Emerald VS, and the lack of fights.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vertabrae, Sep 28, 2014.

  1. BiggggBRIM

    I hate fighting the VS because of their absolutely obnoxious PPA spam. Getting cheesed by a broken weapon is not on my fun list. Every VS player can try to fabricate evidence on why the PPA is balanced in its current form, and I'm not going to argue with them; I'll just refuse to be your cannon fodder. The masses of NC and TR avoiding the VS means I'm not the only one that feels that way.
  2. eldarfalcongravtank

    i for one HATE the vanu overpop on emerald lately:( i want the times back when we were a small but elite faction with solid weapons and good leadership. getting tired of a 96+ zerg ghostcapping towers all night. ALL I WANT ARE POP BALANCED FIGHTS :3
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  3. Rovertoo

    But not at 'toxic, arrogant attitude'? I admit I was being a bit harsh though. A lot of those things aren't as bad as I made them out to be, a lot of those things happen pretty rarely and they guy who introduced me to the game was VS.
  4. Huxer

    This thread is pointless, in a general discussion forum. It is only concerning 1 server, there is not actual evidence or statistics to back it up regardless. What it does do is allow weak minded people to come on and complain endlessly. It does allow for arrogant basement dwellers to do a little bit of chest thumping. It does not however reflect any real or practical information that could be termed 'helpful'. I don't even know why I'm bothering, I haven't even been playing this game lately.

    Look, no faction is organized on any server. There are groups of players, some players stay with a specific faction, some play multiple factions. There are tons of 'f2p noobs' that play every day but the same set of shooters who play this game are always out there. It doesn't matter what faction these guys play, they will always do well. Are the factions maybe slightly uneven from a mechanics standpoint, maybe but who cares if they are, it's not by any real margin. The real issue isn't even populations of the factions, more like the populations of members on a given faction might be a closer fit for your imbalance. Once again tho, who cares, you can log in, play for a while shoot some people, get shot and move on with your day, the rest is well,pretty unimportant and really is just troll bait...as you can see from the thread.
  5. ChampagneDragon

    I like fighting the VS, when I'm sniping. Set up behind them, headshot your way to glory. They are so complacent that they never turn around to figure out where the bullet is coming from. I think they figure there's at least a dozen other sundies to spawn at, so why bother when they can just camp the spawn room by spawning at a different one.
  6. Liberty

    Hah! What actually happens is many of those players fight at underpopped fights because there are more targets to kill and less competition. The lack of captures actually comes from trying to take bases with less pop and generally failing because you eventually get overrun by superior numbers + lots of MAXes + all spawns are killed. If you want to keep that kind of KPH that late past primetime, you need to push lanes, not just sit back and wait for people to come for you.

    The main goal at that hour is to find fights where each side has enough people to make it interesting. If you only sit in defenses that doesn't happen and you don't end up on that leaderboard. What you don't see and will never see is how many attempted pushes were made by those players.

    What is really hilarious though is when (we) push a base like that, the defenders despite superior numbers make a B-line to kill off every spawn to force us back into a defense. So attacks are usually more short lived despite best efforts to make them happen with inferior numbers. And when it is that late past prime time you have maybe 3 lanes that are active across the continents, the leader board people spend their time in those lanes rather than sitting in an empty base for 5 minutes to capture it by playing for the objective of getting more territory.

    But honestly, you are free to think whatever makes you feel better. :)
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  7. Paragon Exile

    I must admit Vertabrae, you make some good threads.

    I never get tired of NC and TR complaining about getting routed and smashed because they don't want to fix their problems. You guys should blame the VS a bit more, maybe collect your tears in a container and mail them to Higby.
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  8. NightEngine

    A zerg cannot ghostcap. And 96+ does not necessarily mean it's a zerg.

    I wish people knew/understood what the buzzwords they like to parrot mean.

    And yet we all get real tired - I'm sure - of this kind of caustic, piss-poor attitude.

    NC and TR have tried to fix the problems within the players' power to fix. But NC command is beyond redemption. It's not going to happen in the NC without an image shift and the TR are constantly underpopped. Sorry, but your 'git gud scrubs' ******** doesn't belong here.
  9. BeefySleet

    What the hell are you talking about? VS on Emerald have never been underpopped except for maybe a BRIEF month or two when BCP and TE were around. Back in the time period you are describing, VS had a good %15+ global pop advantage as well as having the absurdly broken ZOE max. It was brutal.

    Because of that, there was a max exodus of players from NC and especially TR, and those who flocked to VS stayed there after ZOE was nerfed because they had invested so much time into the character by that point. Thus creating the problem of having an entire faction of mostly BR90+ players against factions primarily composed of sub BR50 players.

    Of course a faction with all the toys unlocked and who have been playing for 3x as long as new TR or NC players will do better. You have established outfits, and huge pop advantages most of the time.

    It's easy for the top faction to tell everyone else to "L2P" while ignoring the underlying root of the problem, and it certainly is a cancer that is destroying this game. More and more people are playing less, or quitting all together. Hell, multiple VS outfits had to make TR characters at one point it got so bad that we had ~20% global pop while VS/NC had ~30-50% each daily.

    TR and NC both need to have some quality leadership injected into the player base, but it's extremely hard when you're trying to herd a group of relatively new players against a well established faction full of BR100 outfits and platoons who have been playing for 2 years.

