Epic striker nerf incoming

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ol' Brownfists, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. Scorponok

    it will home in if you fire it very closely to the aircraft yes....and it has drop off like every other rocketlauncher has...Hail the King baby! PHEONIX!
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  2. Saber15

    At least the Phoenix does something like 900 damage to infantry and hits vehicles like a Decimater - while they're behind cover. I'm a Phoenix spawn room warrior on my NC dude.

    If the lock-on radius is as small as the Coyotes, it'll be completely ineffective if you're further than 50m out.
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  3. Zica96

    Well f*ck, if even one thing you just said is true, i'm going back to trolling TR as NC again, cause you know, 19 F*CKING SHOTS JUST TO TAKE DOWN A SHIELD, woah, those BR 1-10 are going to be pisseeeed (nice one Soe, nice one).
  4. sindz


    Needed change and nerf, lock-on's have no place in a game like this.
  5. Stigma

    I don't think it is unreasonable to expect though that the damage output of a weapon that has an effective range of perhaps a hundred meters - if that - should be a little better than a weapon that remains effective up to render range. There has to be some sort of tradeoff. Currently I'd guesstimate (I haven't timed and tested to be fair) that even the relatively subpar raw DPS of the lancer wins out pretty easily against the new striker as it stands.

    There has to be something else than forgiving aim at very close range against aircraft to make the massive range tradeoff make sense.

    I'm not really arguing specifically against the lancer here to be clear. It won't make sense to use this as-is versus any of the other common alternatives either...

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  6. Pootisman

    8 rounds to drop infantry? What. A explosive rocket does less damage than a pistol bullet? What are the devs smoking?

    What if the target has max flak armor? Do you need 16 rockets to kill it?
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  7. patrykK1028

    15 rounds to drop ESF - Normal lock on needs 3 shots, Striker has 5 (or 6?) shots in mag so its the same
    19 to break a shield - I dont know what you mean by "shield"
    8 to drop infantry - RLs were nerfed in AI, they need 2 splash hits now. And ESRLs need 2 direct hits, Striker with 8 needs less than 2 mags
    I dont see any problem here
    Also, you will have COYOTE MECHANICS, so it will be just better lock-on
  8. Stigma

    Flak armor resist heavy... you probably aren't carrying enough ammo to kill one lol.

    Seriously though we don't want it to be an anti-infantry weapon, nor a doorway spam-tool, so making it ineffective at shooting infantry and have low splash makes sense. Still ... 8 shots seems a little excessive. If you made it 4 then it would still be so supremely impractical to kill an infantryman with that nobody would willingly try it.

    I don't really care how ineffective it is at killing targets it's not designed to kill though - as long as it is effective at doing that it is supposed to do.

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  9. MorganM

    Ya cuz that totally happens.

    People can do that right now with the Striker or ANY lock-on... but they don't. Too busy spamming Prowlers I guess.
  10. MorganM

    How is that better in any way? You obviously have never used coyotes. They are a close range weapon. The way the Striker is changing is from a nice long range weapon to a close range weapon. Close as in... might as well pull a dumbfire and kill that ESF in ONE hit instead of 15. Nobody is going to hover there and eat FIVE ROCKETS let alone 15. As it is right now almost every pilot takes ANY damage and they bug out. You simply will not hit moving targets at medium or long range. You'll land a shot here and there but minimal damage. Might as well pull virtually any other anti vehicle weapon as it will be more effective at medium to long range. 9

    Oh so you're comparing an entire magazine to a single rocket. Neat. By the time you land your first 5 rockets your target is gone. They aren't going to sit there and eat 10...15... whatever amount.

    He means deploy shield. I'm beginning to think you haven't the experience to make any credible argument.
  11. MorganM

    Can we please stop arguing about it's effectiveness against infantry? Who gives a Higby?! Every other dumbfire is better and that's not the freak'n point.

    Currently the Striker is a good long range weapon if you have a clear field of view on your targets. When you have the ability to land all 5 rockets it's superior to other lock-ons. That's it's current niche vs. vehicles. It kinda sucks because that's not a situation which comes up often. Any other situation and every other lock-on is a better choice. However at least I use it sometimes when it's most effective.

    They are completely inverting the mechanics so that the new Striker will be a close range weapon. Currently where every other lock-on is superior. Also at close range you have the option of pulling a dumbfire for even greater damage. Given how coyotes work on ESFs; you must be in close to have a chance at landing the most shots. Based on how they work it's pretty much a given you're going to miss some or most rockets at medium to long distance on moving targets. So now at long range every other lock-on will be superior.

    I would rather they leave it as is then change it to a close range weapon.
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  12. MorganM

    Yeah and every other lock-on will actually hit your moving target. Try using coyotes on your ESF at medium to long distance on moving targets. It sucks; you miss most of your shots. Same will be true for the new Striker plus the damn rockets will run into trees and other crap unlike in the air where ESFs largely have no obstructions between eachother.
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  13. Metallic123

    Farewell hopes of the kraken
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  14. MorganM

    Yeah it's like they said "lets make it like coyotes, give it a bunch of disadvantages, and call it a day. Thats what they wanted right?"
  15. Pondera

    *reads forum thread again* ...... goddamnit, I need to stop pulling nights where I only get 4 hours of sleep a night.

    I thought that read LANCER. My mistake. Carry on.
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  16. MorganM

    My biggest worry is that they just go ahead with it. We all say it's total trash. Then they go through several iterations trying to polish a turd. The whole premise of it is the problem. In the end will still get an even worse Striker.
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  17. Leftconsin

    Don't compare such a simple stat like damage per magazine and act like it is the justification.
    He might mean the sunderer shield, which does eat a LOT of damage.
    You can't compare them like that. Think about the amount of time you need to be exposed to the enemy to fire off those 8 shots. With other launchers you can duck behind cover after shooting. With the Phoenix that time exposed is ZERO.
    No, it isn't. You have to lead the target dropping the effective range.
  18. Huishe

    Who cares about homing on aircraft with coyote-like mechanic? Lancer works in group because it's almost hitscan and hit from render range, with some damage, too. What is this striker going to do at render range? Miss, that's what. Unless we're shooting at stationary target, but hey, the only tank that needs to be bolted down to surface in order to work is our own tank. Oh and, yeah dropoff.

    In order for this striker to be useful in group, it needs to home on vehicles. Damage doesn't matter. Being able to actually use it does.
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  19. Matt879

    And remember guys! They opened up a PTS so we could ***** about every new thing that they want put in the game while it still has its unfinished PTS stats. Definitely not to test bugs, just so we could complain.
  20. Huishe

    Actually, yes. That's the whole point.