[Suggestion] I want my Certs back... Another Striker Thread...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mhorlok, Oct 3, 2014.

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  1. Mxiter

    What about phoenix & Lancer that are miles ahead others launchers???

    ESRL used to be stonger than "standard" RLs (until the striker bugfix+nerf) , but the actual striker is the worst launcher by a laarge magrin.

    The only department where the stiker is better than an other launcher?

    Its better against maxes than annhilator :p. In EVERY other situations, other launchers are far stonger than the striker.

    It have a tiny niche in CQC AA valkiyrie wich is also the most vulnerable an less effective aricraft btw.
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  2. LenaQuin

    How about nerfing the lancer the same way than the striker then? Bullet drop+180m/s muzzle velocity, damage spread out to 5 shots.
    Then you tell us how fine the lancer is and the role it should fulfill.

    Meanwhile i either want 1000 certs back since they changed the mechanic completely or SOE should buff this thing to make it useful in something.
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  3. MahouFairy

    Ahh, if only it was a mere nerf.

    The problem is that the whole weapon mechanic totally got downgraded into utter rubbish. I'm sure most Striker users bought the Striker because of its lock on function, just like NC Phoenix users who bought the Phoenix because of the ability to TV guide the missile to the target.

    Unfortunately, with SOE's removal of the lock on function, the purpose of us buying the weapon was defeated. I mean, we bought a lock on, and now they gave us a dumbfire? If I wanted a dumbfire with a lock to air targets (something the Striker does not even posess), I would have bought the Grounder instead, because it costs 750 certs cheaper.

    It's the same as you having the TV guided Phoenix, and then one day SOE decides to "revamp" it into a wire guided one. Is it still the same weapon you bought?
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  4. Meeka

    Striker is now decent as an alternative weapon; much more comparable and as useful as the Lancer and Phoenix now.

    This was a change I suggested to the Striker almost a year ago, I'm glad it actually came to pass.
  5. MahouFairy

    are you kidding me, then suggest some situations where this new Striker can be useful
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  6. tahn1000

    he couldn't without - to put it politely - lying through his teeth
  7. MuggieWara

    Perhaps even stone throwing would become effective if enough people were doing it simultaneously ..Do you prefer a stone over your carbine?Your point is invalid.Why would me and my buddies pick the striker in its current state over ANY other ES or NS launcher?
  8. Cookie5000

    I mean I know the Striker was bad before but now... Its just a pea shooter...
    • Damage is HORRIBLY Low
    • Doesn't auto-lock, it needs to be like 3 inches next to the vehicle
    • It is the first rocket that is unable to kill a flash in 1 magazine
    • Magazine size is UNREASONABLY Low
    What the heck SOE?! You should of made a +5000 Xp Achievement for anybody that can even get a kill with this thing.
    Anyway all jokes aside...
    Heres what I suggest:
    • Increase Damage to 100 - 125 (Min to Max)
    • Increase Magazine Size to 10
    • Increase Ammunition Pool to 30
    • Increase Reload Speed to 4.7-5 Secs (Short to Long)
    • Make Heat-Seeking/Auto-Lock Range 15m
    • Increase Damage to 150 - 200 (Min to Max)
    • Return Lock-On and Set Acquire Time to 4 Seconds
    • Decrease Missile Speed Slightly
    • Keep the Dumb-Fire but only allow to Dumb-fire when Aimed
    • Increase Lock-On Range by 20m
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  9. a-koo-chee-moya

    200 damage x 5 rockets is 1000 damage..... That's a lot for a Lockon.

    2. The damage is 150 as all explosives add splash damage to direct upon direct hit.
  10. tahn1000

    oh, and as the latest "improvement" via today's patch, the striker doesn't lock at all.
  11. TheRunDown

    All lock ons do 1000 damage, and their limitation are what they lock on to.. not to mention "ALL" of these lock-on weapons have a shorter reload, and 10th of the time to actually kill something..

