Epic striker nerf incoming

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ol' Brownfists, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. BarxBaron

    Ok. This is getting old.

    I'm one of the few able to appreciate them wanting to release it as OBVIOUSLY UP, then likely buff later. They almost have to since they've missed the mark often on release balance.

    What's old however, is VS comparing a 180 ms weapon with LESS DAMAGE PER CLIP to a 600m/s to 800 m/s weapon.

    Striker is hilariously underpar compared to Lancer and Pheonix. It will be buffed if released like this.

    Not even SoE can be that insane.

    Then I remember ZoE and loose hope.
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  2. Zotamedu

    Problem is, the current striker does so little damage to infantry that it really doesn't matter in your scenario. You cannot kill the infiltrator with the new striker either.
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  3. Huishe

    It's called striker because it causes people to go on strikes amirite?
  4. Chris Bingley

    I did start my post by saying that the damage is terribad. :)

    At least this way I could do something before I died.
  5. OldMaster80

    At least we can now fire turrets and max units. That was a real problem when playing TR HA.
  6. FateJH

    Lancers have a use that can be pre-planned - dedicated long range armor denial (and destruction).

    At the current damage model and effective range, the only functional way that a Striker could be applied is individually and with spontaneity, but will always be trumped by any other RL at whatever specific task it gets applied to. You'll never have a team of Striker users sitting there waiting to be ground pounded by a low flying ESF because it's pointless to do that. They'd be outranged by the ESF weaponry anyway and the ESF itself would still be more maneuverable; the Liberator is right out. As a roaming anti-armor foot patrol, the other dumbfires offer less exposure time while dealing more damage. Even a Valkyrie Striker team would be not be useful because you'd never get any kind of output within a practical amount of time and getting that close to any larger Air Vehicle would be suicidal.

    As MAXes are untested (in the above videos), they're the only potential spot that the Striker may excel. At face value, it should take two Striker users their full magazine, ignoring splash; watch, however, watch as MAXes will be one of the few cases where the weapon has significant resistances and it takes three or four.
  7. Pikachu

    That infiltrator will kill you before you get through his shield. It's not like old striker that kill infantry with 2 hits.
  8. DrBash00

    Just remove the stubid lock! It is just a bad anhilator right now (Maby buff the anhilator after you remove the lock from the striker), AND after that SOE can gather there stadistics and they can buff it until its ok or leave it nerfed 4 death....

    Personal i dont use the striker a lot in its current state, so plz change.. just change....
  9. Flag

    At the end of the day we have no way of knowing how the HA-carried coyotes will play out.
    Without it I agree the striker is very lacklustre based on what we know about it so far. But then again, the coyote mechanic is a wild card. It might end up doing little to nothing, or it may redeem the entire thing.

    We just don't know.
  10. Scorponok

    GL with that dude..from what i hear you need more then a clip to kill a infantry so that cloaker will get you anyway.
  11. Zotamedu

    That's what I wrote.
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  12. Champagon

    Lancer users (Currently)
    • Get in groups
    • Focus Fire
    • Commence Ownage

    Striker users (After the update)
    • Get in groups
    • Focus Fire
    • Commence Ownage

    I really don't see the problem here.
  13. Jake the Dog

    Who actually uses the striker?!?
  14. Jake the Dog

    Because the travel time and drop between the 2 favors the lancer.
  15. Villanuk

    Having tested it on the server ( not extensive) I feel its range is going to be the problem. You don't lock on unless its quite close and with so little damage you would be better off using a buster or the NS alternative.

    I do think it could be fun spamming it in a group but the effects would be less than alternatives of a max AV or AA or NS rocket launchers, so unless you a want CQC launcher, im not sure why you would use this?
  16. Champagon

    hmmm i'm not so sure when you have 5 rockets coming at you. If you are in a group 20+ if there are only 4 guys using it. I say we wait until it's in an actual in game "real" battle scenario before you guys freak out and judge
  17. Jake the Dog

    I don't even use the striker what I do know is that the lancer is the only "effective" (and I say effective because of its ability to hit its target and do damage) at range. All I do is prowl in my prowler.
  18. Champagon

    Have you ever used the lancer?
  19. Jake the Dog

    Can't say I have but I have seen the results. Do I let it kill me no. Just like I don't let pheonixs kill me. I've watched lower br tanks get shredded at range with em though. I usually respond with an AP round to the face. If it is not so enlighten me dear sir.
  20. FateJH

    The problem is that it lacks a niche.
    Compared to how the Lancer can be applied at range in a way that no other launcher can, how do you apply the Striker in a way that you couldn't apply one of the other launchers (with better results)?
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