the SC's and certs. SOE did not do it, so I don't know what all of you are complaining about. Your not going to get the refund. You can complain all you want; or you could learn how to use the launcher correctly. Its no longer a 'one launcher one tank death' weapon. NC and VS Tankers are happy now. Since before, those things could tear through armor like a hot knife in butter.

    The Phoenix has limitations. But working with squad mates reduces many of the limitations. In fact, makes it more fun to use! Here are the limitations:

    1 ) When the weapon is fired, the person is standing up. Even if they were crouched behind a rock, one fired, they are now standing.
    2 ) Its a single shot weapon. The round has to be fired before a new one is loaded. And it takes a day and a half to load when under fire!
    3 ) It has just four rockets. More with the munitions pouch (certed)
    4 ) Its top range is a poky 280 meters. It sounds like a lot, but most tank encounters are at the 150-400 meter area.
    5 ) The rocket can be shot down (unlike the VS or TR ESLs) with small arms fire (i.e. bursters).
    6 ) While in flight, the soldier can do nothing else but stand there.
    7 ) One rocket can not kill an infantry man, unless that person is below half health.
    8 ) Can fire all the rockets at one vehicle and still not kill if, if the driver is an engineer and repairing.

    Does the VS and TR launchers have that many limitations? No? ......

    So how do you kill tanks with your now 'nerfed' launcher? Get two other buddies with the Striker together. One person calls out the target and all three fire at the same time. A fourth person is an engineer with an ammo pack to help you replenish your stock. Planetside 2 is a....TEAM GAME. If you work as a anti-tank kill team, you will achieve more than just 'lone wolf'ing'. And that's probably why the launcher got nerfed. The TR were not using the launcher as SOE intended.
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  5. Flag

    First things first.
    I agree with you on the topic of the current striker. However...
    You need a bit of a history lesson.
    When the Lancer was released, it was -bad-. It's a weapon whose main strength lies in it's accuracy, which it didn't have initially.
    Second, the Phoenix was nerfed because it performed well in a role it wasn't meant to fill. It's an AV launcher, not an AI one.
    And if you really want an example of a weapon rework that changed everything where no refund happened the ESAV guns on vehicles are a better example (Saron HRB/Enforcer ML).

    But like I said, I do agree on your sentiment about the Striker. It's mostly fine the way it is.
    I believe it even has the second highest dumb fire velocity of any launcher. Second only to the Lancer.
    I've used it, and it feels fine.
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  6. Flag

    Good luck with your quest for 1000 certs.
    Your chance of success is close to 0.

    (And the striker is mostly fine...)
  7. Pacster3

    Did I get my 1000certs back for the annihilator? It's still worse than Striker, I guess...;-)
  8. Volucris

    I initially logged into the forums to write a thank you post to SOE for really adding some quality of life into the game in the past update. I was super excited about my striker actually being worth something now... And then I read this thread (Not knowing before time that the damage of the striker was nerfed to an extremely, ridiculous and completely unreasonable level.) The only way the striker was really worth anything before this update was if you had multiple people using it at the same time (which has become increasingly rare as I've seen to date, at least, at most of the fights i've seen lately.) This nerf takes it to a whole new level though. I'm in full agreement that the striker is a difficult thing to balance, considering the number of justified complaints coming from NC and VS players. But come on guys, this is just brings the striker to a whole new level of complete worthlessness.

    My honest opinion and suggestion: Keep the dumbfire capability, keep the lock on, but increase the damage to something a little less that the annihilator, like 700-950 total damage for the whole mag. OR cut the reload speed in half so that you can get a reasonable amount of damage in.

    Compared to the VS Laser of Death, or the NC TV Guided Banshee, the Striker is basically the equivalent of heat seeking technology onto rocks and throwing them at anything.
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  9. Kazrak

    What kind of stuff have you been smoking lately? I want some too!

    To get on the topic
    Your so called disadvantages of the Phoenix:
    That thing can shoot out of the spawn around the rock hitting the sundi on the other side of the base while you can get an overview of incoming vehicles and so on
    You can't move while firing? Ohh poor thing
    That's because your controlling your fu****g rocket
    No multitasking in this game!

    So lets talk about the "old" but nerfed striker where you need 4 sec to get a lock and then another 5 sec to get those flashy red projectiles on the run and oh whats that ?
    if you lower down your scope the rockets go anywhere

    So basically you are forced to stand at least 10-15 sec in the open field marking your position with said red emergency beacons for instant enemy artillery support on your position
    Using the striker in a tank battle is like asking for a tankshell

    i'm sooo done with you guys....
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  10. Onhil

    I don't know what you have been smoking ,but the Striker was bad before the nerf this patch I have played this game since january the 27th and have never gotten killed by that awfull launcher. I would say they should actually buff that thing. as of now the grounder is better. one example i get locked ion by the striker a few times in my mag. the only thin i need to do is to face the rockets and he will do max one tenth of my max health.
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  11. FocusLight

    Going to have to stop you RIGHT HERE.