    So the total damage of all 5 Rockets should total to 1000... both Lancer and Phoenix can be used to kill both Air and Ground.. the Striker is limited to Only ESFs and tickling everything else!
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  12. foesjoe

    They should get rid of the lock-on mechanic altogether, buff the damage so that the whole mag does a bit more damage than a decimator and buff the velocity to 300 m/s.
  13. Archiadus

    The current Striker is a dumb-fire not a lock-on, yes it does auto-hit an aircraft once the rocket gets within a certain distance but to get there you first have to fire at it with dumb-fire mechanics hoping that your target does not move further than 10m.
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  14. Nakor

    I ground up the 1000 certs to get a phoenix in advance of its release, (no membership). I got the gold medal with that badboy farming TR infantry at vanu archives on the first day. It was a multi-platoon zerg and there was nothing but engineers and people with phoenix launchers on the NC side. Poor TR couldn't even APPROACH the doorways to get to the bounce pad because of the hail of screaming blue death one shotting them.

    It was hilarious and awesome for a while, but it had to go. The current implementation of the phoenix is frustrating to use because it steers like crap and has terrible DPS but its still usable, I get a decent number of kills with it.

    The striker on the other hand, was crap before the nerf. Whenever I saw a TR pull out a striker I chuckled, waited until I was fairly sure he was actually firing it and then pushed the magic button that makes all his missiles do jack. Now they have nerfed the crap out of it. I'm pretty sure that the explosive crossbow rounds do more damage per hit than the striker now. Its absolute garbage.

    The lancer is another beast entirely; IMHO its the only great ESL. The other launchers need to get buffed up to its level -more of a tweak in the phoenix's case.

    PS - Sony only gives refunds for significant changes in a weapon's mechanics -so they say. How the hell does this not qualify?
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  15. Flag

    Except you know... The Lancer and Phoenix aren't flat upgrades to the other launchers.
    For sane VS and NC players, their go-to launcher would probably be the descimator, or one of the 3 original ones.
    The ESRLs is a launcher taken if the situation calls for it, not general use.
    So if you, and other TR expected it to be anything else than a niche option in your arsenal I have no words.
    You know, besides "HAH!".
    How about the TR grows a spine and try to find out where the Striker has a use rather than just whine about it?
    Without going into detail about it, when I played yesterday there were multiple occasions where the Striker would have served the TR much, much better than the launchers they did use.
    It's both tragic and funny how people just don't use it.

    Your (the TR) loss.
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  16. tahn1000

    you got you wish with the latest hot fix, sans any improvement at all
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  17. TheRunDown

    You should be careful, lots of people are demanding a cert refund..
    Problem is, weapons purchased with Certs are character bound, where as SC weapons are account bound..
    SOE would happily refund Certs for the Striker for both people who paid and those who used Certs..
    Those who purchased the Striker with CS will lose their account bound status, and will be forced to spend another $10 to get the Striker again with account bound status for all their TR across servers, for if and when it gets buffed in the future.. profit for SOE..
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  18. tahn1000

    because the striker doesn't have a use. i do more damage running into stuff than my striker does. it's dumb fire and it only does micro damage per shell.
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  19. Flag

    Probably because it's gone from an AV launcher to an AV launcher.
  20. tahn1000

    the issue i have with anybody comparing the nerfing of the striker with anything else is that it was semi useless the way it was. it had the SLOWEST LOCK TIME (5+ seconds, and if you lost it for a millisecond you had to wait another 5+ seconds), and per missile it was singularly the weakest launcher on the market. it was useless to use solo because you would never get more than 3 rockets off before your target moved out of range and only way to get the mythical 1200 damage TOTAL is if all 5 missiles were fired off and successfully hit target. however i think that was b*s anyway. because i have managed to find a tank or two that conveniently stayed in range and fired off my whole supply of missiles, and the tanks were at most only ONE SIXTH damaged.

    the striker was essentially SOE's private little joke. now being TR is a joke.
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