I suck in playing with shotgun

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by patrykK1028, Sep 28, 2014.

  1. SerasVic

    I am playing NC and i found a tip to perform with shotguns.

    You NEVER should as soon as you can and NEVER spray like hell.

    Take your time and don't spray, you'll do better. You can do better with 2 well placed shots than 4 "random panic" shots
    • Up x 1
  2. Prudentia

    IRNV is the hipfire sight, as you only use it when there is smoke.
    when you go quikscoping 1x reflex or ironsights.
    you don't take IRNV because:
    IRNV has a longer ADS time
    IRNV starts with a black screen blocking your view on the enemy
    IRNV has a bigger model potentially blocking your view even during the scope in animation
    you don't take something higher than 1x because:
    higher zoom=> greater difference between sensitivities

    also use hold to zoom (like every sane person)
  3. Eyeklops

    The only time it's worth putting the laser sight on a shotgun is if you have slugs equipped. The laser sight does not decrease the COF on standard rounds.
  4. Acceleratio

    Yep! Well said! Thats why LA and shotguns are sucha great combo!
  5. Kriegson

    I've heard the opposite, that you will still have hipfire until the animation completes, especially true if you are firing an automatic weapon and go from hip to ADS, your CoF remains at hipfire. =/
  6. Prudentia

    for automatic weapons that is true yes. but afaik they had to Change the Timing of the Animation and the stat Change (or weapon Change as you basicly Change to a different weapon when going ADS) for the Pump Actions did not happen.
    just spam ADS a bit and you'll notice that the CoF changes already before you get the sights up
  7. Iridar51

    Uhm, it's a good post, and I intend to use some of it as shotgun advice in my gameplay guide, but what the **** man?
    Limited ammo capacity? Runs dry after 2-3 enemies? First world problems, lel. Solstice carbine barely has enough ammo to kill one HA.

    Uhm, yes it does. Not by much, and I wouldn't recommend using LS on shotguns with the exception of maybe a high capacity shotguns, but it still does reduce the CoF. Does nothing to pellet spread, though.

    For a full explanation refer to shotgun mechanics section of my Gunplay Guide, but in short:
    Green circle is pellet spread, and it stays the same for all shots. LS does not affect it.
    When you fire, the center of the pellet spread is a randomly chosen point within the shotgun's cone of fire - the black circle. Laser sight reduces starting hip fire CoF by 33%, increasing the chance that the center of the pellet spread will land close to the crosshair.
    It's not much, but do you really NEED 12 rounds for a semi-auto shotgun?

    I'm not sure what kind of metaphysics you're arguing here.
    Here's how it really works for automatic weapons, and I have no reason to believe it works any different for shotguns:

    So let's say you're moving while not crouching with TRAC 5. You're not ADSing, so your current CoF is equal to Hip Stand Move, which is 2.0 degrees. You click ADS. As soon as you click, your CoF will begin shrinking to ADS Stand Move CoF of 0.3 degrees at a rate of 20 degrees per second. This will take (2 - 0.3) / 20 = 0.085 seconds, or 85ms.
    Scope-in time for TRAC 5 is 125ms or 150ms, not sure which one. But the result is the same. Your CoF will be as accurate as it can be in current conditions even before you fully get into ADS.

    But that's an easy, common example. Let's talk about another common example. You fly on Jump Jets, seen an enemy, land and ADS right away. Your CoF was 7.0 degrees = maximum CoF = jumping CoF. Now it will have to shrink to 0.3.
    This will take (7 - 0.3) / 20 = 0.335ms, a full third of the second.
    CoF can only decrease while you're not firing. So if you start firing before CoF has time to shrink fully, before you land or before you ADS, it will stay huge.

    I don't have any reason to believe this works any different for shotguns. So yes, you can quickscope. But know that shotgun's ADS Move CoF is usually not that much better than Hip Move CoF.
  8. Kentucky Windage

    Any time you use a shotty your avenue of approach and your use of cover and concealment must be used effectively. Combine this with your base knowledge and how troops normally flow and you can be lethal to the enemy. I enjoy using it for CQC and always aim for the brain housing group. Be ready for hate tells though.

    Getting hosed from a shotgun tends to peeve players off and sometimes they come looking for you. Never stay in the same spot. Move around but use cover. You'd be amazed at the players that follow the same path to certain areas especially if they are full of blind rage. If your Engie make sure you save your anti-personnel devices for this. Plant them just for those morons who want revenge. It works every time.