Emerald VS, and the lack of fights.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vertabrae, Sep 28, 2014.

  1. Beltway

    [IMG] <---taken 2 min ago.

    This is what I log into every night.

    Every night.


    Normally I could care less because it's more kills for me. However I often forget it's mainly mags and other vehicles and very little foot soldier combat. Even If I run into a few ground pounders it's often cut short by the legions of tanks behind them. So what do I do? Kill a few and redeploy.
  2. Xasapis

    That's odd. It's usually kind of hard to find Millerite Vanus willing to pull vehicles to counter enemy vehicle pushes. I'm a bit tired myself, besides, I need gunner directives and I can't find people to gun on their Magrider.
  3. InoxGecko

    I abandoned my TR on Miller and switched to Emerald NC...and here I thought KOTV zergs were annoying, fighting VS on emerald is just frustrating.
  4. Sir.Rip Yo Fezz Off

    Nah, i prefer the EU community, everyone's so chill. Mostly
  5. NC_agent00kevin

    This is literally exactly what I described to one of my friends when he logged on to his TR to play tonight.

    Ive pretty much quit playing my VS toon for now because its just not fun fighting a good even battle and having mass troops redeploy on it making it 66/34% or even 75/25%

    So I work on my TR dude now.
  6. LibertyRevolution

    Yep, that sure is what late night Emerald looks like..
    All the tryhards on the VS are logged in at 3am so they can be top of the leaderboards.
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  7. Xasapis

    Graph says Emerald TR lack the population, but NC and VS are very close.
  8. LibertyRevolution


    Right now there are 11 fewer VS online on emerald than the total pop of TR and NC combined.
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  9. Xasapis

    I was checking the following:

    Planetside 2 World Population Chart

    for the last week. NC & VS population seemed pretty similar, especially during prime time.
    (Switch graph to Emerald obviously ;))
  10. Vertabrae

    Not really making any claims. Mainly just repeating what some VS told me and was curious what other people thought is all.
  11. Devrailis

    Emerald NC has a pathological aversion to defending control points until it is far far too late. I don't know if this is a failing of its squad/outfit leaders or if the average NC is just off in spaceland while playing.

    The few times they get their act together, like when VCO drops 2 squads to camp every control point door, NC can hold territory as well as anyone else.

    But the rest of the time? Emerald VS wins a lot of fights because NC let's them.

    Man, you don't know what you are missing.
  12. Liberty


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  13. Diilicious

    as NC i find that fighting the VS to be a wholly unfun experience and wherever possible dont get involved with them.

    on Cobalt, VS seem to ghost cap or zerg cap most of the map while TR and NC fight each other in a corner somewhere because its the only place left where they can do so.

    normally if i cant fight TR on a continent i just move to one where i can.
  14. OminousZ

    Well, I can say this after almost 2 years with NC...I finally made the switch because I got tired of losing day after day after freakin day, especially after the server merge. This was not an easy decision because of all the time, effort, and money spent. Also, the cool people i have met. But, the VS does it right, they out number almost every fight which is how it's done....simple as that. You win in numbers. The problem I had with the NC was lack of coordination and this is where the VS excel. They attack with air and ground, while the NC run around with their hands cut off. This is hard for me to even acknowledge because i have been a loyal NC soldier since the beta, but too many NC players screw around and don't listen to orders or understand the fact that you cannot fight air and ground with just infantry, and after leading many squads and platoons, i just grew tired. And I can say without a doubt...it's has nothing to do with the weapons. Although, some VS weapons are nice, the NC weapons are some of the best..i do miss them.
  15. Flag

  16. Scorponok

    im personally tired of the Splash sounds from VS weapons...since PPA is so heavy used its all hear...i get a freakin headacke being around fights were VS is...so i just leave the area and go fight TR instead.So thats one of my reason's for avoiding VS more and more.
  17. Yuukikun

    - It's not every time, and if 4 platoons spawned there, that means they're not somewhere else, which means pushing 2-3 lanes
    at the same time counters this strategy.

    - The PPA spam is real though

    - Fighting the VS can be fun, especially once you find one without PPAs everywhere. Outside of DA and AC, they are the worst faction skill wise (on emerald)

    - During about a week after the merge, the incredible NC overpop from Waterson was also making Emerald have NC overpop. The bads from Waterson just went VS because VS was winning alerts against NC even though they had 40+ % pops.
  18. NightEngine

    Good or bad has nothing to do with numbers. And numbers have nothing to do with 'learning how to play'.

    Take your petulant attitude elsewhere, please.

    The trend is thus during alerts: the VS attack a base and if they don't make headway into said base, they redeploy elsewhere (which is smart, don't get me wrong), unless it's a vital location worth fighting over (in which case it will be overrun hard). The NC and TR then have to chase the constant VS redeployment until they get sick of it and either switch continents or resign to fighting eachother.

    Whack-a-mole in PS2 is not fun and since so many VS outfits specialize in redeployment - and actually have coordination and leadership - then NC and TR are likely to just give up. The VS that attest to reduced cert gain because there are no big fights bring it on themselves for being so quick to redeploy. Sure, it allows them to maintain initiative, but it also deprives them of the real brawls that NC and TR go looking for.

    In PS2, winning isn't always winning, at least not a personal level.
  19. Flag

    What about the Ravens? Do you ever get annoyed by those?
  20. Scorponok

    yes i do...i would not mind a change on them ive heard the phoenix its not that bad...but ravens with a tower full of those maxes annoys me as well playing as NC...hearing that screeching and the VS at the same time makes me just wanna logout lol...so i yea i would love to see a sound change on both of them or soften the sound up to be less such a annoyance like that.
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