    You see this argument don't work. Why don't it work?

    Let me explain so you understand:

    You don't get to tell people that are upset about an injustice today that they don't get to be upset about that injustice because you had a similar experience that happened long ago. For example, it's like telling someone protesting against not getting any help for a car-accident related injury because you did not get any assistance for a car-accident related injury years earlier.

    Phoenix? The Phoenix was meant to be a remote-guided missile that can pop tanks inside of 300 meters.

    Guess what? It does that. The problem was, it could one-hit infantry.

    A remote-guided warhead that you can fire past corners and over cover could one-hit kill infantry. Yeah, that wasn't blatantly OP at all.

    So SOE nerfed it. Now it does it's job and nothing more. Remember that part? That part where it will hurt tanks from BEYOND COVER AND PAST CORNERS? Yeah it does that. It's not terribly powerful solo, but very useful, and very powerful when used well and in squads.

    That happens to be the case for the Lancer too. One Lancer is only so and so useful and powerful, a few together is lethally effective. "Lancer nests" are a thing, just like "Phoenix squads" and jsut like "Striker nests" *WAS* a thing once. Best you see from TR these days is Annie nests. Anyone can do those.

    So, Striker. Was blatantly OP, way to effective. Needed a nerf. You can whine forever about how long it took it to be nerfed, but you know what... ?

    IT WAS. It did get nerfed. And then it was barely useful at all. Annies did it's job better. As opposed to before when Strikers did the annie's job better than it did.

    But it wasn't a viable alternative to anything else TR had. The average TR heavy rather used Annie's. Or Grounders. Or Decimators or the ML-7... anything but the Striker.

    We asked for... how long? A year? To get it to the point where it was supposed to be viable and an alternative to the G2A launcher at least. A couple days ago we were supposed to get that, and... yeah.

    And here you are, another NC going on about how TR just needs to shut up and stop being annoyed about this.

    Some NC just laugh, showing their true colours as selfish and empathy-devoid wastes of time. Then we got NC like you, going on about how TR should not dare care.

    Remind me again about that Phoenix of yours that got nerfed into complete uselessness and can't even kill a flash in one volley?

    ... yeah that stuff didn't actually happen, did it? No it did not.


    Why will I NOT laugh at you or anyone else that get unfairly nerfed to death?

    Because I'm TR, and I am blatantly better than you.
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  12. MasterDk78

    Are you kidding me??

    the striker deals 100 dmg! my pistol do more dmg than that!!
    It does not lock into ground any more, and esf.. doh!!

    The thing cost 1000 certs!! but only do half the dammagde of an grounder etc (if you hit with all missils)

    End of story
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  13. Flag

    150 damage (100 direct, 50 indirect) to -infantry-.
    But with the magic that is resistance modifiers that's largely irrelevant, seeing as how it's an AV launcher, not an AI one.
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  14. Flag

    You mean roughly on par with the other launchers rather than miles ahead as far as vehicle damage is concerned?
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  15. T0x1s

    First of all Phoenix was nerfed because it insta gibbed infantry and all NC just used the Phoenix against infantry.
    Striker got a nerf 1-2 months after release and sucked for 6 months then they did this and it sucks even more.
    Phoenix was and still is strong so stop complaining.
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  16. Pikachu

    Just a detail, that 50 splash damage is only 25 in practice since it's a missile.
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  17. zombielores

    Striker was not nerfed 1 to 2 months after its release, try maybe 5 or 6 months where it was the most powerful Launcher in the game baring the pre-nerf annihlator. The old striker wasn't bad compared to the other launchers, it just lacked flavour when compared to the other ESRL and its role was overlapping with the annihlator, it only sicker when compared to the old striker which was OP and people were spoiled by the old striker.
  18. Flag

    Given that it's an AV launcher it is still largely irrelevant.
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  19. MasterDk78

    the old striker.. yes it did deal the most dmg, IF it did hit with all 5 missils!!
    And not to mention it was not a fire and forget, it worked like the phoenix, you had to be in scope to maintain lock.
    loosing the lock would make your missils fly off
  20. Auzor

    Honestly, the big issue now with the phoenix is hitting sideway-moving vehicles.
    You have to lead to the point you can't see the tank your trying to hit if it's moving at full speed. And in that case, the tank can brake.
    A harasser can out-speed the missile. (not to mention out-turn)

    Buff phoenix speed and /or manoeuvrability.

    Give TR something else.
    Honestly, they could adjust the damage multipliers vs certain vehicles of the striker as is and it'd be fine.
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