    Hate to say it, but to fix the problem, SOE will have to forcibly transplant 1 or 2 of the more prominent VS outfits to a different server, while bringing over a couple decent TR/NC factions to Emerald. They'll probably never do it, but until/if they do, the server will be in a perpetually broken state.
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  10. BeefySleet

    There was literally never a time on Emerald/Mattherson that this was the case. VS have been overpopped with OP weapons since the beginning. It only got worse when ZOE came into play for the better part of a year.
  11. weirdiolio

    You know... As a VS main on Emerald, I hate fighting the TR. I find that they trash talk much more than the VS, and I personally hate the Prowler and Mosquito spam. ;)

    Ofc, this could just be the times I play at...
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  12. Champagon

    Mossie spam is the WORST
  13. TriumphantJelly

    I hear a lot of people throwing "caustic attitude" rants at VS, with a really caustic attitude.


    Nothin' I can do here. *Neo superman thing*
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  14. DatVanuMan

    Strange. I'm enjoying large fights with both factions, and I don't see any decrease in pop. So... :?
  15. eldarfalcongravtank

    bwahahaha. do you actually play the game? do you play on emerald? if anything, it was TR that was overpopped with overpowered weapons (pre-nerf states of striker/fracture/mosquito/vulcan/prowler) on waterson for a longlong time.

    indeed, the magrider and zoe was too powerful at one point. but that was then, now VS doesnt have overpowered stuff except maybe a bit overperforming PPA. meanwhile, banshee is clearly overpowered (even confirmed by higby!) so it needs a nerf. but keep talking, i find your views on game balance amusing
  16. iller

    I've been specifically going to these Hexes where TR and NC are clumping up in one corner of the map against eachother only, and asking them to go fight the VS. It's usually met with derision and yo momma snaps from both sides. ...last night some other NC guy took such offense to the mere suggestion that he TK'd me in the head while I was redeploying from the spawn room. When they start calling me a VS spy, I'll just give up on it entirely.... The really stupid part is that more often lately, it's the TR who have the biggest world-pop on Connery. I have a rough idea on why that happened, & it's not a sustainable thing since it's always the NC who get 2v1 Farmed the hardest here (b/c they're so much easier to farm than the VS)

    It's in the Dev's hands now. It's up to them to find a better incentives system for the next resource phase. And failing that, a bit of hamfisting too that applies diminishing returns to a player's auraxium medal stat-farming for killing infantry for more than 15 minutes in any one single hex. (& include red text warning them of it)

    This is definitely the MAIN problem against the VS nomatter what server you're on. And I said as much in the QOL feedback thread that the Devs started. In short: Quick-deploy to a hex needs to be turned off IMMEDIATELY as soon as either side hits 45% population. If any other Platoons want to fight there, they should have to Gal drop in.
  17. BeefySleet

    I was playing this game since pre-Alpha. I play on Emerald, and played on Mattherson before the merge.

    VS has always been obscenely overpopulated and overpowered since the beginning on Mattherson, and now Emerald. Every prominent VS guild of note on Emerald currently is from Mattherson. Waterson was such an irrelevant joke I don't think any notable outfits are even still around on Emerald that originated from your server.

    So please, keep trying to tell me how things were balanced on your backwater, no name server. There is a reason why prior to the Emerald merge, half of this forums threads were discussing Mattherson issues: it was the most competitive server out there.

    I love how you downplay the effects of ZOE max's and the current PPA state though. Typical VS player.

    The Striker was a pretty good ESRL, but the only reason it was cried about so often was that the patch that it was introduced with also broke Flares, so not only did it have improved missile tracking, flares would more often than not fail at breaking the lock. Most players were too dumb to realize this and thought that it was just immune to flare effects or something.

    Fracture was decent as well I guess, for the few weeks we had it until it was nerfed. Would still prefer Comets though, or whatever VS AV weapons your max's have. No bullet drop, fast travel speed and insane damage to not only vehicles, but infantry as well? You can 1 shot infantry with those weapons if both arms hit. Fracture takes like 5 shots now.

    What about the mosquito made it more OP? Last I saw, when all of the good ESF pilots had a competition, about 95% of them chose the Scythe as their vehicle of choice for it. That should tell you something...

    Vulcan was nerfed into the ground and is useless. This was because of Harassers being too powerful with it, not tanks.

    What about the Prowler is OP? The HE rounds we had back when the game first came out? Sure it was great for infantry farming, but since everyone used it, we had no anti-tank capabilities as HE rounds hit like marshmallows vs armor. Was also nerfed into uselessness. Lockdown? You were rooted in place, making you complete rocket bait and easy to hit by any other vehicle or aircraft - and yet they still nerfed it.

    Your tank can climb mountains and strafe side to side at a distance making it very difficult to land shots. Try playing a different factions tank and realize that only being able to back up and drive forward as your means to dodge shots is way worse than laterally strafing away.

    Please keep using your no skill shotgun though, only way you can get any kills or what?
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  18. DQCraze

    The problem cant be fixed if the majority dont want to fix it. We've had VS come over and try to help, but they too realize that its futile to even attempt to get some type of leadership going and leave. TR and NC wont change, ever, on this server. We are stuck with what we have.
  19. Paragon Exile

    And your defeatist attitude is fine I suppose right?

    I never said you were bad, I said you don't fix your problems. Your problems are far from insurmountable, and an image shift is not impossible to do as the Mattherson VS clearly show, having been dominated by the TR in the beginning of the game. You must strive to always make your team better and stronger; claiming "it's impossibru" not only undermines the efforts of those who try, but actively damages the people you are aligned with.
  20. eldarfalcongravtank

    damn you mad son! :p funny how you didn't mention ANY WORD on the banshee, something that is clearly SO OVERPOWERED even the creative director acknowledges it. as for your view on VS, it is biased as hell.

    i dont have to write a wall of text to debunk you as a simple troll. enjoy forumside while you still can though